I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: racko on July 07, 2015, 11:22:56 AM

Title: How well do you people feel on your off day?
Post by: racko on July 07, 2015, 11:22:56 AM
My brother and one of my friends both went through dialysis. They felt terrible, no energy even on the off day.  How do you all feel?

Title: Re: How well do you people feel on your off day?
Post by: iolaire on July 07, 2015, 11:38:39 AM
I still have about 6% residual kidney function and have been on dialysis for a year and a half.  At this point I don't feel noticeably different but I worry/assume that will change with time (and decreased kidney function).  At this point in center is working well for me, but if I do start dragging on the off days I'll move to home dialysis.  I also assume that I'll have to seriously change my diet as that residual kidney function is letting me slide right now and not really change my diet/liquid intake.
Title: Re: How well do you people feel on your off day?
Post by: Michael Murphy on July 07, 2015, 12:07:56 PM
I too have enough kidney function that I have a easy time but occasionally after a four hour session I go home and nap for several hours.
Title: Re: How well do you people feel on your off day?
Post by: Vt Big Rig on July 07, 2015, 12:23:43 PM
Personally, I am on home hemo dialysis with a Next Stage and therefore have a session 5 days a week. But they are at home and I feel SO much better than my pre-dialysis days.

More energy, no breathing problems, off BP meds, more appetite. When I think if how "I hate dialysis", I remind myself how bad I felt.

I continue to hope I will feel this way as time goes by.
Title: Re: How well do you people feel on your off day?
Post by: cattlekid on July 07, 2015, 01:34:53 PM
I agree with VT.  When I was on home hemo, I never had an "off day".  In fact, I would often do my treatment, clean up and then go out shopping or go out to dinner.  In center, I did third shift, so I just went home and crashed for 12 hours and that seemed to be enough to get me through to the next treatment.
Title: Re: How well do you people feel on your off day?
Post by: Alex C. on July 08, 2015, 07:13:52 AM
I feel terrific on my days off. Yesterday, I rode my bike 30 miles before lunch, then did yard work all afternoon.
Title: Re: How well do you people feel on your off day?
Post by: kristina on July 08, 2015, 08:36:16 AM

Hello racko,
I certainly could not compete with Alex, but my body and I have picked up quite a bit since starting dialysis
... and sometimes my off-days are difficult and sometimes my off-days are not too bad at all ...
... I suppose it all depends whether or not I am going through another SLE/Lupus/MCTD-flare-up or not...
... But generelly speaking, I feel much better having started dialysis and my off-days are getting better as well...
Back to your question racko: your brother and one of your friends who went on dialysis... :
Are they still on dialysis right now and/or did they have transplants and feel they are doing better now?
If they felt so terrible on their dialysis-treatment without energy, even on their off days:
Did they comply with their dialysis-diet and what did their doctors say about their situation ?
Best wishes from Kristina. :grouphug;
Title: Re: How well do you people feel on your off day?
Post by: racko on July 08, 2015, 09:12:27 AM
My brother died after about 8 months. My friend had a transplant with terrible complications and lasted about 5 years. I doubt they complied with the diet. In my brothers case the Dr. said hopeless, he had too many complications. My friend was in and out of the hospital all the time. So my diirect experience with dialysis hasn't been to good.
Title: Re: How well do you people feel on your off day?
Post by: kristina on July 08, 2015, 09:18:49 AM
Thank you racko for the information
and I am very sorry for your terrible loss...
I send you all my best wishes,
Kristina :grouphug;