I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: kevno on December 06, 2006, 02:03:28 AM

Title: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: kevno on December 06, 2006, 02:03:28 AM
In short ;D I am being dialyzed once in five days, two times over the week. I was wondering how you feel after that two day break from dialysis. I know I feel that I am ready for dialysis sometimes have a headache, sometimes the shakes. Plus more fluid on than usual. But the unit in there wisdom. Have decided to dialyse me on the Sat 16th, Thurs 19th and not again until Friday 22nd then back to 3 times a week Sunday, Wensday and Friday for the next two weeks. When my dialysis days are Tues, Thurs and Saturday. Plus the unit is closed for only two days 25th December and the 1st January? I have been talking to the nurse who as done the rota but she will not explain way she as done it this way :banghead;. Causing chaos on the unit.

I know how most units  have done the Christmas dialysis, put the Two Mondays back to Sunday and that in the only change. But the one I use. A total change for every patient plus I have to go on three Sundays. Then it goes back to normal Tues, Thurs and Saturday.

I think five days with One dialysis or seven days with two dialysis would be hard to do for any renal patient who are used to getting dialyzed three times a week. Would You Manage it OK! I know I will find it hard to do. Those patient who are overloaded will find it the hardest.

Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: AlasdairUK on December 06, 2006, 02:46:58 AM
Hi Kevno,

Mine has changed to my Monday shift being on Sunday, but my unit is running a post twilight shift on Saturday 23rd ie morning, afternoon, evening and then a midnight service. I have voluntered for the midnight service so I can have Christmas Eve off, Christmas Day and Boxing Day. I then go in on Wednesday night for my twilight
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: Panda_9 on December 06, 2006, 03:38:04 AM
There is no way I would last if I was in that position, I cant even last 2 days off. I would most definitely end up in emergency.
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: angieskidney on December 06, 2006, 05:18:48 AM
Wow Kevno that is crazy! They don't seem to care if the dialysis patients feel like crap in their Christmas as long as the staff get their precious day off! That sucks!

I thought every unit did it the switch Monday to Sunday way like mine is.
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: nextnoel on December 06, 2006, 06:01:45 AM
What idiots!  That's absolutely ridiculous - but hey, as long as the staff has its priorities straight, i.e., getting that holiday off.  A new wrinkle on Christmas - celebrate the birth of Jesus by causing the death of a few dialysis patients!
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: Michelle on December 06, 2006, 06:29:48 AM
In short no I wouldn't cope with it and would be kicking up a stink-and hope maybe you and other patients can get together and complain. Why is it so messed up a whole week before christmas so you get so little dialysis anyway as in most units I imagine it is a normal week. Ours is also moving monday back to sunday so I will dialyse Christmas Eve and New years eve and then everything else is as normal.
It sounds like you have someone who has messed up big time on the rota and although we had someone do this one year it wasn't to our detriment-she just chose the hard way of sorting it out. This time of year everyone drinks and eats more and it really does make you wonder where the sense is in this regime. I have on occassion taken 3 whole days off and really felt it and only did it when the unit had to close for emergency water treatment and a holiday.
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: stauffenberg on December 06, 2006, 09:12:33 AM
This Christmas schedule -- convenient for the staff but cruel to the patients -- is part of the general problem that dialysis, which is the very life of the patients and merely a part of the life, the career, of the staff, is paradoxically run for the benefit of the staff rather than the patients.  I have always found it disturbing that while dialysis is of a much higher technical quality in Europe than in America, because it is run by the government rather than for private profit, it is also much less convenient for the patients, since it is typically available only during the day, while the U.S. offers treatment in the evening and sometimes even overnight.  This is a problem with European culture generally, which still operates on a 9 to 5 basis, with the stores closed on Sundays -- and in some countries, even closed Wednesday and Saturday afternoons as well!  So the dialysis patient has the grim choice of having either medically sub-standard dialysis in the U.S. with its attendant higher death rate but at evening hours that allow the patient to maintain a normal job, or to have high-standard dialysis in Europe with treatment times only between 10 AM and 4 PM, guaranteed to destroy your working capacity, even if they keep you healthy enough to be able to work!
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: Hawkeye on December 06, 2006, 10:10:42 AM
The way we are handling X-mas and New Years Day was voted on by the patients.  We are going to be open X-mas Eve and New Years Eve both of which are Sundays.  We will open a little early on both those days so we close early too, and then the schedule will go back to normal starting that Tuesday.  I know other clinics in the area though that the patients actually wanted to just come on their regular days so they are open for X-mas and New Years.
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: Zach on December 06, 2006, 10:12:55 AM
The way we are handling X-mas and New Years Day was voted on by the patients.  We are going to be open X-mas Eve and New Years Eve both of which are Sundays.  We will open a little early on both those days so we close early too, and then the schedule will go back to normal starting that Tuesday.  I know other clinics in the area though that the patients actually wanted to just come on their regular days so they are open for X-mas and New Years.

I think that's very fair.

So the dialysis patient has the grim choice of having either medically sub-standard dialysis in the U.S. with its attendant higher death rate but at evening hours that allow the patient to maintain a normal job, or to have high-standard dialysis in Europe with treatment times only between 10 AM and 4 PM, guaranteed to destroy your working capacity, even if they keep you healthy enough to be able to work!

That's why there is home hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: BigSky on December 06, 2006, 10:57:57 AM
In short ;D I am being dialyzed once in five days, two times over the week. I was wondering how you feel after that two day break from dialysis. I know I feel that I am ready for dialysis sometimes have a headache, sometimes the shakes. Plus more fluid on than usual. But the unit in there wisdom. Have decided to dialyse me on the Sat 16th, Thurs 19th and not again until Friday 22nd then back to 3 times a week Sunday, Wensday and Friday for the next two weeks. When my dialysis days are Tues, Thurs and Saturday. Plus the unit is closed for only two days 25th December and the 1st January? I have been talking to the nurse who as done the rota but she will not explain way she as done it this way :banghead;. Causing chaos on the unit.

I am missing something.   I do not see the once in five day thing from what you stated. Or is that to something else?   

The 16th is sat.  The 19th is a Tuesday, not a Thursday,  then 22nd is a Friday as stated.  With the schedule you stated you still are going 3 times a week with only 1 day off for treatments with the regular 2 days after the 3 rd treatment of the week.

Agreed the schedule is stupid considering that the only people who need to change their schedule would be the M,W, F people in that instead of Monday of those two weeks they would come in on Sundays (Dec 25 to the 24 and Jan1 to Dec 31) and keep their W, F times the same and leave the T,T,F people where they are.

Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: Zach on December 06, 2006, 11:42:24 AM
...  the only people who need to change their schedule would be the M,W, F people in that instead of Monday of those two weeks they would come in on Sundays (Dec 25 to the 24 and Jan1 to Dec 31) and keep their W, F times the same and leave the T,T,F people where they are.

That is how we are doing it at my center.
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: MattyBoy100 on December 07, 2006, 04:48:55 AM
My centre is actually having us dialyze an extra day so we are doing 4 sessions instead of 3 so I will be doing Mon, Weds, Fri, Sun of Xmas week then Weds, Fri, Su and back to normal routine on Weds.  They don't usually open on Sundays.

Like I keep telling everyone, my unit is excellent and I truly believe the patients come first where I am!

Ok, going 4 times in a week is a pain in the butt but it has it's advantages for me, the main one being I have to have both Xmas Eve and New Year's Eve off work when normally I would be expected to work as I work for a supermarket.

So I'm not complaining at all.    :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: AlasdairUK on December 07, 2006, 05:03:10 AM
The way we are handling X-mas and New Years Day was voted on by the patients.  We are going to be open X-mas Eve and New Years Eve both of which are Sundays.  We will open a little early on both those days so we close early too, and then the schedule will go back to normal starting that Tuesday.  I know other clinics in the area though that the patients actually wanted to just come on their regular days so they are open for X-mas and New Years.

I think that's very fair.

So the dialysis patient has the grim choice of having either medically sub-standard dialysis in the U.S. with its attendant higher death rate but at evening hours that allow the patient to maintain a normal job, or to have high-standard dialysis in Europe with treatment times only between 10 AM and 4 PM, guaranteed to destroy your working capacity, even if they keep you healthy enough to be able to work!

That's why there is home hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.

Not everyone can do PD or HHD.

My centre is actually having us dialyze an extra day so we are doing 4 sessions instead of 3 so I will be doing Mon, Weds, Fri, Sun of Xmas week then Weds, Fri, Su and back to normal routine on Weds.  They don't usually open on Sundays.

Like I keep telling everyone, my unit is excellent and I truly believe the patients come first where I am!

Ok, going 4 times in a week is a pain in the butt but it has it's advantages for me, the main one being I have to have both Xmas Eve and New Year's Eve off work when normally I would be expected to work as I work for a supermarket.

So I'm not complaining at all. :2thumbsup;

You will be going 4 times in one week, but when you go back to normal it will be just the two times on Wed and Fri. It all works out in the end. You need to keep in mind that staff would also like to spend some of the festive period with friends and family and we all need to accommodate each other.
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: angela515 on December 07, 2006, 09:03:21 AM
So the dialysis patient has the grim choice of having either medically sub-standard dialysis in the U.S. with its attendant higher death rate but at evening hours that allow the patient to maintain a normal job, or to have high-standard dialysis in Europe with treatment times only between 10 AM and 4 PM, guaranteed to destroy your working capacity, even if they keep you healthy enough to be able to work!

That's why there is home hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.

Not everyone can do PD or HHD.
I believe Zach was only mentioning the fact that there is PD and HHD options available to point out to stauffenberg that not everyone on dialysis HAS to be in-center hemo and deal with stuff like this. At least that's how I took it.

Yes it is true not everyone can do HHD or PD and therefore need to do in-center hemo... however, it is my belief that the dialysis patient is not given all the options and such to make a decision on what they would rather do. (Not all dialysis patients, sorry let me clarify... most/some dialysis patients.) I was one of those patients who never even HEARD of PD ever in my life, even after being on hemo for over a yr... and my doctor never told me about it, only way I found out, was online in a dialysis message board forum kinda like this. Reason my doctor gave me for not telling me and offering it to me? He was honest, he told me because he runs 3 dialysis clinics he would rather put his patients on hemo to go to his center than on PD where he only see's us once a month. Money I tell you...  ::)
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: MattyBoy100 on December 07, 2006, 09:32:47 AM
This Christmas schedule -- convenient for the staff but cruel to the patients -- is part of the general problem that dialysis, which is the very life of the patients and merely a part of the life, the career, of the staff, is paradoxically run for the benefit of the staff rather than the patients. I have always found it disturbing that while dialysis is of a much higher technical quality in Europe than in America, because it is run by the government rather than for private profit, it is also much less convenient for the patients, since it is typically available only during the day, while the U.S. offers treatment in the evening and sometimes even overnight. This is a problem with European culture generally, which still operates on a 9 to 5 basis, with the stores closed on Sundays -- and in some countries, even closed Wednesday and Saturday afternoons as well! So the dialysis patient has the grim choice of having either medically sub-standard dialysis in the U.S. with its attendant higher death rate but at evening hours that allow the patient to maintain a normal job, or to have high-standard dialysis in Europe with treatment times only between 10 AM and 4 PM, guaranteed to destroy your working capacity, even if they keep you healthy enough to be able to work!

not sure where you get your information from Stauffenberg but contrary to what is written, shops open here Sat afternoons/evenings and some are 24/7.  As for shops closing on Wednesday afternoons that all stopped years ago, unless of course, Europe still does it, but not here in the U.K. unless you live in some backwater place in the country.
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: MattyBoy100 on December 07, 2006, 09:37:27 AM
Sorry, I missed another point of Stauffenberg's which is that treatment is only available between 10 am and 4 pm.  That is nonsense!  I work full - time as some of you will be aware and dialyze after work from 5, 6 or 7 pm in the evening until I finish after 4.25 hours on the machine.  This is on the National Health Service provided free by the government in the U.K.  I don't think we are as backward here as some of you would like to believe!   :banghead;
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: Zach on December 07, 2006, 12:21:02 PM
Some people are full of nonsense.    :o
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: JerseyGirl on December 07, 2006, 02:13:12 PM
That schedule sounds funky to me - they should open the eve's and the MWF pts should dialyze Sunday Wednesday and Friday.  I would talk to the medical director about that.  He has final approval.
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: Bajanne on December 07, 2006, 02:55:23 PM
I hadn't added anything to this post because I didn't know what they were going to do.  Well, I found out yesterday.  They will be dialsysing us Monday people on Sunday, Christmas Eve and Sunday Old Year's Day.  But that is fine with me.  It frees me up not having to think about going in on Monday.
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: gizmar on December 07, 2006, 07:57:41 PM
I don't even "get" that Kevno - it seems somewhat (alot) irresponsible to leave patients without dialysing them for that long.  In our unit we dialyse at 5 a.m. rather than 7 a.m. so that all the runs can be finished early and the nurses can go home.  They do that for both Xmas and New Years.  I feel kinda sorry for the nurses because that means they have to be in by 4 a.m. to set up machines.  The patients don't mind too much - they just go back to sleep in the chairs or stretchers.
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: angela515 on December 07, 2006, 08:14:02 PM
I'm not on in-center hemp anymore, but I wanted to comment anyways.

Why does everyone feel bad for the nurses having to work during holidays.. or staying late or coming in early?

It is there job... my dad works for Wal-mart, he has to work on holidays, and he is fine with that because it is his job. We do the holidays around his schedule... like for Thanksgiving, he had to work... so we ate Thanksgiving dinner when he got home around 530pm, when for 20 yrs we have always ate thanksgiving dinner around 1pm.

Millions of people have to work holidays... dont feel bad for the dialysis nurses... it is their job... they get vacation time just like everyone else...

Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: kevno on December 08, 2006, 03:04:50 AM
Sorry it was my mistake on my post, just so issed off with a "P" it's Tuesday 19th not Thursdays my fault. We are getting dialyzed once in five days. I know not a lot of Renal Patients would not be able to cope with that. plus when so near Xmas  :beer1; :wine; :grouphug;

Thank for you replies.
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: AlasdairUK on December 08, 2006, 05:21:39 AM
So the dialysis patient has the grim choice of having either medically sub-standard dialysis in the U.S. with its attendant higher death rate but at evening hours that allow the patient to maintain a normal job, or to have high-standard dialysis in Europe with treatment times only between 10 AM and 4 PM, guaranteed to destroy your working capacity, even if they keep you healthy enough to be able to work!

That's why there is home hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.

Not everyone can do PD or HHD.
I believe Zach was only mentioning the fact that there is PD and HHD options available to point out to stauffenberg that not everyone on dialysis HAS to be in-center hemo and deal with stuff like this. At least that's how I took it.

Yes it is true not everyone can do HHD or PD and therefore need to do in-center hemo... however, it is my belief that the dialysis patient is not given all the options and such to make a decision on what they would rather do. (Not all dialysis patients, sorry let me clarify... most/some dialysis patients.) I was one of those patients who never even HEARD of PD ever in my life, even after being on hemo for over a yr... and my doctor never told me about it, only way I found out, was online in a dialysis message board forum kinda like this. Reason my doctor gave me for not telling me and offering it to me? He was honest, he told me because he runs 3 dialysis clinics he would rather put his patients on hemo to go to his center than on PD where he only see's us once a month. Money I tell you... ::)

I appreciate the fact that there are differnent option, but I am unable to do PD and rely on HD. I can not do HDD, so I'm stuck with incentre treatment. This means that the shift times available play a big role in my life style. I'm lucky enough to be able to evening shifts so I can still work.

I'm not on in-center hemp anymore, but I wanted to comment anyways.

Why does everyone feel bad for the nurses having to work during holidays.. or staying late or coming in early?

It is there job... my dad works for Wal-mart, he has to work on holidays, and he is fine with that because it is his job. We do the holidays around his schedule... like for Thanksgiving, he had to work... so we ate Thanksgiving dinner when he got home around 530pm, when for 20 yrs we have always ate thanksgiving dinner around 1pm.

Millions of people have to work holidays... dont feel bad for the dialysis nurses... it is their job... they get vacation time just like everyone else...


I spend a lot of time with the nurses and have built a strong rapport with them. I empathize that they have to get up early and work hard to do a job that has a tangible effect on my life. While they may only be doing the job they are paid to do, however it is keeping me alive and I am truly grateful for the work they do. While they show genuine care for me and to make sure I receive the best care available.

I would also want them to spend Christmas with their families, also if the nurses are working on Christmas it means that the patients are also receiving treatment and I would prefer not to have to go in on Christmas. I am lucky enough that my unit like most have made realistic, workable solutions to accommodate everyone
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: angela515 on December 08, 2006, 05:57:00 AM
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: kitkatz on December 08, 2006, 07:28:20 AM
I have no idea what the center is doing for Christmas, but my birthday is December 31 and I am not dialyzing on my birthday!  So there!
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: Hawkeye on December 08, 2006, 08:41:33 AM
I have no idea what the center is doing for Christmas, but my birthday is December 31 and I am not dialyzing on my birthday!  So there!

LOL. :rofl;
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: angela515 on December 08, 2006, 10:12:14 AM
I have no idea what the center is doing for Christmas, but my birthday is December 31 and I am not dialyzing on my birthday!  So there!

Right on kitkat!!  :lol; I remember on my 21st birthday I told them I would not be coming to dialysis on my bday, AND to expect my potassium to be very high on Saturday when I return. So on my 21st birthday, my parents took me out and we gambled (we lived in Vegas), and I ate strawberries, and had a blast!

Enjoy your birthday...  ;)
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: tubes on December 09, 2006, 08:11:01 PM
my unit is opening up much earlier on sunday so the nurses can get out early and get home.
my usual schedule is mon, wed, fri. and for christmas it's sun, tues, fri.....hmmm, crap i'm not sure.
all i know is, i have to be to dialysis by 4:30 am on sunday the 24th.  Then I can be home by 9:30am and to work at 10 am.
OMG, thats going to be a long day.  maybe i will take that day off.  no need overexurting myself before christmas.  ;D
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: Panda_9 on December 10, 2006, 05:08:40 AM
For those who are having extra time off over xmas just be aware of how you are feeling, and be very aware of what you are eating. If you notice any signs of high potassium dont muck around.
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: Bajanne on December 10, 2006, 10:23:07 AM
For those who are having extra time off over xmas just be aware of how you are feeling, and be very aware of what you are eating. If you notice any signs of high potassium dont muck around.
Very good advice, Panda 9.  Let us all comply!
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: Joe Paul on December 10, 2006, 04:13:14 PM
For those who are having extra time off over xmas just be aware of how you are feeling, and be very aware of what you are eating. If you notice any signs of high potassium dont muck around.
I'm new to dialysis...what exactly would I feel if I over-did potatoes?
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: stauffenberg on December 10, 2006, 04:48:58 PM
Of course the opening and closing hours vary all over Europe.  Germany and Austria are really antique in their delight in closing things down so as to make flexibile shopping impossible, and although England is better, it is still primitive by North American standards, where we have a truly 24-hour commercial culture.  I lived for one year in Austria, 6 years in Germany, and 13 years in England.  In Germany I was present at a dialysis unit for about a year while I was a student, and in England I was a dialysis patient for one year.  The figures for dialysis running from only 10 AM to 5 PM come from the center at the London Bridge Hospital, where I imagine the hours are still the same as they were when I was last dialyzed there in 1998, if anyone wants to check.
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: jbeany on December 10, 2006, 04:52:38 PM
For those who are having extra time off over xmas just be aware of how you are feeling, and be very aware of what you are eating. If you notice any signs of high potassium dont muck around.
I'm new to dialysis...what exactly would I feel if I over-did potatoes?

High potassium symptoms:

    * Nausea
    * Irregular heartbeat
    * Slow, weak, or absent pulse

I got this off a medical website - and after "absent pulse" they note "(emergency symptom)".  Ya think?

Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: goofynina on December 10, 2006, 05:41:31 PM
When i had high potassium i lose the use of my limbs,  i guess it shuts down your muscles, it's an ugly feeling...
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: kitkatz on December 10, 2006, 06:55:55 PM
I am going to screw with the dilaysis center's schedule.  It will be so fun!  I am going to Sunnyvale on the 22nd to 24 to see my girls and sister's family, so I will need early dialysis, then maybe Christmas Day dialysis or early Tuesday dialysis.  Then I will NOT dialyze on my birthday this year, so I am messing with their minds.  Hehehehehe!  I should say Paybacks are a bitch!
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: Panda_9 on December 11, 2006, 04:50:49 AM
For those who are having extra time off over xmas just be aware of how you are feeling, and be very aware of what you are eating. If you notice any signs of high potassium dont muck around.
I'm new to dialysis...what exactly would I feel if I over-did potatoes?

First of all, dont over do on anything or you may regret it! Eat a little more carefully than you normally do. Obviously not everyone has trouble with potassium, but having the 3 days off may be hard on most people.
The first symptoms I notice is weakness in my arms and legs. I particularly feel it in my calves and forearms. It can get to a point where you cannot walk, which usually means your potassium may be at very dangerous levels. You can also get nausea, irregular pulse, diahorrea, and I think you can also get stomach pains. If you notice ANY of these symptoms go straight to emergency and tell them you are a dialysis patients and you think your potassium may be high as you have such and such symptoms.
It has actually taken me a few trips to ER to really be able to notice the signs very early. I usually start to notice symptoms when I go above 6.
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: AlasdairUK on December 11, 2006, 05:20:17 AM
Of course the opening and closing hours vary all over Europe. Germany and Austria are really antique in their delight in closing things down so as to make flexibile shopping impossible, and although England is better, it is still primitive by North American standards, where we have a truly 24-hour commercial culture. I lived for one year in Austria, 6 years in Germany, and 13 years in England. In Germany I was present at a dialysis unit for about a year while I was a student, and in England I was a dialysis patient for one year. The figures for dialysis running from only 10 AM to 5 PM come from the center at the London Bridge Hospital, where I imagine the hours are still the same as they were when I was last dialyzed there in 1998, if anyone wants to check.

I can not speak for Germany or Austria as I have never had medical care in either country, however when I have visited Germany they are in most parts fairly rigid to opening and closing times. Keep in mind that it is supply and demand that determines these times and I'm of the understanding that it is the German culture. In other European countries e.g. Spain, the stores are open late as people go out in the evening.

I have never been to the London Bridge Hospital, but in the UK you have the right to chose between five trusts for your medical care and there are plenty of trusts that operate twilight services in London. You have the choice in the UK to dialyze when you want. I have always found that centers give priority in booking slots to people who are working to accommodate patients as best as possible.

With internet shopping it is now 24 hours a day, how much more flexibility do you want for your shopping needs?
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: Zach on December 11, 2006, 06:30:54 AM
Of course the opening and closing hours vary all over Europe. Germany and Austria are really antique in their delight in closing things down so as to make flexibile shopping impossible, and although England is better, it is still primitive by North American standards, where we have a truly 24-hour commercial culture. I lived for one year in Austria, 6 years in Germany, and 13 years in England. In Germany I was present at a dialysis unit for about a year while I was a student, and in England I was a dialysis patient for one year. The figures for dialysis running from only 10 AM to 5 PM come from the center at the London Bridge Hospital, where I imagine the hours are still the same as they were when I was last dialyzed there in 1998, if anyone wants to check.

I can not speak for Germany or Austria as I have never had medical care in either country, however when I have visited Germany they are in most parts fairly rigid to opening and closing times. Keep in mind that it is supply and demand that determines these times and I'm of the understanding that it is the German culture. In other European countries e.g. Spain, the stores are open late as people go out in the evening.

I have never been to the London Bridge Hospital, but in the UK you have the right to chose between five trusts for your medical care and there are plenty of trusts that operate twilight services in London. You have the choice in the UK to dialyze when you want. I have always found that centers give priority in booking slots to people who are working to accommodate patients as best as possible.

With internet shopping it is now 24 hours a day, how much more flexibility do you want for your shopping needs?

Once again, stauffenberg sounds as if he knows what he's talking about, but doesn't get it correct.
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: stauffenberg on December 11, 2006, 09:21:49 AM
When I was dialyzed in London in 1997-1998, I was given NO choice of center, but was assigned first to the out-patient clinic of the hospital where I had initially been admitted at onset of renal failure, the Hammersmith Hospital.  They had about 30 stations, one loud, blaring television set bolted to the ceiling, no way to change the channel or turn down the volume, and operated on a rigid 9-6 schedule, although they did not mind keeping the patients waiting 45 minutes on average before calling them in from the waiting room for treatment.  Later, when I was dialyzed at London Bridge hospital, I found they operated only from 10 AM to 5 PM.  Even worse there was the fact that they gave priority to patients who wanted to sleep and had only a single light for each group of two patients, so that if your partner wanted to sleep, you could not have enough light to read.  When I was a medical student in Duesseldorf I did a research project which involved me interveiwing patients and collecting statistics at the dialysis unit there, and again, the hours were 9-5 -- though the conditions of treatment were much more comfortable than I experienced myself a decade later in England.

In Germany the opening and closing hours have nothing whatsoever to do with supply and demand, but rather, with a stifling tradition of government interference with every detail of life.  The government likes to maintain what it thinks of as 'tradition' and 'order' by keeping Sunday a day of rest and curtailing the hours workers have to put in per week by strictly enforcing closing times.  As a special mercy to the public for good behavior they let a few stores stay open all the way to 5 PM on Saturdays during the three or four Saturdays before Christmas.  Otherwise, the law states that the only stores that can be open late are "travelers' facilities," which are tiny shops within 20 meters of an air terminal, train statioin, bus station, or subway stop, and even these close early by North American standards.  Austria is even worse, and Vienna is constantly full of bewildered tourists wandering around, wondering why nothing is ever open.
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: kitkatz on December 12, 2006, 10:23:25 PM
I thoroughly messed with the dialysis schedule for the holidays!   Muhhahahahaha!  It was great.  I am going to Sunnyvale with the hubby to see my children and my sister, for three days the 22-24 of December, so I will dialyze early Friday morning, then come in early Tuesday monring after Christmas. A looong weekend but I will be okay.  The I will not dilalyze on my birthday, the 31st, so I will come in Wed, Sat, Tues, for that week.  What fun!  I hope I can remember all of this!
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: Panda_9 on December 14, 2006, 02:19:08 AM
I am glad I am not in centre, as there is no way I would put up with having time off. I would like to not feel like shit on xmas day!
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: angieskidney on December 17, 2006, 04:39:51 PM
Well I just found out from my mom that Christmas dinner will be Sunday because she has to work on Christmas Day (the casino never closes).

So the fact that dialysis has moved my dialysis to Sunday (Christmas Eve) means I do NOT get a Christmas Dinner with family this year.

.... I can't help but be depressed about that.
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: kitkatz on December 17, 2006, 09:20:29 PM
So make them change your times.  I went in and TOLD the center what my holiday times would be.  I am sure you can work it out!
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: Wizard on December 18, 2006, 02:07:24 AM
The part that seems hard is carrying around Christmas Eve dinner around (we open pkgs with some family on eve), and Christmas Day lunch around until Wednesday morning. Oh well I guess I will go buy some ExLax from the store since the staff must have day off! :'(
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: angieskidney on December 26, 2006, 12:39:23 AM
Great suggestion!  :2thumbsup; They moved it from 4pm to 2:30pm and even though they were behind and I didn't get hooked up til 3:15pm it was still a lot earlier and I made it for dinner late but better than never! Thx guys!  :thx;
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: jonn r on December 26, 2006, 09:11:57 AM
they had me come in on sunday at 9am to make up for the monday being closed....i think i could make it a few days if i needed to
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: Joe Paul on December 26, 2006, 09:26:05 AM
they had me come in on sunday at 9am to make up for the monday being closed....i think i could make it a few days if i needed to
Its good to hear from you John...Hope you had a Merry Christmas.
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: kitkatz on December 26, 2006, 06:51:03 PM
I made it from Friday monring to Tuesday monring.  It was rough this morning with some extra weight on.  I could feel it.  I feel better tonight and am watching the fluid intake so I can get the rest off tomorrow.
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: imacrash on December 28, 2006, 08:07:03 PM
Yeah, my schedule was way off for Christmas Eve and Christmas and the 26th.  I do PD at home.  My problem was trying to fit the PD into a rather unforeseen hectic holiday.  I live with my parents, and on the 24th, my mom had a stroke around 6pm and then again at 1:45am Christmas day.  I spent the entire night in the hospital, so I did most of my time on PD during the day, going back to the hospital every night, and so on.  I think tonight will be my first full run since the 23rd....ugh!  Wish me luck!!!
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: Sluff on December 28, 2006, 08:12:22 PM
Yeah, my schedule was way off for Christmas Eve and Christmas and the 26th.  I do PD at home.  My problem was trying to fit the PD into a rather unforeseen hectic holiday.  I live with my parents, and on the 24th, my mom had a stroke around 6pm and then again at 1:45am Christmas day.  I spent the entire night in the hospital, so I did most of my time on PD during the day, going back to the hospital every night, and so on.  I think tonight will be my first full run since the 23rd....ugh!  Wish me luck!!!

I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom. I hope she is doing better. Please keep us up to date. I hope your holding up too. Just remember we are here for you! Take care of yourself so you are able to help your Mom.

Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: kitkatz on December 29, 2006, 03:05:45 PM
I also hope your Mom is doing better and you can get back on schedule for your own health.  However it is amazing what can be done when you need to do it!
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: imacrash on December 31, 2006, 09:19:23 PM
Thanks for the well wishes.  My mom is improving and is now in a rehab center.  She's in denial about what she is capable of doing and begging to come home.  Very stressful!  To top things off...on Sat. morn., I had to go to the E.R.  Turned out I have a gall stone!  That episode was very painful.  I'm hoping to have more rest time and knowledge about my mom's condition so that I can help her to the best of my abilities.  I think the stress is making me tired? what do you all think?  Maybe extra iron to get thru this?
Title: Re: Has your Christmas dialysis been messed UP!
Post by: Ohio Buckeye on December 31, 2006, 09:52:14 PM
yes, stress sure makes one tired and achy.
you are going thru a lot.
hope things improve for you real soon.