I work at an elementary school that does not have air conditioning. About three years ago after being tired of my ankles swelling like crazy in the hot classroom I got a doctor's note requesting that they provide me with an air conditioner as the heat makes my condition worse. So the district had to provide me with an air conditioner. Since we couldn't get a window AC unit as it didn't fit, they had to buy this HUGE unit that cost a LOT of money. But they did it and now I'm so happy to be in my little classroom with my air. Many of the other teachers will pop in from time to time to cool off.Some teachers were very jealous but I told them anytime they wanted to switch, they could have my air AND my kidney disease. No one has taken up on that offer as of yet.
Funny how they will not trade paces with us.
Yup yup.. I had a teacher that complained I left early three days a week and didn't have to do much of bus duty - even though I stayed every day I could and was the last person to leave bus duty on the days I could stay. She said it must be nice to sit in a chair while we do bus duty. I told her I'd rather do bus duty every single day of my life then to have to sit in a chair for 4-5 hours, 3 days a week! The nerve of some people!