Alright so...a couple of years ago, I was actually led to the forums via this topic from Googling something along the lines of "sex drive and dialysis". I remember being humored by some of the posts, saddened by others and feeling a little more knowledgeable about the topic as a whole. I wish I had joined up then but...I won't go into my reasons for procrastinating in this thread. Sometimes I would come back and stalk. xDSex and dialysis has been a major issue for me. The psychological effect that having a 2 foot long tube hanging out of my stomach had on me was pretty devastating. I was 29 and had never experienced body issues before. I remember looking in the mirror at it for the first time naked after it had healed for about a week..thinking well, it's no so bad. It could be worse. And then it did get worse when they added another foot of the extension onto it. I recall asking the nurse with a little nervous laugh, "This comes off after my treatment is over, right?" I finally was well-enough to get back into a somewhat normal routine, I started dating again. I had lost all the swelling in my face and stomach and was able to fit into my jeans again. My first adventure in dating as a dialysis patient was with a really great girl (yes, I've dated men and women and don't have a preference. down boys.) she accepted me for who I was but had some issues of her own which made her very self-absorbed and was never really interested in mine. We only had sex once but I was so worried about my catheter getting in the way that I couldn't focus. I don't wear the PD belt. It's clunky, uncomfortable and shows beneath anything I wear and is really not something I want even touching my own body during sex especially. Just my dressing to cover the exit site and a bit of micropore tape to anchor it to the inside of my hip. The length itself simply runs down the side of my leg and I don't really notice it unless I roll onto that side in bed or it's flopping around with nowhere logical to hide during sex. I WAS working on a skin colored "slip" like a tube top for the waist that is made out of a barely noticeable material like panty hose nylon to cover it up discreetly and keep it safe. But other things got in the way and my inspiration retreated. I was briefly with a man who was great in the sack. Attractive, nice body, interested in learning about my ESRD. It was difficult to keep up with his energy but I somehow managed. He asked me questions about my catheter to make sure nothing would get injured. Took it easy when I needed. I would get a little winded, but not too much. He said the catheter or its appearance didn't bother him at all so that was a slight comfort. We didn't work out because it turns out he was hell bent on getting married and having kids...not something that's on my radar at all. Another guy who I had on-off relationship with in the past was going through some health stuff and we got close again. I will tell you, even if you are not a kinky person in the bedroom...having your partner blind-folded does wonders for the problem of catheter/fistula-anxiety. And..I don't want to get into too much detail, but due to medications possibly, dryness can be an issue. There is absolutely nothing wrong with using a little (or a lot) of water-based lube (don't use silicone). Incorporate it into foreplay so you aren't fumbling for it later. Another thing I'd noticed after about a year that was really bothering me, was odor. I started realizing that since I still make some urine, the odor would just er..cling to the moss and what little urine output I do have tends to be very strong smelling now from all the meds so simply wiping with dry TP wouldn't get rid of it. OBG found nothing wrong. I tried some moist wipes for a while, but the fragrance ingredient was causing irritation. I don't know if anyone else has had this issue but the solution for me was to just mow the grass and sometimes do a quick pat with witch hazel. LoL, I hope that wasn't too graphic. My first neph was squeamish about my lady-issues, especially at the detail with which I would present them because dammit I wanted them fixed.My drive gradually began to decline though, to the point where I didn't even think about sex anymore unless I'm feeling remiss about not having it. I think it was part physical and part depression. My current partner who I have been with for quite a while is a trooper. She's very patient and generally doesn't pressure me. But I feel guilty often because I know that she has a normal libido and misses being intimate. My catheter doesn't bother her either though and I know when I'm ready again body issues will be minimal.Guess I wanted to share my personal experiences in hope that it could help someone afraid to ask. Because I sure as heck am not afraid to tell it (with my red face hidden behind a screen that is) And this coming from the realist often mistaken for a pessimist: There are still compassionate individuals out there and people do have a way of finding each other even if it takes some time. Hell, I bet somewhere out there is a person with a total fetish for fistulas or stomach tails. "Just let me give it one push..just one little squish, please?" Ha. I would pee myself with envy for the person who caught that one. Sex doesn't have to be totally off the table (i used to find it more comfortable ON the table actually...har har, i know, throw tomatoes) It just needs a little biit more strategy at times. Now for the folks here discussing tales of sex WHILE in the MIDDLE of their hemo treatment AT the clinic...that is some hardcore kink right there. If you can manage that...well, goes to show there IS something for everyone. I've taken my ambien for the evening so I am getting out of here before I start going off on some really bizarre stuff. Cheers!!
Do you ever feel you've loss sex appeal (assuming you had it in the first place) because of being on dialysis? How do you deal with body image issues such as fistulas, dry skin, distended stomachs (if you dialyse over night) when trying to appeal to the opposite sex?