I Hate Dialysis Message Board
Introduction => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: astrobridge on February 12, 2023, 01:43:03 PM
Hi everyone! I am new to this site and new to dialysis as well. Does anyone have any advice or hacks on the Liberty cycler noise problem. It’s hard to sleep with the noise. And how do you deal with the awful drain AND fill pains? This is my first month on pd. Any advice would be appreciated!!
Hello astrobridge (most interesting name!) and welcome to IHD.
I do hope you get very soon answers to your special questions.
My own dialysis-years consisted of having "installed" a tunnelled chest-catheter-dialysis-access, which, with very careful handling (greatest cleanliness, no water near it whatsoever etc.) lasted me for four years without infection etc. (I daresay I was very lucky ...), until my transplant "came along", which, of course, has its own trials and tribulations ...
Unfortunately, I cannot be of any help concerning your Liberty cycler noise etc. But from my own dialysis-experience I know, that a kind and dialysis-friendly diet (in my case vegetarian) plus keeping as fit as is possible, creates, in my opinion, the very best chances.
I wish you the best of luck and please take great care, Kristina. :grouphug;
Welcome Astrobridge, I'm sorry I can't help as I was not on dialysis. I hope someone will jump in with some advice. I wanted to say welcome.
Hi astrobridge welcome to the site :welcomesign;
I also never used the Liberty, but I used to put a blanket over my Gambro to suppress the noise. I remember to lay on my side to reduce pain, and ask the nurse to put it on tidal (so your peritoneum is never empty, so no sucking) I hope you get some more tips. Tidal definitely helped me.
Good luck, Cas