These premixed whey protein drinks are very common in hospitals and clinics, together with Suplena, which has half the protein. I don't really know what Abbott, the maker of Nepro, means by "Carb Steady", it is just high in calories—1.8 Cal/mL, and it stays around quite a while. If you are diabetic, watch out, and even if you are not, watch out. The carbohydrates are from maltodextrin - basically digested corn starch.If you would like an alternative, try a high quality powder whey protein isolate (very little carb, about 2g per 35 g serving), blend it with 8 to 10 pieces of chopped celery and/or a piece of fruit, add one to two teaspoon of light cooking oil (we like grape seed oil) with 2 to 4 oz of water or light juice. I think Zach may have good recipes on whey protein shakes and ice creams as well.Personally, I don't like any of these shelf stabilized liquid protein drinks with high carbs. Even a small amount gives me a headache which could be due to the high carbs or some added stabilizer.