I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions) => Topic started by: kellyt on November 04, 2007, 09:12:45 AM

Title: ok, I'm just going to ask it...
Post by: kellyt on November 04, 2007, 09:12:45 AM
Can I safely take a glycerin suppository?  I took some stool softener yesterday afternoon, but have had no "response" as of yet.  I think the vicodin I've been taking since my surgery on Wednesday has done a number on me.  Either that or it's whatever they used to block my entire left arm!

Help~   :-\
Title: Re: ok, I'm just going to ask it...
Post by: Aldente on November 04, 2007, 09:44:19 AM
I had a similar problem after surgery and taking vicodin.  I was always told to start where it comes out, not where it goes in if you want quick results.  If you are bound up it could take days for stool softeners to work if they work at all.  Even though I believe that glycerin suppositories work faster it still may take two days to get results.  At least that has been my experience.
Title: Re: ok, I'm just going to ask it...
Post by: kellyt on November 04, 2007, 11:36:09 AM
Thanks.  I just know that I can't take laxatives.  I've taken them before, even the ones that are supposed to be more gentle, and I end up passing out.  I think they drop my BP.  I just didn't know if suppositories were safe in that respect.

Thanks again!
Title: Re: ok, I'm just going to ask it...
Post by: goofynina on November 04, 2007, 02:41:53 PM
Kellyt, i know i have said this many times before but you being new, maybe you missed it ;)  I drink warm (almost hot) prune juice (about 8 oz.) and then i chase it down with some cool water to get it to "activate" a little quicker, that usually helps me within an hour or two.  Good Luck.  :P
Title: Re: ok, I'm just going to ask it...
Post by: kellyt on November 04, 2007, 04:52:12 PM
Thanks Goofinina.  I tried it!  However, I didn't drink 8 oz.  Maybe closer to 1/4 of a cup.  Horrible!  yuk!  Didn't help though.  I probably didn't drink enough.  I've tried coffee, stool softener, even ate a ton of grapes.  So I finally called the on-call service at my doctor's office and he said that the suppository would be fine.  So I tried that.  It seemed to help a little.  I just wish the vascular surgeon would have prepared me for this!   I really appreciate you two for answering this extremely personal post!    :-\
Title: Re: ok, I'm just going to ask it...
Post by: Rerun on November 04, 2007, 09:31:29 PM
There is a tea sold in most stores called "Smooth Move".  Works overnight.  Don't go anywhere in the morning!  Holy Shit.... is an understatement!


Best of luck!
Title: Re: ok, I'm just going to ask it...
Post by: KR Cincy on November 05, 2007, 05:54:43 AM
Freakin' suppositories...what a pain in the...........................
never mind...................

Title: Re: ok, I'm just going to ask it...
Post by: Duane on November 25, 2007, 06:24:26 AM
cabbage, spinage, green leafy veggies cooked, helps for me. i've cut out processed foods and don't eat that much meat anymore. lots of fiber and ruffage. when i eat meat like steak, or any beef it's always early in the day and when i do always include more ruffage than meat. then in the morning a good cup of joe with creme does the job for me. i get a movement every morning like clock work.

i don't like it when it's really hard and wants to just sit at the tip of my butt, i want it to flow right out of me. so i found that certain foods allow me to have a better movement and that's what i stick to.
Title: Re: ok, I'm just going to ask it...
Post by: kellyt on November 25, 2007, 12:26:34 PM
Thanks.  I'll try to incorporate more of those foods in my daily diet.

However, since I quit taking my pain killers (vicodine/hydrocodone) I have apparently "switched teams".  Now we have a whole other problem!   ;D  lol!  Actually, I'm getting back to normal.  It's been a crazy couple of weeks!   :o
Title: Re: ok, I'm just going to ask it...
Post by: goofynina on November 25, 2007, 03:50:41 PM
Yes, that is definetly one of the downfalls of pain killers, they back up the plumbing  >:(  :thumbdown;  Glad things are moving now ;)  :thumbup;