I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions) => Topic started by: Rerun on October 05, 2005, 07:37:32 PM

Title: Food and Fluids
Post by: Rerun on October 05, 2005, 07:37:32 PM
What is good to eat that we CAN have?  I thought raisins were okay, but I was reading a Dialysis Emergency Preparedness Booklet and it kept saying "no raisins." 

High Protein:  Turkey, Chicken, Beef....... all with no salt

No Chocolate??  Really??  I have some everyday and my blood work is okay.

When is the best time to cheat?  Right before dialysis or right after?

I am still producing some urine, so I am drinking as much as I want.  When I don't have any kidney function left what are the restrictions?  How much fluid can a person drink a day?
Title: Re: Food and Fluids
Post by: Epoman on October 05, 2005, 10:11:15 PM
What is good to eat that we CAN have?  I thought raisins were okay, but I was reading a Dialysis Emergency Preparedness Booklet and it kept saying "no raisins." 

High Protein:  Turkey, Chicken, Beef....... all with no salt

No Chocolate??  Really??  I have some everyday and my blood work is okay.

When is the best time to cheat?  Right before dialysis or right after?

I am still producing some urine, so I am drinking as much as I want.  When I don't have any kidney function left what are the restrictions?  How much fluid can a person drink a day?

This is where I am really bad. I basically eat and drink whatever I want. I just do it in moderation. I love chocolate, avocado, cheeses, Coke-a-Cola, etc. I just eat smaller amounts. I have always had trouble keeping my phosphorus down. I keep my potassium under control 95% of the time. I love to eat and go out to restaurants.

As for the fluid they say 1 liter a day. But it really depends on how much you can tolerate them removing during dialysis. However if you gain too much it between sessions it can be bad for your heart. It will cause your heart to enlarge. When you have excess fluid it makes your heart work (pump) harder therefore causing it to enlarge.

When I first started dialysis, I thought I would be dead soon so I didn't take care of myself. I drank and ate whetever I wanted so 11 years later I have an enlarged heart.
Title: Re: Food and Fluids
Post by: O in on October 05, 2005, 11:58:09 PM
4me 600ml fluid each 24 hours

and even at that level i'am taking off 3.2kg per session

and talking of fluid - fluid calcs include anything that is liquid at room temp
Title: Re: Food and Fluids
Post by: babi68 on October 10, 2005, 04:44:40 PM
I also have alot of trouble controlling my fluids. I should only have a litre a day, but most days I don't. That is why I too have an enlarged heart. I no longer eat bananas or rockmelon(cantalope). I am lucky as I have never really eaten chocolate, so that I can do without. A few patients eat their naughty food in the first hour of dialysis. I think that way the bad stuff gets sucked out of you. ;D     One thing I can't stand are the phosphate binders. We use caltrate here. They taste like chalk. Has anyone ever used the "digi-straw"? Does it make it easier to control your fluids? I was thinking of giving this a go. Take care all, must go, housework is calling for me!! :( Liz
Title: Re: Food and Fluids
Post by: Epoman on October 10, 2005, 05:42:45 PM
I also have alot of trouble controlling my fluids. I should only have a litre a day, but most days I don't. That is why I too have an enlarged heart. I no longer eat bananas or rockmelon(cantalope). I am lucky as I have never really eaten chocolate, so that I can do without. A few patients eat their naughty food in the first hour of dialysis. I think that way the bad stuff gets sucked out of you. ;D     One thing I can't stand are the phosphate binders. We use caltrate here. They taste like chalk. Has anyone ever used the "digi-straw"? Does it make it easier to control your fluids? I was thinking of giving this a go. Take care all, must go, housework is calling for me!! :( Liz

"Digi-Straw?" Do you have a link?
Title: Re: Food and Fluids
Post by: babi68 on October 11, 2005, 03:39:18 AM
Hope this works. Liz  ;D

www.digistraw.com  (http://www.digistraw.com)
Title: Re: Food and Fluids
Post by: Epoman on October 13, 2005, 03:12:04 PM
Hope this works. Liz  ;D


Thanks, I have never heard of that before. But I wouldn't use it, I would be too lazy or I would forget to bring it along. Just cut back on your fluids and you will be fine drink half a can of soda, just drink in moderation. Because if your not careful you it can get out of hand and next thing you know your 20+ pounds overloaded in fluid and it will seep into your lungs and make it hard to breath. Believe me it has happened to me. The best thing is too also watch your SODIUM intake, sodium makes you retain more water.
Title: Re: Food and Fluids
Post by: babi68 on October 14, 2005, 08:18:54 PM
I think the digi-straw would be hard to use as you still need to account for foods you eat, especially watermelon. The weather here is starting to warm up and I love watermelon so I need to be careful. I will watch my sodium intake, maybe this will help. Thanks for the advice. Liz :)
Title: Re: Food and Fluids
Post by: babi68 on November 02, 2005, 08:36:18 PM
I bought an electric ice crusher today. I thought I would measure out my fluid allowance then I can crush it. I LOVE ice. Let you know how I go and see if it is easier not to put on too much between sessions. Does anyone else use one? Does it help? Liz :)
Title: Re: Food and Fluids
Post by: Rerun on November 04, 2005, 06:47:48 PM
An electric ice crusher?  Great idea.  I'll have to look for one.   :)
Title: Re: Food and Fluids
Post by: Epoman on November 05, 2005, 10:37:09 AM
I bought an electric ice crusher today. I thought I would measure out my fluid allowance then I can crush it. I LOVE ice. Let you know how I go and see if it is easier not to put on too much between sessions. Does anyone else use one? Does it help? Liz :)

I had an electric crusher BUT I want a ice machine that makes those itty bitty ice cudes, I prefer those over crushed or shaved ice. Do you know what I mean? There are like 1/4" by 1/4" little baby balls of ice.
Title: Re: Food and Fluids
Post by: Jamie on December 01, 2005, 02:46:43 PM
  What a great topic here "Fluids" right now mine is very uncontrolable I'm gaining between 5 to 8 kilo's per treatment. Some times after my treatment I have to take a cab home because I can't even walk.
  Cramps, low blood pressure you name it. Passing out has been my close and personal friend for a while now.....Jamie-G

Title: Re: Food and Fluids
Post by: babi68 on December 03, 2005, 01:54:51 AM
All is going well with the ice crusher. Just need to meaure out my water as I freeze it, otherwise it seems to help the amount of fluid  I am having. The most I have ever put on is around 4litres and it was not a nice experience taking it off in one go. I can only do a maximum of 3 litres at one time. How many hours do you do Jamie? I do 5, and doing 3 litres in 5 hours I seem to cope o.k. Its not much fun going "flat" is it.
Title: Re: Food and Fluids
Post by: Bajanne on December 03, 2005, 09:44:59 AM
There is a simple ice-tray that makes little cubes.  They are like halves of a ball and fairly small.  That is what I use when I wake at night and have the urge to drink something.
The ice tray is one that is like a flattened bottle with a cap.
Title: Re: Food and Fluids
Post by: Jamie on December 03, 2005, 12:29:54 PM
I'm on hemo dialysis and I run for 4 hours. My weight gains are between 5 and 8 kilo's per treatment. Usually when my treatment is done I'm a mess.....Jamie-G.
Title: Re: Food and Fluids
Post by: susie q on December 18, 2005, 06:16:00 AM
I need some good snack suggestions.... I'm so tired of not being able to eat what I like...
Popcorn makes me thirsty... can't have nuts or chocolate.. no potato chips..
The holidays are coming...   What do you like to snack on??  :) ;)
Title: Re: Food and Fluids
Post by: Jamie on December 18, 2005, 09:30:08 AM
Candy, candy, candy.
Title: Re: Food and Fluids
Post by: Rerun on December 18, 2005, 11:03:37 PM
Ice Chips "mmmm"   :)
Title: Re: Food and Fluids
Post by: Jamie on December 19, 2005, 04:39:52 PM
Sweet & Sour Side Walk Chalk seems thats pretty well what we can eat.-lol ;D
Title: Re: Food and Fluids
Post by: susie q on December 19, 2005, 04:58:49 PM
Soooo helpful Lol  ::)
I think it could be a boredom problem too... snacking is a way to kill time..
I think I'll go have another apple... ;D :D :o
Title: Re: Food and Fluids
Post by: Jamie on December 19, 2005, 08:48:31 PM
Apples are good. I love apples and apple juice.