It seems at my center they are always taking blood for some reason or another. Hematocrit, Potassium, phosphorous. I call them vampires!
They do major bloodwork once a month, then in the middle of the month they do some sort of partial blood work; potassium, Phosphorus and something else, and every January, they do some sort of super blood work and they test for cholestoral, Some sort of super blood sugar test and some other stuff. Thay be testin' my blood jus all over the place. I don't know if they over test or if they test just enough. BUT! my numbers are good. For the most part I seem healthy (except for that little episode last week. Every time the tests come back the dietitian comes and talks to me, which is a real hi-light because she's not only pretty but she's real encouraging. The one before was a real bitch.