I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: Dverdugo on April 04, 2014, 09:00:01 PM

Title: Updates and Questionss !!
Post by: Dverdugo on April 04, 2014, 09:00:01 PM
Hey guys! Soooooo after one failed fistu, three chest catheters & one deadly infection my moms graft on upper left am finally works  :yahoo; All of this within a period of 6 months ! My mom has been feeling a lot better and looking a lot better so I'm just happy she is back to her old self  :)
But ever since the first used her graft she said she's scared every time she goes because the needles hurt and she says the put the numbing cream on and stick the needle right away ( shouldn't they at least wait a little ??? ) they also haven't given  her cream to take home so she can put it on her self which I
Will ask for tomorrow :). But my mom now has been ask this one question , " I see many people in the dialysis place with big bumps where they put the needles! What is it ?? I see it and I get scared ! Will that happen to me?!"  So. I just want to ask how many people have this? Does everyone get it? Why does it happen? How long till it happens??

Thanks guys! Hope everyone is doing well xoxo :flower;
Title: Re: Updates and Questionss !!
Post by: gothiclovemonkey on April 04, 2014, 10:52:20 PM
i dont think it happens to "everyone" but a large majority yes.
Mine sure is rather large and bumpy. They tell me its due mostly to the techs not moving the stick area around enough, they keep going in the same place so it creates a lump (theres a term for it that escapes me atm, im sure someone will come along and be all technical and stuff, im not very good with terminology)

Ive had mine for 7 years of dialysis, thats a lot of pokes, so its not so surprising mine is gnarly. also had a rather rough start getting mine started as well, multiple surgeries and proceedures. and now its crooked, like a pig tail or spring? lol but it is keeping me alive, so i kind of take the ugly to enjoy the beauty of life.
Title: Re: Updates and Questionss !!
Post by: noahvale on April 05, 2014, 08:20:21 AM

Title: Re: Updates and Questionss !!
Post by: gothiclovemonkey on April 06, 2014, 04:41:31 PM
SEE this THIS right here is why I love this place. We have people who like me who want to help but couldnt describe her own nose. and then we have people who actually do know what to say and how to say and the terminology.

Title: Re: Updates and Questionss !!
Post by: Dverdugo on April 06, 2014, 10:35:02 PM
Thank you so much for your replies!
  My mom has just seen these on other people in her dialysis unit & immidietly got frightened.. So I knew I could come here and get some answers ! So glad I did :)  & my mom doesn't want to self cannulate, she didn't want to do PD because she just doesn't like that idea. She would rather have people around who know what they are doing & if something goes wrong to be there right away. So today's why she's doing HD..
Now I can explain to her what this is & hope she isn't too dissapoint end in the answer, she is greatful that dialysis is saving her life but sometimes she feels very over whelmed with it , I don't blame her.
All dialysis patients are strong people, god bless you all  :cuddle;
Title: Re: Updates and Questionss !!
Post by: jeannea on April 07, 2014, 04:41:48 AM
Dialysis does seem really scary at first. You're doing the roght thing by asking questions. Keep supporting her and learning together.

When I first started dialysis, I felt sort of the same way. Dialysis seemed too big to deal with. I chose to go in-center and let them help me. After I adjusted to being on dialysis and learned more, I was more ready to take charge of my own care. Everything can just be a big blur at first with appts and new things happening and decisions to be made.

She should definitely have the Emla cream at home to put on ahead. It may be as simple as just asking.
Title: Re: Updates and Questionss !!
Post by: cdwbrooklyn on April 07, 2014, 08:45:04 AM
I was in-center for 11 years and developed the big bumps on my arm.  I thought that’s the way it was until I started home dialysis.  My nurse explained to me that the reason why I have those bumps was because the techs kept sticking me in the same area.  I was surprised because if I knew, I would have made the techs stick in other areas.

Anyhoo,  I’ve received button holes and after 3 years doing dialysis at home, one of my bumps got infected.  I had to see a vein specialist and he removed both bumps and it did not affect my button holes.  My button holes are working find after the removal of both bumps.  I am so happy that I show my arm as much as possible.  I have two scars from the removal of the bumps but they are acceptable and I feel so much better and got my self-esteem back.   

Please made sure that the techs are sticking in different areas because I was told that if the techs kept sticking me in that area, it would have burst and I would of have  more of a serious problem. 

See picture below.
Title: Re: Updates and Questionss !!
Post by: Dverdugo on April 08, 2014, 09:53:02 AM
 Thank you so much for the replies! I will deffinitley make sure to ask the nurses not to stick in the same area but it looks already like they aren't doing that because she always has a different bandage location. But deffinitley something
To look into and look after !
Title: Re: Updates and Questionss !!
Post by: Simon Dog on April 08, 2014, 10:06:43 AM
The RNs and techs have one task at tx time - get the patient through the tx with effective dialysis and without anything bad happening.  Unfortunately, this can lead to short term optimization (as in "what is the easiest way to get the needles in" rather than "what location is best for the long term welfare of this patient").  The only solution is to become an actively involved patient.
Title: Re: Updates and Questionss !!
Post by: Dverdugo on April 23, 2014, 10:01:10 AM
Thanks for the replies ! They told my mom no when he asked for the Numbing cream twice ! I'm going to
Go there tomorrow and see why. But are they subjected to give her the cream? Or can they say no?
Title: Re: Updates and Questionss !!
Post by: noahvale on April 23, 2014, 10:28:17 AM
Title: Re: Updates and Questionss !!
Post by: Dverdugo on April 23, 2014, 03:47:18 PM
Thank you very much! Its the upper nurse who was refusing to give her the cream, other than that the center is great! But i will deff. speak to her neph.
Appreciate your information!