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Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: galvo on April 05, 2011, 12:04:22 AM

Title: Henry P Snicklesnorter has composed a poem
Post by: galvo on April 05, 2011, 12:04:22 AM
about one of my memorable exploits. The man is a true genius! Here it is:

Galvo and the Emu
> Galvo, in his younger days, was wont to roam outback,
> He’d stay out there for days on end, escaping from the pack,
> His food he caught while travelling and he lived well off the land,
> Along with jonnie cakes and damper, to which he’d turn his hand.
> One day when he had made his camp and made himself a brew,
> He grabbed a young koala and threw him in the stew.
> Now koala makes a fine repast, of that there is no doubt,
> But the fur gets stuck between your teeth and takes some getting out.
> He sat upon a blackened stump, while picking with a stick,
> Then spied an emu running past, thought this’ll do the trick,
> He yelled “hey mate, look over there” and while the emu stood quite still,
> Galvo crept up close behind and leaped, and they set to with a will.
> They fought with fist and feet and beak, dust and feathers flying round,
> Till the emu, quite exhausted, lay quite still upon the ground,
> Then galvo used a toenail, to make his teeth quite clean,
> But in his haste, he clean forgot, that emu’s are quite mean.
> While Galvo cleaned his teeth, the emu slowly got his wind,
> And spied something there in Galvo’s head, upon which sight he grinned.
> For he’d sighted Galvo’s tooth of gold, it was his only one
> And the Emu thought “I'll have that tooth, before this day is done.
> Making sure not to be noticed, he drew a leg right back,
> He then unleashed a mighty kick , which landed with a whack.
> The tooth of gold went flying and landed on the ground
> Upon which sight the emu, pecked it up and ate it down.
> Galvo gave a mighty roar and shook with rage, he did
> “That emu’s got me flaming tooth and it cost me forty quid.”
> The emu took off like a flash and left poor Galvo there,
> Without his precious golden tooth, in rage and sheer despair.
> Galvo soon began to give pursuit, he tracked the bird for days,
> Until he finally spotted him, at a distance in the haze
> The emu never noticed, picking grubs from off the ground,
> While Galvo once again crept up behind and promptly brought him down.
> He grabbed the emu by the neck and whispered in its ear,
> Upon that emu’s face there grew, an awful look of fear,
> For he’d said that tooth would weigh him down, and when he got in strife,
> At home for drinking with his mates, he could not outrun his wife.
> He promptly spat the tooth out and lurching to his feet.
> He bid adieu to Galvo and made a fast retreat.
> He ran a mile and then another, within minutes it was ten
> And according to the locals, he was never seen again.
> This is no made up yarn my friends, concocted just for sport,
> For Galvo told me this himself and he’s not the lying sort.
> And in outback pubs throughout the land, the story is retold,
> How Galvo fought the emu and got back his tooth of gold.
Title: Re: Henry P Snicklesnorter has composed a poem
Post by: Bajanne on April 05, 2011, 12:17:32 AM
Tremendous!! :thumbup; :thumbup; :thumbup; :thumbup; :thumbup;
Title: Re: Henry P Snicklesnorter has composed a poem
Post by: Jean on April 05, 2011, 12:28:16 AM
 Good One!!!!  :yahoo; :yahoo;
Title: Re: Henry P Snicklesnorter has composed a poem
Post by: Henry P Snicklesnorter on April 05, 2011, 02:51:15 AM
Title: Re: Henry P Snicklesnorter has composed a poem
Post by: galvo on April 05, 2011, 03:01:51 AM
Where is the old coot? I haven't heard from him in ages.
Title: Re: Henry P Snicklesnorter has composed a poem
Post by: Sugarlump on April 05, 2011, 03:36:30 AM
The poor koala again!!!!  :'(
Title: Re: Henry P Snicklesnorter has composed a poem
Post by: billybags on April 05, 2011, 04:03:03 AM
That is so funny
Title: Re: Henry P Snicklesnorter has composed a poem
Post by: kristina on April 05, 2011, 04:13:46 AM
..... about one of my memorable exploits.
Galvo and the Emu

Glad you enjoyed it  ;D

There is, of course the as yet untold story of you and your old sparring partner Stoday, which almost caused an international incident  ...... but that can wait for another day.

Great poem about Galvo and the Emu! Can't wait to read the untold story which almost caused an international incident...!  :waving;
Title: Re: Henry P Snicklesnorter has composed a poem
Post by: peleroja on April 05, 2011, 07:33:21 AM
Wow, and it all rhymed.  Good one, Henry!
Title: Re: Henry P Snicklesnorter has composed a poem
Post by: Tracy on April 05, 2011, 08:14:40 AM
That was totally awesome!  You are very talented and I loved laughing today!  Great one!  Should be published!!!

Title: Re: Henry P Snicklesnorter has composed a poem
Post by: del on April 05, 2011, 09:53:20 AM
Awesome!!   :thumbup;
Title: Re: Henry P Snicklesnorter has composed a poem
Post by: casper2636 on April 05, 2011, 11:11:39 AM
 :clap; :clap; :rofl; Too funny, Henry! Good work!
Title: Re: Henry P Snicklesnorter has composed a poem
Post by: chook on April 05, 2011, 07:40:33 PM
I dabble in rhyme but not at Henry 's level or humour. Loved it. So funny"
 :rofl; :rofl; :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;
 :clap; :clap; :clap; :clap;
Title: Re: Henry P Snicklesnorter has composed a poem
Post by: natnnnat on October 14, 2011, 02:59:16 AM
Ridiculous poem Henry, I see you were just trifling with us with the limericks.   :rofl;
Title: Re: Henry P Snicklesnorter has composed a poem
Post by: Henry P Snicklesnorter on October 16, 2011, 05:48:59 AM
Title: Re: Henry P Snicklesnorter has composed a poem
Post by: Bajanne on October 16, 2011, 08:34:47 AM
We learned 'Waltzing Matilda' in our singing lesson at school, but then I am a Commonwealth citizen!  'billabong' and 'billy' are words from my childhood!
Another song from those days was "The Kangaroo is howling with a dismal wail./ He bounds along the hillocks on his big fat tail
He thinks "oh goodness me!  Now I can clearly see/ There's quite a blessing in my big fat taaa-iill'
Of course 'kangaroo' became Ms. Hackett (a quite portly teacher) 'he' became 'she' 'his' became 'her' and 'hillocks' became 'classrooms'!!!
Aren't kids awful!!!

On another note - In my day (50s to 60s) we learnt more British, Scottish, Australian songs and poetry than we did Caribbean (that also applied to history).  However, things have changed, but I think we have gone too far so that our kids don't have the same chance we had. For me, balance is where it should be.
Title: Re: Henry P Snicklesnorter has composed a poem
Post by: Whamo on October 29, 2011, 08:43:44 AM
You're a chip off the old block.  This type of writing has become a lost art.