I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: Bajanne on October 08, 2005, 05:25:37 AM

Title: What about exercise?
Post by: Bajanne on October 08, 2005, 05:25:37 AM
Are you guys told anything about exercise?  I used to go to the gym, but I forgot to ask the doctor about that.  I haven't been because I was hospitalized and then off the island, etc.  But I don't know if exercise is considered good for dialysis patients.  I have some pounds to lose.  What do you think?  Are any of you exercising?
Title: Re: What about exercise?
Post by: Rerun on October 08, 2005, 05:42:08 AM
Yes, exercise is good.  But, check with your Dr. first.  They really push exercise, but I hate to exercise almost as much as I hate dialysis.  Hey!!!  I could start a new website ihateexercise.com!!!!  :)   Only I don't know how to do the web creation stuff.  I'll leave that up to EPOMAN. 

I have 2 little miniature pinchers (dogs) and they get my butt outside at least 3 times a week for a nice run in the park.  I walk and they run.  But, I'm glad I have them to force me to exercise a little bit.   8) ;D
Title: Re: What about exercise?
Post by: Bajanne on October 08, 2005, 08:37:50 AM
Thanks for your reply.  Actually, the part of the gym that I use mostly is the treadmill.  I will start back with that.
Title: Re: What about exercise?
Post by: tamara on October 08, 2005, 08:04:03 PM
I started off doing light things like pilates and yoga, and found that hard enough.It was all for the reason that i had to lose weight to be able to be put on the transplant list.And yes i have finally done it .It has taken over twelve months and in total i have lost 23 kilos or the equivalent of just over 50 pounds.I was slack at times but the more motivated I got knowing what the result was getting on the list and maybe my life wouldnt be on hold.Waiting for that phone call now.So better go see ya !!!!
Title: Re: What about exercise?
Post by: Marina on October 11, 2005, 07:09:31 PM
I'm  on PD,  I  was  told  and  encouraged to  excercise.           Staying  active  helps  with  weight,  and  in  my  case  with  my  diabetes.        I  feel  that it  also  helps  me  reduce  stress,  (it's  the  whole  BODY  MIND  SOUL  thing).              I was  told  I  could  pretty  much  do  any  type  of  exercise  except  for  weightlifting.                      i  walk  alot and  feel  great  when  I  do.
Title: Re: What about exercise?
Post by: Epoman on October 13, 2005, 03:05:05 PM
Yes exercise is good just do not left too heavy of a weight with your dialysis arm. But "Cardio" workouts are great for your heart and will definately extend your life. compared to someone who just sits around all day.
Title: Re: What about exercise?
Post by: Zach on December 31, 2006, 09:15:34 PM
How about starting to exercise in 2007?

and don't forget this thread as well.     :beer1;

Title: Re: What about exercise?
Post by: Lucinda on December 31, 2006, 10:19:12 PM
My doctor told me to do as much as I felt I was capable of.  I have been a bit slack the past few weeks because I have been so anaemic and I have had big problems with my graft and I just don't feel myself at all.

Went for a walk this morning and although I feel tired now, mentally I am in a better place.

When I first started excercising last year - 37 kilos heavier than I am today - I started by walking around the clothesline twice and built it up over the week to walking around it 10 times by the end of the first week.  I got up to walking about 5 kilometres a day and felt great for it.  Never run....too hard on your joints - especially if you have a bit of weight to lose.

I am just about to purchase a dance machine and put a bit of fun into it now......I still have weight to lose but much healthier now.
Title: Re: What about exercise?
Post by: Sara on January 01, 2007, 06:30:14 AM
I'm thinking I'm going to keep a few cans of vegetables on the coffee table so maybe while Joe and I are watching TV we can do curls with the veggies.   :lol;   It's something.   :thumbup;
Title: Re: What about exercise?
Post by: del on January 01, 2007, 08:16:01 PM
You should exercise for cardio reasons.  I don't think is a good idea to lift weights with your fistula arm although the doc who did fistula told hubby to do whatever he wanted with that arm as long as when he lifted the weight wasn't on the fistula cutting off the blood supply.
Title: Re: What about exercise?
Post by: goofynina on January 01, 2007, 09:34:15 PM
Now that the new year is upon us, i swore to my hubby that i will get on the treadmill once a day (at least) and there may be some days where i just may turn the damn thing on  ::)
Title: Re: What about exercise?
Post by: AlasdairUK on January 02, 2007, 05:26:31 AM
Everyone should exercise. Use a bit of common sense and don't over do it with your new found excitement towards exercising. It is in our own interests to stay healthy.
Title: Re: What about exercise?
Post by: Sluff on January 02, 2007, 05:28:49 AM
Now that the new year is upon us, i swore to my hubby that i will get on the treadmill once a day (at least) and there may be some days where i just may turn the damn thing on  ::)

Don't plug it in that way at least you can say you tried but the machine didn't work.
Title: Re: What about exercise?
Post by: jasperkat on January 02, 2007, 09:55:10 AM
My husband execises 5 days a week on an exercise bike.  Not a lot of tension but 25 minutes.  They are thrilled at the dialysis unit because a year ago he was so weak and sick he was in a nursing home.  He worked up from 10 minutes and plans to go to 30.  I think it makes a world of difference.  He hates it but does it because it is good for him and it makes me happy.
Title: Re: What about exercise?
Post by: jbeany on January 02, 2007, 03:41:04 PM
I've been trying.  I set the darn exercise machine up every day, and get on it.  On my good days, I manage about 20 minutes.    Some days, the only exercise I get is manhandling the darn thing around the living room.  I'll step up on it, take a couple of strides beforethe ceiling will spin, and I sit back down.  Yesterday, I stopped at 10 minutes, but at least I tried.  Dialysis today was an exercise in abject misery, so I'm going to wait until much later tonight to even attempt anything.
Title: Re: What about exercise?
Post by: Zach on January 02, 2007, 09:38:10 PM
JBeany!! The fact that you are trying is so important.  And that you keep on trying, that's really great!!  Some days you only do 10 minutes (nothing to sneeze at) and some days it's 20 minutes.  Some days I can't do even 10 minutes. So keep it up.

Title: Re: What about exercise?
Post by: Sluff on January 03, 2007, 03:35:00 AM
I've been trying.  I set the darn exercise machine up every day, and get on it.  On my good days, I manage about 20 minutes.    Some days, the only exercise I get is manhandling the darn thing around the living room.  I'll step up on it, take a couple of strides beforethe ceiling will spin, and I sit back down.  Yesterday, I stopped at 10 minutes, but at least I tried.  Dialysis today was an exercise in abject misery, so I'm going to wait until much later tonight to even attempt anything.

Don't be too hard on yourself! Your doing more than me.
Title: Re: What about exercise?
Post by: charee on January 03, 2007, 06:38:33 PM
How about starting to exercise in 2007?

and don't forget this thread as well.     :beer1;


Well I started today I got the push bike out and rode to work its only 1km one way but its a start When I get used to that I'll go further going to try and ride everyday  ;D