I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: tamara on January 05, 2007, 12:49:02 AM

Title: Hot days
Post by: tamara on January 05, 2007, 12:49:02 AM
Where I live we are in the middle of summer.

I did dialysis last night,got down to 75f (24c)  and got the right amount off and felt fine this morning. Until our air conditioner broke down and I started sweating like a piggy.
(It actually didn't break down it was working too efficiently and froze LOL, so Allan and I fixed it.)

I have been feeling faint ever since. So now I have drunk too much trying to recover to get my BP back up so will have a crappy dialysis session tomorrow night, being over on fluid and all, already gee and another full day to go.


Title: Re: Hot days
Post by: RichardMEL on January 05, 2007, 08:42:04 AM
Hi Tamara..

oh yes the weather here has been horrid recently.. and my airconditioning is a joke so I don't even turn it on. Sooo.... I am sweating like a pig almost all the time... I am sure in my apartment is is close to 30.. at 3:30am! - with window and fan going.

Anyhoo I have found that I can drink a heap more because I sweat it off!! I have been weighing myself to try and make sure I am ok, and I think I am about only 1kg max over and I have dialysis tomorrow and can easily tolerate 2 or 3 over. I haven't been siilly but I have definitely had more than usual say 50% more..somehow it just seems to leach out of me.

I am sorry you are having issues :(

I hope it isn't as bad for you when you get on the machine.
Title: Re: Hot days
Post by: Amanda From OZ on January 05, 2007, 03:19:28 PM

i have also been feeling a bit flat lately with the Aussie weather, i have started taking off less fluid and it has really helped.  :2thumbsup;

good luck, hope you feel better soon.

Title: Re: Hot days
Post by: tamara on January 05, 2007, 11:45:13 PM
Well due for dialysis tonight and we are still in our hot weather nothing has changed, but I felt really good today, so even in the heat, I have been cleaning like made, which has made me sweat like mad.

Considering I drank so much yesterday to try and feel better, I weighed myself today and yeeha am only a 1.3kg over, easy night on dialysis after all.YIPEE
(Except for this bloody heat! )

Thanks for your feedback guys, hope we get the cool change soon!

Pray for Rain! Pray for Rain! We are in one of the worst droughts we have ever had.
Title: Re: Hot days
Post by: RichardMEL on January 06, 2007, 03:13:43 AM
Despite lashing out very late last night and getting a LARGE (!) slurpee from 7-11 I was 0.95kg over when I checked in, and took 1.3 off. WOO HOO!!! it is the ONLY good thing about this heat for me.

There is a fair bit of rain around but none of it is hitting me here near the city. I just hope the rain to the north is getting into the catchments where it is so badly needed!

I hope everyone can stay cool and feel well in the heat!
Title: Re: Hot days
Post by: goofynina on January 06, 2007, 03:36:24 PM
What a trip,  you are over there talking about the heat and i am bundling up with every blanket i can find cuz of the friggin cold,  sorry, just trippin' over here (oh, and frfrfreezin') :-\
Title: Re: Hot days
Post by: Sluff on January 06, 2007, 03:41:02 PM
What a trip,  you are over there talking about the heat and i am bundling up with every blanket i can find cuz of the friggin cold,  sorry, just trippin' over here (oh, and frfrfreezin') :-\

Goodynina, It's 38 here and thats mild this time of the year. You need to cuddle up with Sam.  hey Sam I tried.
Title: Re: Hot days
Post by: goofynina on January 06, 2007, 03:43:45 PM
What a trip,  you are over there talking about the heat and i am bundling up with every blanket i can find cuz of the friggin cold,  sorry, just trippin' over here (oh, and frfrfreezin') :-\

Goodynina, It's 38 here and thats mild this time of the year. You need to cuddle up with Sam.  hey Sam I tried.

I was, before he had to leave to go help our friends move :-\  But when he comes baaaaaaack, woohoo ;) :popcorn; :popcorn; :popcorn;
Title: Re: Hot days
Post by: kitkatz on January 06, 2007, 05:45:10 PM
I snuggle up under the sheet, blanket and comforter, as well as the little heater is on by the bed.  I hate being cold.  The jackets are getting wear and tear this year.  California has gotten cold. Now I know we are not as cold as other people, but I hate being cold!
Did I say I hate the cold, already?
Title: Re: Hot days
Post by: Sara on January 06, 2007, 06:03:20 PM
Hey Kat, how do you feel about the cold?    :rofl;

Man, around here the weather is so wacky!  It was almost 80 outside, and it's January!  Supposedly we have some rain coming in and maybe that will cool it off.  I sure hope so.
Title: Re: Hot days
Post by: kitkatz on January 06, 2007, 06:05:38 PM
Hey Kat, how do you feel about the cold?    :rofl;

Man, around here the weather is so wacky!  It was almost 80 outside, and it's January!  Supposedly we have some rain coming in and maybe that will cool it off.  I sure hope so.
I hate the cold...wait a minute, didn't I just say that?? :rofl; :rofl; :yahoo;
Title: Re: Hot days
Post by: Ohio Buckeye on January 06, 2007, 06:40:11 PM
it is strange.  here in Ohio we are having really warm winter for winter.
yesterday was like 60.  thank God.  hope it stays this way.  tho I understand
tomorrow it supposed to be more like normal.  just so it warms back up.

Title: Re: Hot days
Post by: goofynina on January 06, 2007, 06:43:23 PM
Dont get me wrong, i will definetly take the cold over the heat anyday,  i still can tolerate the cold better than the heat any ol' day  :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: Hot days
Post by: angela515 on January 07, 2007, 08:23:12 PM
I think everyone is having a hot winter, or hotter than normal winter anyways. I am also here in Iowa and its been great cause I hate the cold lol. However starting tomorrow were supposed be a little more colder, but still not the normal cold. I think its global warming.
Title: Re: Hot days
Post by: Bajanne on January 07, 2007, 10:23:21 PM
Well, we ain't got no other kind o' weather in these here parts.  Just hot or warm. 
[pssssttt - anybody got a little cold spell they could send my way?]
This is the time of year that hoards of people run to the Caribbean to escape winter.  Everyday, I see at least 3 cruise liners in our harbour, and in town, you see loads of tourists, just soaking up this weather that I would like to change!
Title: Re: Hot days
Post by: RichardMEL on January 08, 2007, 01:47:26 AM
I officially knew it was summer here when it was 35 or 36 C outside and in the unit where it is normally freezing it was *WARM* !!!! SHOCK!

Even the staff noticed it!

38 forecast for a couple of days away....
Title: Re: Hot days
Post by: tamara on January 08, 2007, 02:09:48 AM
Yep Round Two of the Fight !

Ding ! Ding!