I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: woodsman on May 24, 2011, 04:56:06 PM

Title: have to start dialysis next week
Post by: woodsman on May 24, 2011, 04:56:06 PM
Okay the time seems to have arrived a time i have dreaded for more than 20 years. Doc said tuesday/thurs/sat 4 hrs each day. I am on the fence here as to what i am going to do. I almost just want to allow my kidneys to run their course and allow it to end as it may. The other me wants to see my grandchild (due june 15th) grow up and WOW my mind is just racing here. I don't now which end is up.. My symptoms beside my labs are tired most days, short of breath at times, itchy and i am freezing all the time. My legs are now seemingly have a mind of there own and i sleep very little (2-3hrs a night). I drive 130 miles a day to and from work and work 48hr weeks afternoon shift. I just don't know how i can do all this and continue to work..  HELP!!!! What can i expect on my first days of this nightmare  HD...
Title: Re: have to start dialysis next week
Post by: willowtreewren on May 24, 2011, 05:39:47 PM
Woodsman, dreading dialysis is worse that actually doing it!

When my husband started dialysis he almost immediately felt better, much better. And he didn't even realize that he didn't feel good. He often stated that he felt 10 years younger! And that was within days of starting.

I hope that you will report back that all is well and you also feel better.

Title: Re: have to start dialysis next week
Post by: lmunchkin on May 24, 2011, 06:03:50 PM
It is all overwhelming to you right now, and that's understandable!  You have been hit with a boulder and you are down and you feel there is no way out.  But Woodsman, you can and you will get through this. We have all been through and felt the same things you are feeling.  Not a sole on this site, doesnt understand your fears and reservations about this journey you are fixing to take.

It will become routine eventually, believe me.  Soon you will be looking into doing it at home instead of incenter. I know you are thinking, "this is one crazy lady", but alot on this site do home dialysis and love the freedom it affords. I am one that does husband at home on Nxstage.

Any rate, you are going through alot right now, I know that!  Just take it easy and relax!  You will get through this fine!  IHD is here for you. Ask anything, and you will be inspired by what you will learn on this site.  Keep us informed and ask lots of questions.

Prayers for you,

lmunchkin :flower;
Title: Re: have to start dialysis next week
Post by: Cordelia on May 24, 2011, 06:42:52 PM
All those symptoms sound so, so very familiar to me. I went through the exact same symptoms. I tell you though, dialysis will make you feel so much better, have so much more energy. I was knocking on deaths' door. If you can help yourself not to get to that degree, start dialsyis. I sure wish I had sooner. I wish you all the best :grouphug; Remember, dialsyis is not the end of the world. It saved my life and I'm thankful for it.
Title: Re: have to start dialysis next week
Post by: sullidog on May 24, 2011, 07:41:25 PM
I remember after I had my first session, I almost felt brand new! As for working, if you want you may wanna take a leave til you get used to it.
Title: Re: have to start dialysis next week
Post by: GraphicBass on May 24, 2011, 07:47:32 PM
Can't really say any more than endorse what others have said. I, too, felt progressively terrible for three years prior to starting last October. However, doing so was the best thing I could have done. Promise yourself six months on dialysis before making a decision. Get through all the processes. At the end of that time, you won't regret it, especially if you can go in with the attitude of "I'm doing this so I can get to know my grandkid!"

Title: Re: have to start dialysis next week
Post by: boswife on May 24, 2011, 08:46:08 PM
Big hugs to you and it has been said beautifuly hear already so i too just endorce it!  Hubby was rushed into it (we knew it was comming but of course not for a while longer.... so we thought) so there was not too much pre thought as to do or not to do.  It's really just 'what ya do' and your already in the IHD club, so your even a step ahead of where we were.   I hope you can take comfort in what others have said.  Your going to be ok with it in no time.  And.. if ya get the notion to do at home, well thats pretty cool too :)
Title: Re: have to start dialysis next week
Post by: bluesgirl on May 24, 2011, 09:17:50 PM
Dear woodsman, as I am still pre-D all is I can say is good luck!I too seem to be getting close, as I have the whole being tired, the being old all the time and recently have had some crawling in my arm as well as spasms. I also have shortness of breath when I do anything that is physically challenging. I don't have any nausea or much of the itchiness though. I was at gfr 11 the other week but not sure now since in the last week I'm having swollen feet. I was hoping it was all due to the latest in a long line of colds, since when ever something out of the ordinary happens like a cold or my period I get blood in the urin and feel like s**t. How do you know when it's time?
Title: Re: have to start dialysis next week
Post by: kamar55 on May 25, 2011, 02:40:55 PM
I've been on dialysis 6 years. Although dialysis is no picnic, I feel SO much better than I did. I had to retire early because there was no way I could work when my kidneys shut down. At least, stop working temporarily until things straighten out. Then maybe part time or disability. There are meds for your restless legs. And anything is worth seeing your grandbaby arrive and thrive. :waving;
Title: Re: have to start dialysis next week
Post by: natnnnat on May 25, 2011, 08:43:28 PM
My legs are now seemingly have a mind of there own and i sleep very little (2-3hrs a night).
My fellah controls his restless leg by going for long walks.  Yeah, I'm not sure how you'd fit it in with all the work and so forth you describe.  Gregory works 40 hour weeks, and does his walks at night. 

Oh and he says that his first dialysis session was one of the best feelings of his life, because the toxins were so bad by then that he felt amazing in comparison.  Later, dialysis stopped being superlative, but that first one sounds like it sure was memorable.

Best of luck Woodsman, i hope you find your way through all these decisions ... and get some goodness out of dialysis.   :cuddle;
Title: Re: have to start dialysis next week
Post by: texasstyle on May 26, 2011, 03:43:36 AM
My husband felt so good the first few months after starting dialysis. Imagine, your going to get all those posions and toxic build up out of your blood and that is a GOOD thing. Try to go into with a positive attitude and a good mind set. You can feel good, especially if you follow your diet.
Title: Re: have to start dialysis next week
Post by: kristina on May 26, 2011, 07:17:41 AM

Hello, woodsman,

I can imagine how stressful it is for you to be so near Dialysis.
I can understand the position you are in
and how your mind is trying to deal with this situation.

I  just want to tell you that I can imagine your stress,
because I am pre-Dialysis as well (GFR 10-12%),
yet without these symptoms,
but in the same pre-Dialysis-boat all the same.

I wish you all the best and please let us know how things go.

Kind regards and good luck from Kristina.  :grouphug;

Title: Re: have to start dialysis next week
Post by: kitkatz on May 26, 2011, 07:26:51 PM
Getting close to dialysis means your symptoms are getting in the way of enjoying life.  Go to a few sessions, at least three months, then reevaluate how you feel.
Title: Re: have to start dialysis next week
Post by: Woofgang on June 03, 2011, 02:59:57 PM
My DH just started. He looks and feels better and is catching up on a year's sleep. We just need to get the appetite sorted now. Woodsman if my DH is anything to go by you will be fine  :grouphug;