I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions) => Topic started by: MyssAnne on August 10, 2007, 10:24:46 AM

Title: Bruising?
Post by: MyssAnne on August 10, 2007, 10:24:46 AM
  I've noticed lately I'm bruising, and keeping the bruises. I had an iron infusion about two months ago, I still have the discoloration. I had a blood draw yesterday, a bruise popped up today, and another one next to it. What's going on? Why am I bruising, AND keeping the discoloration?
I'm a CCPD patient, if that helps.  I do take my epogen weekly. 
Title: Re: Bruising?
Post by: sophiasmom on August 10, 2007, 07:41:21 PM

I too keep the brown discoloration from bruises.   I have no idea why it stays such a long time.  It's been happening
to me for a very long time now.  I asked my primary a long time ago and she couldn't really explain it either.

I have bruises from several months ago and still the marks remain.  It's terrible.

Title: Re: Bruising?
Post by: MyssAnne on August 11, 2007, 04:54:13 AM
So that's one pd and one hemo. Anyone else have this problem? Ideas why it is happening?
Title: Re: Bruising?
Post by: MiSSis on August 11, 2007, 07:33:01 AM
I'm on CCPD and also have been having this problem for some time.  Mainly it's on the fronts of my legs, in the shin area.  Yes, I'm a klutz and prone to bumping into things but this is ridiculous.  Although they don't hurt, my shins look like one big bruise all the time.  People stare and have made comments about it so I usually don't wear shorts out in public anymore.  It's just easier that way.  Anyway, I've asked my GP on several occasions about this and he seems to think it's due to poor kidney function and poor circulation.  I asked for a recommendation to a Dermatologist to have it checked out but he thought it'd be a waste of time since he feels nothing can be done.  It's not harmful, just ugly.  I'm still looking for an answer though so I'm hoping maybe someone else has tried something that works.
Title: Re: Bruising?
Post by: Wattle on August 11, 2007, 04:59:55 PM

Another bruised PD patient here   :urcrazy; Some fade leaving a brown "birth mark" like appearance.
Title: Re: Bruising?
Post by: angela515 on August 11, 2007, 08:43:16 PM
I can't really help ya, cause I bruise from Lupus... so started way before dialysis. I do know though that I did notice people at the clinic bruised alot.
Title: Re: Bruising?
Post by: goofynina on August 14, 2007, 06:16:57 PM

I too keep the brown discoloration from bruises.   I have no idea why it stays such a long time.  It's been happening
to me for a very long time now.  I asked my primary a long time ago and she couldn't really explain it either.

I have bruises from several months ago and still the marks remain.  It's terrible.


I mainly have them on my stomach where i give myself my epo shots and if/when i bruise doing them  :urcrazy;
Title: Re: Bruising?
Post by: jbeany on August 14, 2007, 08:22:39 PM
As the saying around here goes - "Jbeany bruises if you point at her."  It's not about hemo vs pd - I've been that way for years, long before I started dialysis.  It's more to do with the anemia and the epo we take, I think, since I've noticed the change since I started on procrit a decade ago.
Title: Re: Bruising?
Post by: MyssAnne on August 15, 2007, 05:54:27 AM
I've noticed that, too, that where I give myself the epo shots, there is bruising. You'd think with all that iron we would be like Popeye!
Title: Re: Bruising?
Post by: Duane on November 25, 2007, 06:14:59 AM
time for a fistula.
Title: Re: Bruising?
Post by: lola on November 25, 2007, 06:42:17 AM
Dani was the same way when her counts were off. I just looked at her wrong and she would have a couple new bruises. This sumer a man made a comment at Bryce's football game about never seeing so many bruises on a child, like I was hitting her or something so I told him she's anemic and in ckd was there anything else he'd like to know :sarcasm; :boxing;
Title: Re: Bruising?
Post by: kellyt on November 25, 2007, 12:31:25 PM
I seem to just wake-up with bruises on my arms.  Currently, it's my right arm that has a lot of little bruises.  I read somewhere that if you soak a cottonball in white vinegar and hold it on the bruise for 30 minutes it will help reduce the coloration of bruises.  I tried this once but didn't make it 30 minutes.  I should have taped it on or something - I kept dropping the cottonball and my other arm was getting tired!   :P