I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: karen547 on September 05, 2007, 06:03:09 AM

Title: Does anyone here take KEPPRA?
Post by: karen547 on September 05, 2007, 06:03:09 AM
I was just wondering if anybody has problems with seizures ? I don't have epilepsy but sometimes on dialysis I get seizures or at least thats what the clinic says happens, but now since I've been on IHD I think it could just be my drop in blood pressure ? Well any replies would be great! THANKS
Title: Re: Does anyone here take KEPPRA?
Post by: Roxy on September 05, 2007, 04:08:44 PM
I didn't have seizures when I was on dialysis, but what do you go through that the clinic labels it a "seizure"?
Title: Re: Does anyone here take KEPPRA?
Post by: karen547 on September 05, 2007, 04:57:24 PM
I will start shaking and lose consciousness, and i get veryyyyyyy hot and it's scary shit
Title: Re: Does anyone here take KEPPRA?
Post by: thegrammalady on September 05, 2007, 06:12:10 PM
you should see a neurologist. there is no one at the dialysis center qualified to diagnosis seizures. anyone can have a seizure. having more than one seizure is considered epilepsy and needs to be confirmed by an eeg. there are over 100 different types of seizures. seizures have sets and sub sets and many many causes. find out for sure. keppra is a seizure medication.
Title: Re: Does anyone here take KEPPRA?
Post by: angela515 on September 05, 2007, 06:19:10 PM
That don't sound like a seizure to me, it sounds like a drop in blood pressure. However I would see a neurologist and let him make that decision.

I have seizures due to very high uncontrollable blood pressure when I am first going through kidney failure.. it's how I know my kidneys were failing at first when my Lupus was active, and its how I found out my last transplant was failing. I haven't had one since Jan 2004, like I said, it's only due to high uncontrolled blood pressure. Good luck.
Title: Re: Does anyone here take KEPPRA?
Post by: Roxy on September 05, 2007, 07:00:06 PM
Angela and thegrammalady are right, you should see a neurologist. The last thing you want to be doing is taking a medication you don't need or missing a medication or something that might help you that you do need.
Title: Re: Does anyone here take KEPPRA?
Post by: karen547 on September 06, 2007, 05:26:46 AM
I did have an EEG and because of the fact that I have a shunt , I have a focus on the right side of my brain. I will be seeing a neurologist in October as well, but the EEG didn't show signs of epilepsy.
Title: Re: Does anyone here take KEPPRA?
Post by: paddbear0000 on September 06, 2007, 11:26:42 AM
I have seizures due to very high uncontrollable blood pressure when I am first going through kidney failure..

A question for Angela...Sorry to go a bit off topic, but I was wondering what your highest blood pressure was that you can remember. About a month ago, mine was 207/117 after taking some decongestant (I know that was bad, but I couldn't take the stuffiness anymore!). The only affect I felt was a little shakiness. When I told my doc, he didn't seem all that concerned!
Now I'm afraid I may start having seizures!

Title: Re: Does anyone here take KEPPRA?
Post by: thegrammalady on September 06, 2007, 11:46:07 AM
I did have an EEG and because of the fact that I have a shunt , I have a focus on the right side of my brain. I will be seeing a neurologist in October as well, but the EEG didn't show signs of epilepsy.

if you have had a seizure the eeg should show something. who prescribed the keppra. and if the eeg was negative why did they think the keppra was necessary. medications that control seizures are sometimes prescribed for other reasons.
Title: Re: Does anyone here take KEPPRA?
Post by: aharris2 on September 08, 2007, 06:35:55 AM
I was just wondering if anybody has problems with seizures ? I don't have epilepsy but sometimes on dialysis I get seizures or at least thats what the clinic says happens, but now since I've been on IHD I think it could just be my drop in blood pressure ? Well any replies would be great! THANKS

I have seen crashing blood pressure at dialysis cause a seizure (stiff as a board, hands quivering, jaw locked, tongue bitten) in Rolando. He, also, does not have epilepsy. His neurologist said that a person has to be predisposed to seizures for such an event to cause a seizure.