I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: KICKSTART on June 22, 2007, 01:14:53 AM

Title: I got up this morning with ....
Post by: KICKSTART on June 22, 2007, 01:14:53 AM
GOUT !  Ooooo the pain ! Went to bed fine , then sometime in the middle of the night the pain started and kept me awake for the rest of the night. Got up (or tried to) and ended up on the floor! Its in my left knee and i cant put any weight on my leg. Rang my GP and now have to sit here for 3 hours in agony for a phone call from him to see if he is going to come out and give me something for it ! Great ! As i am on my own i am having to improvise to get around and the only thing i have to lean on is a sweeping brush! Which is working well untill my dog decides its a great game to play tug of war with it! She's nearly had me off my feet 3 times!  :rofl;  Oh well can today get any worse ? Hope your day is better then mine!!
Title: Re: I got up this morning with ....
Post by: Joe Paul on June 22, 2007, 01:43:34 AM
Sorry to hear about your pain. Hope as the day goes on, it will get better!
Title: Re: I got up this morning with ....
Post by: Lucinda on June 22, 2007, 01:59:02 AM
Hey Darling,

I hope you got something for it, there is absolutely no worse pain really.  I still remember the day I woke up and had it in both feet.  It is the only time I have really cried with pain and I remember clearly walking down the stairs on my backside to get some voltaren which is a total no-no with kidney failure but I couldn't have cared less.  I really, really sympathise.  Have you had it before.  You should try and go on daily drugs to stop you getting another attack.  Not sure if you Zyloprim over there but I am just about to start taking it but you can't take it while you have an attack of gout.  Ask for Colgout.....that seems to work for most people with an acute attack.  Ask you Doc to bring some crutches with him so you can get around.  Take care. xxxxx
Title: Re: I got up this morning with ....
Post by: KICKSTART on June 22, 2007, 03:00:24 AM
Thanks guys , i did have it once about 6 yrs ago , thats why i think its the same thing ..the pain. As for crutches , yes i could do with some ! but i doubt our doctors are that bothered how you get around!
Title: Re: I got up this morning with ....
Post by: Sluff on June 22, 2007, 03:50:44 AM
I used to get gout in my big toe all the time, I know the pain. Sorry you have to tolerate this today, the pills they gave me usually took it away by night fall. Good Luck  :grouphug;
Title: Re: I got up this morning with ....
Post by: KICKSTART on June 22, 2007, 04:24:13 AM
Great 4 hours later and i still cant get to speak to a doctor!!! Have asked for a home visit seeing i cant walk and have no one here with me , they might turn up at midnight at this rate , then its still going to be a waste of time as i cant go and get anything they prescribe . I have explained this to the receptionist but no-one seems to able to grasp the fact i cant walk about right now!!!
Title: Re: I got up this morning with ....
Post by: tamara on June 22, 2007, 05:41:25 AM
Hope they have turned up by now...................

Bloody Gout is the worst. I remember when I used to get it so bad I was dragging myself on the flloor to go to the toilet, until a friend of mine , a tradesman, found a pair of crutches on a site, thought of me instantly. Still have them but havent had gout since I started nocturnal.

Take Care, hope they get the pain meds into you quick!

Tamara xxx ooo  :cuddle;

Title: Re: I got up this morning with ....
Post by: Hawkeye on June 22, 2007, 06:17:45 AM
What is gout?  I've heard of it before, but don't know what it is or how it feels.
Title: UPDATE on the pain !
Post by: KICKSTART on June 22, 2007, 06:34:15 AM
Thought i got up with GOUT this morning ..well doc's just been ..noooo its not gout , although the pain is just as bad , its an infected bursar ???? She has just described what that is to me and its like a soft 'pad' that covers and protects your knee joint , hence the intense pain i am in ! Any way left me a load of meds , that should hopefully ease the pain in the next 24 hrs. How did i get it infected ? I asked , it seems it can just happen , so next time you have a pain like gout in your knee area , it might be that!!!
Title: Re: UPDATE on the pain !
Post by: goofynina on June 22, 2007, 12:47:31 PM
When i was on hemo i remember a horrible pain that would come in my knee, it was excruciating and it lasted 1 maybe 2 hours at a time, but (knock on wood) i havent had it since being on PD,  thanks for the info Kickstart,  :thx;

EDITED:  Merged with post started by Kickstart - Goofynina/Admin.
Title: Re: I got up this morning with ....
Post by: Chicken Little on June 22, 2007, 02:03:01 PM
The doctor didn't call it Bursitis?  A Bursa is a little fluid filled sack that separates the bone from the tissue and tendons and makes movement of the joint easier.  They are in your knees and shoulders and I think your hips too.

The antibiotics should help a lot.  I got it really bad in my shoulder a couple years ago.  I could move my arm at all.  It's no fun. 

Take care.