Hemo day today
Ive written before about fluid overload , but machine says NO. So i ask the nurse whats going on ? (im nosey like that !) Oh we have alsorts in store for you today he says, including 5 hours on the machine !! It seems that my symptoms are also a sign of low hemoglobin , breathlessness because the body hasnt enough blood in it to carry oxygen around it and fluid signs on the body because its not being carried away by the blood for dialysis , instead its just sitting in the tissue , hence machine says NO. Sooooooooooo what do they do to me today , 5 hours of dialysis
a blood transfusion , iron and aransep (epo)
wow they dont hang about at that place ! My HB was 6
. Home now with the usual stinking headache , washed out and ready for my bed ! . Oh also starving hungry ..does anyone else get really hungry ?