I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: MattyBoy100 on March 01, 2007, 04:33:23 AM

Title: Another Rude Patient.
Post by: MattyBoy100 on March 01, 2007, 04:33:23 AM
I am only one of two patients that work in my unit.  I have to get up at 5am and finish work at around 4pm to go to dialysis for 5 hours.  Usually after I have my dinner while on the machine, I fall asleep.  Not for long but long enough to perk me up a bit after a tiring day.  I like my little sleep and I even start to dream so though it is short, only 45 mins or so, I sleep deeply and feel revived afterwards.

Yesterday, I was watching a DVD on my laptop - with headphones on as that is the policy in my unit and also cos I consider those around me as well, and I had fallen asleep and had just started dreaming when I woke up with a start to find someone grabbing my foot.

It was one of the older patients (60 yrs old) who had come up to say hello and give me one of his candies.  He tried to make conversation with me but I was so out of it, he left me alone but I couldn't get back to my dream state after that.

What is it with these people that they can't leave you alone when you are obviously asleep?  Especially the older patients who may not have anyone else at home but that doesn't give them the right to bug anyone they like.  I had my work trousers on and this guy asks me if I was off today - WTF, I come in the same time after work day in, day out and he still asks if I've been off!  I don't think it's even ignorance which you can tolerate or use as an excuse.  It's pure STUPIDITY!

Here endith the RANT!
Title: Re: Another Rude Patient.
Post by: nextnoel on March 01, 2007, 07:41:18 AM
Yesterday, I was watching a DVD on my laptop - with headphones on as that is the policy in my unit and also cos I consider those around me as well, and I had fallen asleep and had just started dreaming when I woke up with a start to find someone grabbing my foot.

It was one of the older patients (60 yrs old) who had come up to say hello

Maybe he was just checking that you weren't dead! LOL! 
Title: Re: Another Rude Patient.
Post by: jbeany on March 01, 2007, 03:10:16 PM
I think some of the older patients are really lonely.  They see the waiting room where we sit before being called into the clinic as a social gathering.

I'm usually the patient who gets put back in the private room when they are cleaning the machines in the rest of the center during my shift.  Apparently, I'm the only one who doesn't complain about being in there all by myself.  I don't care - my book looks the same no matter what room I'm in, and it's a lot quieter (and warmer!) back there.  Many of the older patients seem to hate being in there by themselves, though.  They want to be able to chat with the nurses and staff while they are sitting there. 

Still, lonely or not - I'd be pretty grouchy if someone woke me up in the middle of a nap!
Title: Re: Another Rude Patient.
Post by: Sluff on March 01, 2007, 03:17:47 PM
I'd be upset too. Some people have no respect. I hope I don't do that when I get older. I would prefer to be alone.
Title: Re: Another Rude Patient.
Post by: glitter on March 01, 2007, 04:04:16 PM
its funny -in my husbands center they do not encourage talking between patients-and the staff does not like to chat with the patients much either..they will talk to us if we talk to them,but otherwise they pretty much ignore him.
Title: Re: Another Rude Patient.
Post by: thegrammalady on March 01, 2007, 05:50:25 PM
i don't care who you are or why you want me. unless i'm bleeding to death or the place is on fire if i'm asleep you don't wake me up and they all know it. the only exception is the doctor, cause he comes just to see me. the dietition and the social worker both work in the building, they can just wait. a sleep deprived susy is a REAL BITCH!
Title: Re: Another Rude Patient.
Post by: kitkatz on March 01, 2007, 08:30:03 PM
You got that exactly right.  No one wants to wake me up in the unit when I am napping.  They have been WARNED!  I wake up pretty grumpy and obnoxious.  Noone wants me to be unhappy, cause when I am unhappy everyone else is going to be unhappy.
Title: Re: Another Rude Patient.
Post by: angieskidney on March 02, 2007, 12:28:12 AM
Wow this is very informative! In my unit people like to talk to each other (Maybe because it is Self Care) so I never considered the things everyone is saying here! Thanks for the info!  :thx; :beer1;
Title: Re: Another Rude Patient.
Post by: boxman55 on March 11, 2007, 08:15:55 AM
You got that exactly right. No one wants to wake me up in the unit when I am napping. They have been WARNED! I wake up pretty grumpy and obnoxious. Noone wants me to be unhappy, cause when I am unhappy everyone else is going to be unhappy.
quote]Kitkatz I need you in my unit anybody tries to wake me I could sic you after them  :lol;