I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: texasstyle on May 24, 2011, 06:06:07 AM

Title: why the potassium was 9.2 ????
Post by: texasstyle on May 24, 2011, 06:06:07 AM
First of all , thank you everyon for your support! It means a lot to mean to me. This has been one heck of a time. Seems they can't get the K below 6 atthe hospital yet. They are going to keep at it, but the Dr. seems to think there may be a problem with his fistula and that's what caused that potassium to go so high. Officially 9.2. They are having the surgeon come in and look at it.  My husband has been on dialysis almost 4 years. Fistula in left(?) lower forearm. I have not a clue as to what could be wrong wih the fistula that has possibly caused this. Don't the fistula's last for seveal years? Of course I'm assuming what ever is wrong is cauisng him to now be dialized properly but... May 11th his numbers were good and the month before for the K . Assume the rest were too. If problem with fistula and clearance wouldn't all the numbers be high? Hmmm.. Has anyone had this problem? They also metioned that is the surgeon doesn't thinkit's the fistula they may reccomend Kayaxalate (sp) for in betwen days. Any thoughts or experiences would be helpful. Thanks
Title: Re: why the potassium was 9.2 ????
Post by: Poppylicious on May 24, 2011, 07:55:58 AM
I don't know, Texie.  I *do* know that when Blokey's potassium spiked to heart-attack inducing levels last summer (and stayed there for-seemingly-ever) it was because of his 'Blood Baby' (the bubble of blood in his belly which occured when they removed his tenckhoff).  They've never confirmed it was that, but did agree it was the likeliest cause because the moment it started being diluted back into his bloodstream his potassium levels decreased.  His diet didn't change at all, even though they were adamant that it must have done (because we are numpties and we lie to them about what he eats, obviously *rolls eyes*).

Hopefully they'll get to the crux of the problem, and quickly.

Title: Re: why the potassium was 9.2 ????
Post by: Alisa on May 24, 2011, 08:54:49 AM
Potassium problems are very common for me. I go weekly for blood work to try and control it, my diet has not changed but in the last year my potassium continues to be a problem which I never had before.  My highest has been 6.8 and my normal is around 5.
 I control it right now with the  Kayaxalate you mentioned.  I take 30mg everyother day, and some in between those days if I am feeling symptomatic.  I am on the powder form, not sure if there are more than one type but tips I can pass on are that even though it says to mix with water or syrup only, you can mix with ice tea powder or lemonaid, I find it hard to down the water alone, also it causes stomach upset, diarrhea and constipation, best of both worlds there, and lastly, once mixed you need to continue stirring while you are drinking as it settles between sips, does not dissolve.  Best device I`v found is a juice bottle with screw lid as you can turn it upside down and shake between sips, makes it a little easier.  Hope some of this helps.
Title: Re: why the potassium was 9.2 ????
Post by: Bill Peckham on May 24, 2011, 09:03:27 AM
Is his hemoglobin level unchanged? Did he have any sort of injury? Significant bruising or a burn?

I think you are right that if it was the fistula the other numbers would be off (phosphorus, urea) too because with recirculation it would be as if he was receiving less dialysis.

Title: Re: why the potassium was 9.2 ????
Post by: woodsman on May 24, 2011, 04:47:50 PM
I take Kayaxalate every day 30 gms and it does keep it lower, i am in the low 4's right now.
 I use a mason jar to shake it up and just drink it from the jar with water (ice cold water). Its like drinking sand.. noe fun buy has to be done..
Title: Re: why the potassium was 9.2 ????
Post by: texasstyle on May 24, 2011, 07:02:00 PM
Tonight it is in the 4's finally. He was dialized again today. Do they test you more frequentlythan the others.
Title: Re: why the potassium was 9.2 ????
Post by: sullidog on May 24, 2011, 07:29:49 PM
I've never heard of that reason, if a fistulas working well it thrills great, and clearences are good.
Title: Re: why the potassium was 9.2 ????
Post by: RichardMEL on May 25, 2011, 12:06:31 AM
I agree with the others.. if there was a problem with the fistula first you'd notice it affecting dialysis, and it wouldn't just be the K that was out of line one would think (although to be fair with phos binders that may not be affected so much).

Fistulas can last ages and ages. I had mine put in June, 2004 (so almost 7 years) and it's still going strong, though only had the 4.5 years of regular use. I'm confident though that if they had to needle me tomorrow it would be just fine.

i wonder if it's something else, though the whole situation seems odd :(

Glad he is down in the normal range finally!!!  :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: why the potassium was 9.2 ????
Post by: Jean on May 25, 2011, 12:24:09 AM
So relieved TS that he is doing better. When he gets completly well, just smack him for scaring the life out of you.
Title: Re: why the potassium was 9.2 ????
Post by: texasstyle on May 25, 2011, 12:47:41 PM
Jean, he's lying on the floor. I got 'em with a rolling pin lol. He is home today. K is 4. His fistual is ok too. I need to go get some sleep before iI fall. Exausted!
Title: Re: why the potassium was 9.2 ????
Post by: willowtreewren on May 25, 2011, 01:55:59 PM
 :grouphug; :grouphug; :grouphug;

I know you must be exhausted by all this.

Title: Re: why the potassium was 9.2 ????
Post by: texasstyle on May 26, 2011, 03:36:15 AM
Today he is home. Fistula-gram showed it's ok. His K was at 4 when he left. He has been prescribed Kaexolatye for in between days. I can hear it now "I can eat this because I take a binder". Yes Willow, I am spent.
Title: Re: why the potassium was 9.2 ????
Post by: billybags on May 26, 2011, 10:58:25 AM
Tex, so pleased he is home and OK. What is he COOKING UP for dinner. I bet he says he wants something nice because he couldn't eat the hospital food. You take care.
Title: Re: why the potassium was 9.2 ????
Post by: PatDowns on May 26, 2011, 11:23:35 AM
@ texasstyle

Have you and/or your nephrologist determined what caused your husband's potassium to sky?

Here's something to check on - if he normally runs on a 1K dialysate concentration (bath), maybe he needs to check that is actually what is being hooked up to his machine.   It is not uncommon for incenter patients to be run on wrong concentrates.  He can either ask to be shown that it is the correct bath or learn how to do it himself.

Adrenal Malfunction (Addison's Disease) can also cause high blood potassium levels.

Title: Re: why the potassium was 9.2 ????
Post by: Poppylicious on May 26, 2011, 11:24:20 AM
Glad he's home tex.  Get some rest and enjoy some Me Time (if he lets you!)

Title: Re: why the potassium was 9.2 ????
Post by: del on May 26, 2011, 11:36:24 AM
Texasstyle , when hubby was n center he always checked to make sure they had the right bath conected.  They do make mistakes because there were a couple of times when the wrong bath was on the machine.  One day they were going to increase his IV iron and hubby questioned it because he knew what the last reading was on his blood work. It was on a Saturday and he refused the iron.  Found out the next week that the doc had wrote the wrong name on the prescription and it was somebody else that was supposed to get the iv iron  not hubby!!!  Always pays to check and question!!