The NKF's "People Like Us" Coffee House Conversations is a series of free monthly telephone calls on various topics. The next call is:
"Get Ready for an Emergency" You are invited to participate in an interactive conference call tailored to people with chronic kidney disease, transplants and dialysis about how best to prepare for the upcoming flu season and H1N1 virus, disasters such as hurricanes and other catastrophic events. There will be information for the general population as well - so everyone is welcome to attend!
Tuesday, September 15
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Eastern Time
(4:00 PM Pacific Time / 6:00 PM Central Time)
To join the call, dial toll-free: 888-603-9220
Pass code: KIDNEY
Registration is required. Please complete the online registration, or the attached registration form and fax it to Marilyn Jones at (212) 689-9261, or mail it to:
The National Kidney Foundation
30 E. 33rd Street
New York, NY 10016
Attn: Marilyn Jones
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