I juts thought I'd share this with you guys..........I try to see the funny side but there is a serious flaw here.I went to my local Dialysis clinic yesterday for the first time. I had arranged to get some tissue type blood tests done so that I can go on the transplant list (all NHS practice here in the UK). Well All I can say is that its not for the faint hearted. Those people who are really scared of what is going to happen to them during dialysis and what ever treatment there is out there......not everyone one is brave or confident so anyway back to the story...........I opened the double door which said 'Renal Unit clinic J' and walked in I was astounded. The reception hall was dark with light linoleum on the floors, a few high backed Leather look plastic padded chairs in 2 rows facing each other, a small dark book case with a redundant music system on it. Books that were about 600 years old but look like they've never been touched. A fish tank in dark wood surround with a few sucker fish swimming around. One wall there was a notice board with the usual support details on it. The reception window was at least 4 foot square but there were so many signs on it the there was only a small hole to talk to the receptionist through. The wall were covered in a dark wall paper cloth effect completely adorned with numerous signs on .......... IN LOVING MEMORY OF ... there were dozens of them. Please don't get me wrong I know the consequences of CKD, ESRD and dialysis but was this necessary. the difference between here and a funeral parlour was that there weren't any samples of masonry to view.Some poor guy whose wife died 4 weeks before was returning some sharps to the unit and he was made to talk so loudly that the whole reception area could hear it.Please don't get me wrong here I'm trying to describe my experience and show some respect but really..............who wants to walk into a place like that for the first time with out being forewarned? especially those who are scared and apprehensive. It really doesn't inspire confidence here. I think that I need to give some feed back to the unit on this.What was/is your experience of your first visit? was it welcoming or do you feel that you opened the door to the last floor? I'd be interested to hearMany thanks with respectyours Shaymon