I am having a hard time deciding how much information to share about my impending HD, especially with my 13 and 14 yr old kids, who up to now have no awareness of my CKD. It always seemed that dealing with my other serious chronic health problems in the last six years was more than enough (chronic anemia, chronic heart failure, insulin dependent Type II diabetes, losing ability to walk unaided, surgeries, hospitalizations, you get the picture). I have changed their lives so much already, the guilt is incredible! I am having my fistula surgery in a few days, but do not know how soon I'll have to start HD (my kidney function is less than 15%) and I am experiencing most of the other effects. Fatigue, frequent cramping, spaced out, just too sick to be much of the Mom they deserve. My husband is supportive, but comes from a culture that keeps bad news away from the very old and the very young. I also get the well meaning, but irksome, advice to pray harder, longer, and I'll be physically healed! What am I supposed to say, when I don't want to say anything??? Any insight would be appreciated....