Woman Inspired To Give Kidney Away To Stranger After Seeing News Story About Starbucks' BaristaQ13 Fox Online Staff
Web Reporter
1:47 PM CDT, April 5, 2010
A local woman says she was inspired to give her kidney away after seeing a news story about a Starbucks' barista. "I was at home alone and I said, out loud in a prayer, Lord I'd give a kidney away," says Laurie Sobocinski.
It was at that moment two years ago when she decided to change the life of a stranger. Sobincinski says she saw the story about a barista who had donanted her kidney to a customer.
After she prayed, a friend her at work and said her son-in-law needed a kidney.
Sobocinski knew it wasn't a coincidence "I almost laughed and said are you kidding me?" Then, without hesitation, she volunteered to help the stranger, Ryan Campbell.
"It was great, you can't get better news than that, she's saving my life" Campbell explained. "I just hope my body is as grateful, as I am and doesn't reject it, 'cause that would kill me" he explained.
Campbell was an airline pilot until he had to put his life on hold because of kidney problems. "He just said you're not safe to fly," said Campbell, "you have to go on dialysis."
Campbell had other people willing to donate but they were not able to. The surgery is set for Wednesday at the University of Washington Medical Center.
As a token of their support, Sobocinski's friends nominated her for a day of beauty in February, and she got her hair, makeup, and nails worked on as part of a donation by the Christy Carner Salon in Fremont.
Just as she was inspired by another story of sacrifice, Sobocinski and Campbell hope their story will trigger another donor to step forward and give the ultimate gift, even if it means saving the life of stranger.