I Hate Dialysis Message Board
Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: SweetyPie on August 14, 2018, 11:32:38 AM
Today dialysis sucked. I came in with only 1.1 gained and its the weekend. I was swollen because like I said before I have lost some weight. So I told the tech I would like to remove 2 kilos. Over the weekend I was short of breath because my weight wasn't adjusted yet. Right when I started dialysis I felt sick. Nausea and a headache. Also felt hot. I believe they were pulling too fast because I only removed .3 and felt this way. It was time for antibiotics and they gave me bendaryll and after I threw up last nights dinner. After doing so I went to sleep. When they pull too much these are the symptoms I feel. So I was confused because I know I lost some weight because of my symptoms. I'm in bed and feel sick. Who else knows why I felt like this today.
Sp mod Cas
I have no advice, just a friendly word of encouragement. Dialysis is hard and even harder when the clinic doesn't listen to you (they had my dry weight too low and it was causing cramps for me). I hope you feel better soon!
Hi Aaisha, I hope you feel better by now. And yes it could very well be that the UF rate was too high. If you think you carry akilo too much liquid, you don't want that much removed in 1 session. You'll have to spread it over a few sessions, and live with the extra liquid.
Good luck, Cas
If you feel hot, ask what your machine temperature is set at. I like mine at 36.3 Try that temperature and then if you feel hot got down to 36.0.
If you want to take off 2 Kilos then ask them to spread it out over your time. That should know that. Ask them what your rate per hour UF is. For 2 kilos it should be 500 per hour.
I hope you feel better. If you can't breathe you need to go to ER.
Thanks for the advice. I told them that i thought they were pulling too fast and they said yeah that could be the reason. So embarrassing throwing up in front of everyone. Everyone said i scared the nurse because i looked pale but ive been looking pale ever since i came back from the hospital. Must be the antibiotics.
I would not be embarrassed this is not a normal thing for the body to go through. If it makes you sick enough to Ralph it’s up to your caregivers to work out why. You are just along for the ride you really don control the ride. As someone who sailed for years the only other advise I can give is don’t Ralph into the wind. Other than that make sure your doctor knows what’s happening.
Don't be embarrassed. It really is a matter of trial and error before they find what works for you. Sometimes they guess right the first time, sometimes it takes adjustments. I know because it took some adjustments for me.
i thought they were pulling too fast
Maximum pull speed (UF) can be worked out thus:
Maximum liquid removed per hour (in litres) = your dry weight (in litres) divided by one hundred.
EG, if your dry weight is 96 litres, maximum pull per hour is 0.96 litres (960 ml, which is how the UF rate shows on most machines). This means in a four hour session the most they can take off is 0.96 X 4 = 3.84 litres. Although do note, that is if they start with a UF of 960. Some clinics start low and raise it. In that case you must take off less fluid as the UF rate should never go above one percent of the dry weight.
Although note that the calculations I posted above are for the maximum safe rate, some people cannot take the maximum and will need to take liquid off even more slowly.
The calculation says I can have a absurd amount of fluid removed 5.9 kilos. I have gone up to 4 kilos but I feel like hell when I did. My nephrologist freaked when he heard I was pulling 4 kilos. He restricted me to 3.5 with a fixed limit no how much I have gained.
The calculation says I can have a absurd amount of fluid removed 5.9 kilos.
Well....either that, or the calculation says you need to go on a diet. :)
Being serious though, I should have added "up to a maximum of one litre an hour". If your dry weight is over 100 KG then your maximum per hour is 1000 ml (1 litre).
And for those used to counting in kilos rather than litres, 1 kilogram = 1 litre, they are interchangeable (as one litre of water based liquids weighs one kilo).
Omg that is a hugeeee amount I dont know where I would be if i were removing that much. But like a few weeks ago i removed 3 kilos easily!! But now I cant. My techs also wont let me remove my desired amount despite me losing weight AND how short of breath o feel. So im here on a weekend swollen and short of breath not ablento drink much.