I am confused, again. I can't find PTH on my path reports. What is it?
Quote from: galvo on April 28, 2010, 05:12:03 PMI am confused, again. I can't find PTH on my path reports. What is it?PTH measures your parathyroid hormone production. It's not a regular test that is run but is something your neph should definitely be keeping track of. Usually my unit does it every 3 months as a matter of course, but I usually get mine done more often. If you're concerned why not ask your neph or unit what your latest PTH was.High PTH basically means that more Phos and Calcium are being sucked out of your bones, which down the track can lead to brittle bones, easy fratures, breaks etc.. and this is bad. So, to lower the PTH the usual course is either the operation to remove the parathyroid glands that up the PTH, or meds like Sensipar, which also lower it. Obviously taking a pill is a lot easier than having your throat cut