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Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: George Jung on June 11, 2007, 06:04:28 PM

Title: "Hell's Kitchen"
Post by: George Jung on June 11, 2007, 06:04:28 PM
There is a guy on the show, "Hell's Kitchen" that has a kidney disease from childhood. 
Personally I dislike the show but I am interested about Eddie (his name, obviously).  If you guys watch this or know anything about him, I am wanting to get the skinny on this guy. 

side note - there is an episode coming on right now, 9pm EST

what do you guys think?
Title: Re: "Hell's Kitchen"
Post by: st789 on June 11, 2007, 06:14:31 PM
I saw several promotions last year on the show.  The main chief is a nut dude.  He creams and curses at his subordinates.  He is too much.  He needs to mellow down.

Is the show still on Fox channel on the West Coast?  What is the name of the guy with kidney disease?  It looks like a very stressful work environment for him. 

Is there such jobs as stress free?  Probably not.
Title: Re: "Hell's Kitchen"
Post by: George Jung on June 11, 2007, 06:15:59 PM
I am interested about Eddie (his name, obviously). 
Title: Re: "Hell's Kitchen"
Post by: st789 on June 11, 2007, 06:30:30 PM
As I stated I saw the promos last year but I have not saw one single episode yet!
Title: Re: "Hell's Kitchen"
Post by: George Jung on June 11, 2007, 06:35:55 PM
What is the name of the guy with kidney disease? 

That is what I was responding to.  You asked what his name is, but it was in the post.
Title: Re: "Hell's Kitchen"
Post by: okarol on June 11, 2007, 06:58:11 PM
The Chef is Gordon Ramsey, Eddie was a contestant I think?
"Then comes Eddie, the self described chiwawa in a bulldog's body who's growth was stunted due to kidney disease."
 more info: http://realitytvcalendar.com/shows/hk3/recaps/ep01-8928-p1.html
and here http://realitytv.about.com/od/hellskitchen2/ig/Hell-s-Kitchen-3-Contestants/Eddie.htm
Title: Re: "Hell's Kitchen"
Post by: George Jung on June 11, 2007, 07:00:21 PM
So much for that!  Eddie is out.  
Well that's real encouraging.  Nice message to send out, don't you think!
Title: Re: "Hell's Kitchen"
Post by: keefer51 on June 11, 2007, 07:49:09 PM
George i watch the show. I was sad to see Eddie go they were crowding him and he got nervous. When they brought up his size i was surprised. I cooked for years in a restaurent and have met a few chefs like the one on the show. I have also met a couple of people with Eddies disease. I asked the nurses tonight but no on knew what it was. I would like to know why the Asian guy is still there.
Title: Re: "Hell's Kitchen"
Post by: George Jung on June 11, 2007, 08:02:27 PM
That "chef" is all about t.v. ratings.  I have worked for/with a couple of chefs with personalities that Ramsey's is based on but he is extreme.  I have known of chefs yelling and occasionally even throwing things, and ones that throw away your hard work.  Those are realities even if not very common.  Eddie was recognized for having a good palate and in my opinion that quality alone was enough to keep him for at least a little while.  Rock, I think his name is, defiantly should have voted for the retirement home chef to go home.  He was pathetic!  That was absolutely the last episode I will watch.
Title: Re: "Hell's Kitchen"
Post by: st789 on June 11, 2007, 11:14:21 PM
My bad George.  I missed out on reading his name (Eddie).
Title: Re: "Hell's Kitchen"
Post by: George Jung on June 11, 2007, 11:18:53 PM
No worries my friend. 8)
Title: Re: "Hell's Kitchen"
Post by: KICKSTART on June 12, 2007, 03:20:43 AM
Gordon Ramsey is english and has done a lot of cookery programmes over here. He is like that all the time , swearing , shouting and blowing a fuse ! He is heading for a heart attack soon if he doesnt chill! He is one of our top chefs .
Title: Re: "Hell's Kitchen"
Post by: George Jung on June 12, 2007, 09:28:34 AM
I think Gordon Ramsey is an ASS and I don't have any respect for him as a chef regardless of how good he might be.  Who wants to watch some guy fly off the handle all of the time?  As a professional cook myself I think I know what I am talking about and I think he (excuse my simplicity) SUCKS!  Passion does not translate into being a prick.
Title: Re: "Hell's Kitchen"
Post by: KICKSTART on June 12, 2007, 12:12:36 PM
No but it translates into high profile , tv shows, and lots and lots of money!
Title: Re: "Hell's Kitchen"
Post by: st789 on June 12, 2007, 02:51:19 PM
Bottom line profit $$$$$.  Sucks.
Title: Re: "Hell's Kitchen"
Post by: tubes on June 12, 2007, 03:45:51 PM
I watched both episodes last night.  I couldnt believe they didnt vote Aaron off.  He didnt do squat!  When the guys had to clean and skin all the fish, Aaron went and laid down for like 2 or 4 hrs...something like that.  He said he needed to lay down for 15 mins....hrs later.  The guy was always crying and putting himself down.  WTF, that would be someone I would vote off right away.  He's a big baby and he can't handle it. Aaron should be next to go, either him, Vinnie or Josh.  :twocents;
 I was very disappointed when they voted Eddie off.  That was complete and total BULL SHIT! ! ! He was actually trying, unlike Aaron. 


Eddie was recognized for having a good palate and in my opinion that quality alone was enough to keep him for at least a little while.

I remember that part.  It was after they made their signature dishes.  Eddie undercooked his, uh, I forget, but Josh made the same thing.  Ramsey called Josh up and had Josh tasted Eddies and Eddie tasted Josh.  Eddie said the vanilla cream or whatever it was Joshed used ruined it for him.  Thats when Gordon said Eddie had a sophisticated palate.
Sorry for so much detail, but I really like the show and have watched the past 2 seasons. I hate Ramsey but the show intrigues me.  I like it when someone has the "balls" to talk back to Ramsey.  Scares the crap outa me cuz you don't know what he is going to do to that person. :urcrazy;

I'm with Bonnie, "The guy makes me want to pee my pants".  LOL
Title: Re: "Hell's Kitchen"
Post by: kitkatz on June 12, 2007, 03:56:00 PM
I like the show and try not to miss it. Hubby cannot stand it! 

I think Gordon Ramsey is an absolute hoot. He wants things done right and wants them right the first time they come out!  Damn! I wish veryone did that!  Can you imagine me talking to my sixth graders like he does?  No, that is not right, do it again!  Oh my!

He lives in his own world, I guess.

Eddie had problems with the risotto dishes he cooked. They had too much pepper in them. He also allowed other people to interfere with his area:Helping him.  Hah!  Screwing him more like it.  He needed to go.  Kidney disease had nothing to do with the way he cooked. It was a minor detail in his life.
Title: Re: "Hell's Kitchen"
Post by: paris on June 12, 2007, 07:13:38 PM
When Aaron was deboning the fish at the tables, he was sweating like a pig. All I could think about was his sweat dripping onto the fish!   
Title: Re: "Hell's Kitchen"
Post by: George Jung on June 12, 2007, 08:02:26 PM
Kidney disease had EVERYTHING to do with him being voted off.  Didn't they remark about his "size"?  He was too small and didn't speak up loud enough if I'm not mistaken.  So his risotto wasn't up to standards.......Aaron wasn't even working.  If someone leaves the kitchen on the first day they might as well not return.  What a load of crap!
Title: Re: "Hell's Kitchen"
Post by: st789 on June 12, 2007, 08:11:02 PM
Size, Self-esteem, confident, and didn't speak up.

May be Eddie is good chief but could not handle the pressure and stress on T.V.
Title: Re: "Hell's Kitchen"
Post by: keefer51 on June 12, 2007, 08:12:50 PM
I think i would rather watch the galloping gourmet!
Title: Re: "Hell's Kitchen"
Post by: tubes on June 12, 2007, 08:50:29 PM
aaron couldnt handle the stress, he was freaking crying everytime they showed his face.  Damn! ! !
At least eddie tried.  aaron is a useless load. he should've been voted off.

Title: Re: "Hell's Kitchen"
Post by: st789 on June 12, 2007, 09:24:57 PM
Could it be that Eddie's chronic condtion; therefore, they discriminated him.  ADA.
Title: Re: "Hell's Kitchen"
Post by: jonn r on June 14, 2007, 06:26:48 AM
now as a chef......i will tell you this.....the show rocks....i love watching it....if he was to yell at me i would laugh so hard.....keep it comming
Title: Re: "Hell's Kitchen"
Post by: George Jung on June 14, 2007, 01:02:44 PM
You are a chef John?  Where did/do you work?  How were you trained?  What do you cook?  Restaurants are a passion of mine so I am curious as to what we have in common.  Take care - George
Title: Re: "Hell's Kitchen"
Post by: meadowlandsnj on June 17, 2007, 05:36:24 PM
You are a chef John?  Where did/do you work?  How were you trained?  What do you cook?  Restaurants are a passion of mine so I am curious as to what we have in common.  Take care - George

Ever watch FoodTV?  Iron Chef?  My cousin Danaree went out with a chef from the Food network for a while, Bobby Flay--it you watch his first two Iron Chef specials she's introduced as his girlfriend.  She went out with him a while then they broke up and he married he women from Law and Order.  I never met him but other family members told me he was a nice guy, down to earth. 
My family comes from a part of NYC they call Hells Kitchen so when I see Hells Kitchen I think of that. 

That Aaron guy should have gone home, he is a total waste of space on the show.  Crying and blubbering like a big whiny baby!   :rofl;  I like the show!  I like the one on Bravo TV also Top Chef.

Title: Re: "Hell's Kitchen"
Post by: angela515 on June 21, 2007, 09:32:17 PM
I love Hells Kitchen... Gordon Ramsey rocks.  :bandance;
Title: Re: "Hell's Kitchen"
Post by: angela515 on June 21, 2007, 09:34:01 PM
Could it be that Eddie's chronic condtion; therefore, they discriminated him.  ADA.

Uhm, no. Do you watch the show?