I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: livecam on September 21, 2006, 01:58:47 PM

Title: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: livecam on September 21, 2006, 01:58:47 PM
Illegal aliens like it or not are being dialyzed and transplanted at taxpayer expense all over our country.  We all know what costs are involved in dialysis, transplantation, followup, and medications.  When an illegal alien is placed on a transplant waiting list the illegal can and often will get that transplant before an American citizen.  Is it right that this be allowed to continue?  What safeguards should be put in place to protect American taxpayers and organ transplant patients from the costs associated with and increased wait times imposed by illegal aliens.  Should a national ID system be implemented to separate citizens and noncitizens from expensive lifesaving treatment?  Should illegals ever receive maintenance dialysis in the U.S.?  Should any illegal alien here ever be transplanted?  When are we going to kick them all out?

EDITED: Thread MERGED with this Poll/Thread. - Epoman. Admin/Owner
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: livecam on September 21, 2006, 02:06:03 PM
The cost of illegal aliens to dialysis and transplant patients can be measured in more ways than just the dollars.  When an illegal is transplanted an American is usuallly behind him or her in the line.  When taxpayers pay to dialyze illegals, Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance costs rise for legal Americans.  Should this be allowed to continue?
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: Joe Paul on September 21, 2006, 02:07:32 PM
Well, if our government is that lax, maybe its what we deserve. Someone might as well enjoy the taxes we Americans  pay, not just politicians.
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: Epoman on September 21, 2006, 02:31:47 PM
The cost of illegal aliens to dialysis and transplant patients can be measured in more ways than just the dollars.  When an illegal is transplanted an American is usuallly behind him or her in the line.  When taxpayers pay to dialyze illegals, Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance costs rise for legal Americans.  Should this be allowed to continue?

Hmmm, well this is going to be a good debate.  >:D Personally I hate the fact that illegals have BETTER insurance than I do, the combination of Medicare/Medical is awesome. That will pay for everything. I remember when I was at a center when I first started dialysis my insurance would not cover Bone-Density tests BUT all the illegals or the ones on "Medical" would get the tests. Well here it is years later I am in a wheelchair because my bone loss was not monitored. I bet those illegals are still walking.  >:( I really don't mind people coming to this country (USA) and want to become a citizen, work hard, LEARN the language and become a tax-payer. I do have a problem with people coming over here to this country and not paying taxes, and not learning the language and thinking they are entitled to the same rights as citizens. As to should they be allowed to have dialysis here? I really don't have an answer on that. As to them having transplants, I feel citizens should be given top priority.
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: angieskidney on September 21, 2006, 04:14:08 PM
Since I am not American I don't really have a say .. but I do like the idea that if I visited my American boyfriend and something happened that I would be taken care of even as a non-American ;)

But damn! That sucks Epoman! Damn you should have gotten those tests if they got them! Paid for coverage should be better than free hand outs!
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: Sara on September 21, 2006, 04:17:15 PM
If you are not a citizen or legal resident, no I don't think you should be getting things like free medical.  I do think it should be easier/quicker to become a citizen or resident though.  I don't like the idea of saying 'no' to people in need, but if everyone were to take from the system and not give also, by paying taxes, the system would go bankrupt really quickly.
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: Rerun on September 21, 2006, 04:21:27 PM
I don't understand how this can happen.  When I went for my Transplant Evaluation the first thing they looked at was my insurance and if I could pay.  If my insurance would not cover transplantation I was out.  How do these illegal aliens get on the list? 

I know they get dialysis.  I don't know how that happens either. 

I guess we could contact UNOS and see what their policy is.  Who wants to volunteer to do that??
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: BigSky on September 21, 2006, 04:37:16 PM
The US does need to set up so some sort of identification system so that only its citizens and those that are here legally are able to have medical paid by our government. 

Anytime an illegal applies for government assistence they should be arrested and deported.  As it is any social worker or anyone else who helps illegals are criminals themselves and should be prosecuted.  They are aiding and abetting a known criminal.

Illegals cost this country far more than the government wishes to admit.
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: angieskidney on September 21, 2006, 04:40:04 PM
I remember when I was in the hospital in ER and there was a drunk young man who got into a fight and needed to be in the ER and had no coverage. We still took care of him dispite not having any coverage.
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: Rerun on September 21, 2006, 04:40:10 PM
Oh, but who will pick our peaches and apples????  BLAH, blah, blah....... :banghead;
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: Sara on September 21, 2006, 06:28:36 PM
I wanted to add, I think emergency treatment is one thing, but routine, regular treatment is another.
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: sandman on September 21, 2006, 08:16:58 PM
I feel that American citizens and legal visitors in the US should be given high priority in US medical institution's and illegal visitors should be only be given emergency medical care ( enough to stabilize them ) and then sent packing for their home land.  I mean, if you can't be bothered by stopping at the border and make legal entry to the US then why should the US help you?  Seems fair enough to me.

It's bad enough where US citizens are unable to receive the medical treatment we need because of not enough insurance or whatever, but when illegal immigrants can slip by border patrols, find their way in to one of our medical institution's and receive everything they need medically, without having any way to pay, is just a slap in our faces.
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: waitlisted on September 21, 2006, 09:36:45 PM
I want to comment something as well... first of all I have personally went through the process to get permanent residency in US and I know many friends and colleagues, who have been stuck in that process many years when doing it according to the official way. Personally I think that the problem here in US is that this country does not run without the illegal immigrants, most of he work related to infrastructure are done by illegals. So the government does not want to "solve" this problem especially when all the politics here is sponsored by large companies needing this cheap labor.

What comes to the health care, I really don't know how it works for illegals, but when I had my first discussion with the social worker we talked about medicare. I mentioned that I am not eligible for medicare now as you need to work 10 years before reaching it, it somehow came up that the person had met with multiple illegal immigrants/newcomers to the country and they had all possible insurances.

I asked the social worker, how to do it illegally as it seems to be the faster option, but she just said she likes my way better... ;)

I don't think this a problem exists only in US, but same issue exists in many other countries as well (developed countries having any medical care). I think that emergency care needs to be provided for anyone, but long term maintenance health care could be restricted.

Livecam, do you have some statictics behind your comment "illegal often will get transplant before legal person"?
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: livecam on September 21, 2006, 09:45:57 PM
Well EPO you answered your own question.  Basically you are wheelchair bound because you couldn't get the medical tests that are apparently no problem for any illegal.  We hear other stories from time to time as well like the recent separation of the conjoined twins of illegal aliens at taxpayer expense in Los Angeles.  The parents with the woman very pregnant decided to "visit" the U.S.  While here she was treated at taxpayer expense for another condition at which time it was discovered she was carrying the conjoined twins.  Of course she and her common-law husband "decided" to stay and have the babies here which made them U.S. citizens by birth.  The separation surgery cost us 2 million dollars with the cost of lifetime followup and monitoring incalculable.  How many people could be dialyzed and transplanted with the money spent instead on those kids.  I remember another case from a few years ago where Mexican parents purposely entered the country illegally with their sick child who was in need of a transplant.  If memory serves me right the transplant was performed I believe in North Carolina again at taxpayer expense.  An error was made and the child was transplanted with an organ of an incompatible blood type.  The child later died, the parents sued and were given the right to remain in the country permanently with their other children also brought in illegally.  I have other stories as well, one is personal witnessed myself from the dialysis chair.  That one comes later. 
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: Rerun on September 21, 2006, 11:07:55 PM
The one twin gets dialysis and will get a transplant from her Mother.  I'm sure our tax dollars will pay for that too.
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: Sluff on September 22, 2006, 07:12:39 AM
Take care of our own. If your here illegally, then get legal if you want the same kind of help that our Tax paying, hard working Americans receive. When every US Citizen is cured from kidney disease and cancer then we can help others. All the money that could be used to find cures for devastating diseases here in the US, are being used to treat illegals. Thats a bunch of hogwash.

Am I being selfish?  You bet I am.
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: BigSky on September 22, 2006, 07:22:48 AM
This country would run fine without illegals.

All illegals do is cost the US money.

Corporations use illegals to drive down the wages paid in this country.  Laws of supply and demand.  Corporations dilute the supply of workers by using illegals thus keeping wages down.

Without illegals corporations would actually have to pay what it is worth to pick apples, oranges and anything else that needs done in this country.

Another thing is that any corporation that is caught with illegals should be the one to pay directly out of their pocket all expenses to house illegals and the costs of deportation,  that is in addition to throwing their Presidents and mangers in jail for 5 years no parole.

Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: angieskidney on September 22, 2006, 08:11:44 AM
I wanted to add, I think emergency treatment is one thing, but routine, regular treatment is another.
Ah okay! That I can agree with! You see I want the emergecy treatment to remain but yes you are right! Routine IS another thing!

I want to comment something as well... first of all I have personally went through the process to get permanent residency in US and I know many friends and colleagues, who have been stuck in that process many years when doing it according to the official way. Personally I think that the problem here in US is that this country does not run without the illegal immigrants, most of he work related to infrastructure are done by illegals. So the government does not want to "solve" this problem especially when all the politics here is sponsored by large companies needing this cheap labor.
I can believe that as the Mexicans also come to Canada and are willing to do the work and are more determined to do a good job than any Canadian or American who expect more pay for their work.

I really don't know how it works for illegals, but when I had my first discussion with the social worker we talked about medicare. I mentioned that I am not eligible for medicare now as you need to work 10 years before reaching it, it somehow came up that the person had met with multiple illegal immigrants/newcomers to the country and they had all possible insurances.

I asked the social worker, how to do it illegally as it seems to be the faster option, but she just said she likes my way better... ;)

I don't think this a problem exists only in US, but same issue exists in many other countries as well (developed countries having any medical care). I think that emergency care needs to be provided for anyone, but long term maintenance health care could be restricted.
10 years???? Holy CRAP!! I will never move to the States then :(

This country would run fine without illegals.

All illegals do is cost the US money.

Corporations use illegals to drive down the wages paid in this country. Laws of supply and demand. Corporations dilute the supply of workers by using illegals thus keeping wages down.

Without illegals corporations would actually have to pay what it is worth to pick apples, oranges and anything else that needs done in this country.

Another thing is that any corporation that is caught with illegals should be the one to pay directly out of their pocket all expenses to house illegals and the costs of deportation, that is in addition to throwing their Presidents and mangers in jail for 5 years no parole.

Wow! But it is true! It is the corporations that don't have unions in Canada they employ them with minimum wage and no benefits. Is that how it is in the States as well??
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: BigSky on September 22, 2006, 10:36:20 AM
Wow! But it is true! It is the corporations that don't have unions in Canada they employ them with minimum wage and no benefits. Is that how it is in the States as well??

In a free market it is suppose to work by supply and demand.  If there is not enough workers (short supply) then wages tend to go up to fill those positions.  If the market has too many workers(oversupply) the wages stay low because they can find just about anyone to work the job.

Time and time again corporations lie about it.  Tyson chicken is well known for this stuff.  They have submitted the same SS number for many employees and shrug it off as they didnt know.

In Time magazine it included evidence of this racket from the Tyson Foods  trial in 2003. Time printed the recorded phone conversation where the chicken plant manager arranged for up to 500 illegal aliens to come directly to work at Tyson plants after getting phony documents.

Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: meadowlandsnj on September 22, 2006, 12:58:16 PM
Here's an article about that girl who had the botched organ transplant.  I remember reading somewhere about a certain percentage of organs were given to foreigners to the US and according to this it's 5%. 

Final Goodbye To Jesica Santillan

LOUISBURG, N.C., March 5, 2003
(AP) Jesica Santillan, the Mexican teenager who died last month after a bungled heart-lung transplant, was laid to rest in a rural North Carolina cemetery Tuesday as the ethical debate over her treatment continued to swirl.

The 17-year-old girl's small white coffin was slipped into a mausoleum wall and covered with a slab of pink granite as her parents watched. On a sunny, springlike day, some 100 mourners gathered at the small graveyard east of Louisburg for the outdoor service.

Plans to bury Jesica in Mexico were abandoned because there was no guarantee her illegal immigrant parents would be allowed to return to the United States afterward.

Critics have said American citizens should have priority for transplants. But transplant groups say it is only fair to give some organs to foreigners because they also donate organs to U.S. patients.

At the funeral, Nita Mahoney, whose husband started a charitable foundation in Jesica's name, seemed to hint at the controversy over whether the girl should have been on the long list of desperate transplant candidates.

"Love has no colors to it, and it crosses all rivers and nations," Mahoney said. "That was the only thing we wanted to do, was help a child. And in Jesica's memory, we will."

In an operation Feb. 7, Jesica was mistakenly given organs of the wrong blood type. Her body rejected the organs, and a matching transplant about two weeks later came too late to save her. She died Feb. 22 at Duke University Medical Center.

Some have questioned whether the second transplant was proper and whether the organs could have saved the life of another patient. Others questioned why an illegal immigrant received such high-intensity medical care.

Ron Woodard, president of a group called N.C. Listen that favors restricting immigration, said Jesica's situation was tragic.

"But if I was a person on the waiting list," Woodard told The News & Observer of Raleigh, "I'm sure the thought would run through my mind: Why were organs given to someone who was here illegally?"

Hospital officials said they have the discretion to put foreign citizens, including illegal immigrants, on the national waiting list for transplants. And the United Network for Organ Sharing, which oversees the distribution of organs nationwide, allows up to 5 percent of recipients to be from other countries.

"Part of the rationale is that it may be hypocritical to accept donors who are not U.S. citizens, but not allow them to be transplant recipients," said Joel Newman, UNOS spokesman.

A major factor in deciding who gets a transplant is ability to pay. The federal government pays for some emergency medical services, but does not cover illegal immigrants who were unable to pay.

Jesica was unusual among illegal immigrants in that she had health insurance, provided through her mother's job at Louisburg College. Family friend Mack Mahoney said the insurance will pay for 80 percent and a foundation he created to help the Santillans could cover the rest.

Lawyers for the girl's family say they haven't decided whether to sue the hospital.

"She came as close to being an angel on earth as anyone," attorney Frank Cassiano said. "This girl was brave every day of her life. Duke needs to be aware there's nothing I'm not going to do to paint this picture."

Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: paris on September 22, 2006, 01:29:34 PM
I live in the area and it was on tv and in the newspapers in great detail. The mother had insurance with Louisburg College.  Along with having some of the finest doctors in the US, Duke is a teaching hospital and also takes medical care of most of the indigents in the area.  N.C. has always had a large population of migrant workers working all the fields. Now we have had a huge influx of Hispanics in the area. But, most are hardworking, family people just trying to make their lives better. How many are illegal? Hard to tell. But, I never begrudged that little girl her transplant, even though I am waiting for one.  Each case must be decided on its own. Could you let a child die because he hasn't become a citizen?  Unless we are Native Americans, all our ancesters were illegal at one point in history.  That doesn't mean I am  "pro" illegals  - it just seems to be more complicated than a "yes" or "no" answer.
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: sandman on September 22, 2006, 08:40:23 PM
I really don't know how it works for illegals, but when I had my first discussion with the social worker we talked about medicare. I mentioned that I am not eligible for medicare now as you need to work 10 years before reaching it, it somehow came up that the person had met with multiple illegal immigrants/newcomers to the country and they had all possible insurances.

And how did you go about inquiring?  Were you a legal US citizen at the time?
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: waitlisted on September 22, 2006, 11:40:18 PM
I was not citizen and I am still not citizen, but resident. If I remember correctly it came up, when there were 2 people discussing with me and the other one was asking my status and was wondering if there is any requirement to be a citizen to get a transplant and then the social worker came up with the story about illegals.

10 years? Holy CRAP!! I will never move to the States then

Don't count on this, I am not sure how this goes. Medicare web site tells:
Medicare Premiums for 2006:

Part A: (Hospital Insurance) Premium
Most people do not pay a monthly Part A premium because they or a spouse has 40 or more quarters of Medicare-covered employment.
The Part A premium is $216.00 for people having 30-39 quarters of Medicare-covered employment.
The Part A premium is $393.00 per month for people who are not otherwise eligible for premium-free hospital insurance and have less than 30 quarters of Medicare-covered employment.

Part B: (Medical Insurance) Premium

$88.50 per month.

It also says
If you (or your spouse) did not pay Medicare taxes while you worked, and you are age 65 or older and a citizen or permanent resident of the United States, you may be able to buy Part A. If you are under age 65, you can get Part A without having to pay premiums if:
You have been entitled to Social Security or Railroad Retirement Board disability benefits for 24 months. (Note: If you have Lou Gehrig's disease, your Medicare benefits begin the first month you get disability benefits.)
You are a kidney dialysis or kidney transplant patient.

So I understand this so that as ESRD patient I would get Medicare part A without premium. For part B there is always premium if I have understood it correctly.
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: Panda_9 on September 23, 2006, 12:19:59 AM
What the hell is an illegal alien? Excuse my aussieness.
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: sandman on September 23, 2006, 12:40:46 AM
What the hell is an illegal alien? Excuse my aussieness.

Dictionary.com describes and illegal alien as this....

illegal alien (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/illegal%20alien) 

1. a foreigner who has entered or resides in a country unlawfully or without the country's authorization. 
2. a foreigner who enters the U.S. without an entry or immigrant visa, esp. a person who crosses the border by avoiding inspection or who overstays the period of time allowed as a visitor, tourist, or businessperson. Compare resident alien (http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=resident alien). 

Also called illegal immigrant.
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: angieskidney on September 23, 2006, 12:29:30 PM
10 years? Holy CRAP!! I will never move to the States then

Don't count on this, I am not sure how this goes. Medicare web site tells:
Medicare Premiums for 2006:

Part A: (Hospital Insurance) Premium
Most people do not pay a monthly Part A premium because they or a spouse has 40 or more quarters of Medicare-covered employment.
The Part A premium is $216.00 for people having 30-39 quarters of Medicare-covered employment.
The Part A premium is $393.00 per month for people who are not otherwise eligible for premium-free hospital insurance and have less than 30 quarters of Medicare-covered employment.

Part B: (Medical Insurance) Premium

$88.50 per month.

wow I woudl have to pay $481.50/mth :(  :o

oh wait..

It also says
If you (or your spouse) did not pay Medicare taxes while you worked, and you are age 65 or older and a citizen or permanent resident of the United States, you may be able to buy Part A. If you are under age 65, you can get Part A without having to pay premiums if:
You have been entitled to Social Security or Railroad Retirement Board disability benefits for 24 months. (Note: If you have Lou Gehrig's disease, your Medicare benefits begin the first month you get disability benefits.)
You are a kidney dialysis or kidney transplant patient.

So I understand this so that as ESRD patient I would get Medicare part A without premium. For part B there is always premium if I have understood it correctly.

Oh wow! Thanks for this info!! That helps a LOT!!  :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: kitkatz on September 23, 2006, 10:37:27 PM
Now if you get me started I am not going to shut up on this issue... illegal immigration.  Stop me, pppulleeease!
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: Rerun on September 23, 2006, 10:49:26 PM

Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty......... :popcorn;
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: Sluff on September 24, 2006, 06:55:37 AM
When I talk of illegals I'm talking about the fence hoppers. If you are from another country and seek out medical help in the US that is fine.
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: Black on September 24, 2006, 08:15:50 PM
If our borders were actually protected as they should be, we wouldn't be discussing this problem.

Anyone who breaks the law to get here should get NOTHING!  Emergency/critical care should be rendered as an humanitarian gesture and the patient immediately deported -- we can't even serve our own citizens and legal immigrants and certainly have no obligation to serve citizens from other countries who are here illegally.

I have repeatedly written to my reps in DC demanding that action be taken.    I have repeatedly directed their attention to the financial problems in our medical care system.  All of our infrastructure, including our public schools and jails, are being forced to support people who broke our laws to get here.  I've even said that I don't care if lettuce is $10 a head and apples $5 each (when vegetable and fruit pickers are paid $10 to $20 per hour there would be US citizens willing to do the jobs). The replies I've received from these people, who are supposed to be representing me, have been infuriating.

Until our borders are guarded and/or fenced and/or mined, we will continue to pay taxes to support criminals and families who should not be here.
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: Rerun on September 24, 2006, 08:49:16 PM
So far the poll is 4 no and 16 yes.

Where are the 4 who said "no" and what is there reasoning.........?   ???
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: sandman on September 25, 2006, 02:32:14 AM
So far the poll is 4 no and 16 yes.

Where are the 4 who said "no" and what is there reasoning.........?   ???

Correction, 4 yes and 16 no

I misread the poll when I took it and thought it said "legal" aliens.  :-[  My bad.  I ment to answer no.
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: angieskidney on September 25, 2006, 12:44:49 PM
Since I am not American I misunderstood what illegal aliens are. I mean, i figured there had to be more to the story since so many Mexicans are trying so hard to cross into the US. Even at the risk of getting shot. I figured there had to be more to the story that I wasn't getting. Plus I thought it included people like me who are considering being a resident of the States but would not be able to wait for extended length of time to get coverage. Plus with hearing about one dialysis nurse in California, and how some people tried to become a resident but is taking years and their son (or some family member) needed care before they got citizenship ... there are a lot of things that need to be taken into consideration .. so I marked the minority. But if we are JUST talking about those who on purpose come into the USA and not even try to get citizenship then .. I would have to go with the majority.
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: Epoman on September 25, 2006, 01:54:00 PM

Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty......... :popcorn;

LMAO, YEAH come on Kitkatz get in here.
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: waitlisted on September 25, 2006, 07:50:50 PM
Could someone actually explain, how does the health care system work in US. Originally I was always told that you cannot get get any treatment without insurance, except if you are dying they would keep you alive. As I am coming from a country where people are paying HUGE taxes and social security&health insurance is "included" so anyone can get basically any needed operation in public hospitals. There is a queue and you might need to wait but eventually you get there... There are also private hospitals if you don't want to wait and can afford it.

When I have been telling this to doctors in US they are surprised and tell how many people in US are left untreated, because they don't have insurance. On the other hand discussion here tells that any illegal immigrant can get treatment, so I am confused. How does the system work?
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: angieskidney on September 27, 2006, 10:33:55 PM
Could someone actually explain, how does the health care system work in US. Originally I was always told that you cannot get get any treatment without insurance, except if you are dying they would keep you alive. As I am coming from a country where people are paying HUGE taxes and social security&health insurance is "included" so anyone can get basically any needed operation in public hospitals. There is a queue and you might need to wait but eventually you get there... There are also private hospitals if you don't want to wait and can afford it.

When I have been telling this to doctors in US they are surprised and tell how many people in US are left untreated, because they don't have insurance. On the other hand discussion here tells that any illegal immigrant can get treatment, so I am confused. How does the system work?
I would like to know that as well because it seems to me .. no wonder Americans are upset at Illegal Mexicans!
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: sandman on September 28, 2006, 01:01:54 AM
I too am interested in finding out how these illegal aliens are slipping through the cracks of our medical institutions " can't pay?  no way! " mentality and are able to receive the healthcare US citizens are often denied.  :popcorn;
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: jdat on September 30, 2006, 10:37:57 AM
I am an American citizen ( but only lived in the US for about 3 years and a half ) and I had a medical insurance issues which basically prevented me from getting any adequate care in the United States.
Had to leave the country because if I had stayed that I would be dead by now.
Yeah great.... and now I'll never be able to live there ever again  :banghead;.....

I am the most open person in regards to other races/nationalities but I draw the line at the abuse or priority illegal aliens may be given over "me" for medical care when I myself was a legitimate citizen.
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: Black on September 30, 2006, 06:40:20 PM
I am an American citizen (but only lived in the US for about 3 years and a half ) and I had a medical insurance issues which basically prevented me from getting any adequate care in the United States.
Had to leave the country because if I had stayed that I would be dead by now.
Yeah great.... and now I'll never be able to live there ever again  :banghead;.....

I am the most open person in regards to other races/nationalities but I draw the line at the abuse or priority illegal aliens may be given over "me" for medical care when I myself was a legitimate citizen.

I understand, and I am so sorry that happened to you.   :(  The US medical care system seems to penalize those like you, and make it easy for the rich and the poor.

And, yes, that is one reason why so many people are upset over illegals.  In the US anyone who comes to a public hospital for care must be treated regardless of ability to pay or immigration status -- and no one is allowed to ask their immigration status.  By contacting the social worker on the hopital staff, illegals can file for financial assistance and if they show no assets, and little or no income, they become entitled to many government benefits, paid for by taxes collected from the US citizens.

If you check the waiting room of most US government funded health departments you'll find most of those waiting for free medical care are obviously the poorest of the poor, and chances are a high percentage of them are illegals.  They are making it harder for OUR poor citizens to get medical care they desperately need and using up a large percentage of our health care dollars intended for OUR poor.  >:D >:D

Please don't misunderstand, I have no problem with anyone, especially children, getting emergency care for a critical problems but we should not be paying for routine care for the criminals who have violated our immigration laws.
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: angieskidney on October 02, 2006, 01:27:22 PM
Please don't misunderstand, I have no problem with anyone, especially children, getting emergency care for a critical problems but we should not be paying for routine care for the criminals who have violated our immigration laws.
OKay, now I understand and I can see why! The system really needs to be changed to make it more fair for the tax paying citizens!
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: Wizard on October 03, 2006, 07:11:00 AM
I think the illegal immigrants should be stabilized then bumped back to the country from which they came.  Every dialysis clinic I have been to has three or more people that cannot speak a bit of english and I will certainly have a duck if they are on the transplant list.  But with the war in Iraq going on I cannot help but get offended that now we are dialyzing a muslim who wears what appears to be a nightgown and sandals to dialysis clinic, one would think that he would appear to be more americanized if he wants FREE routine medical care! :(
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: vandie on October 03, 2006, 08:08:02 AM
If you are an illegal, you should be taken care of on an emergent basis only and deported.  We, as tax payers. should not be footing the bill for people that do not pay taxes. 
It goes beyond medical issues.  It is criminal as well.  Illegal immigrant offenders are deported only after they are represented by a Public Defender (on our dime), sometimes given an expensive jury trial (on our dime),  and do their time (on our dime.)  They then return to the country illegally where they either violate probation or commit another crime.
That big concrete wall is looking better and better.
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: Sara on October 03, 2006, 12:53:17 PM
I think the illegal immigrants should be stabilized then bumped back to the country from which they came.  Every dialysis clinic I have been to has three or more people that cannot speak a bit of english and I will certainly have a duck if they are on the transplant list.  But with the war in Iraq going on I cannot help but get offended that now we are dialyzing a muslim who wears what appears to be a nightgown and sandals to dialysis clinic, one would think that he would appear to be more americanized if he wants FREE routine medical care! :(

Does it really matter what he wears?  I for one, enjoy and respect seeing people wearing their native culture's traditional clothing.
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: livecam on October 03, 2006, 07:31:10 PM
If it is a Muslim woman being dialyzed, where do the needles go when you have to get into that potato sack that they all like to wear?
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: Sara on October 03, 2006, 08:16:40 PM
If it is a Muslim woman being dialyzed, where do the needles go when you have to get into that potato sack that they all like to wear?

Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: BigSky on October 04, 2006, 07:50:10 AM
If you are an illegal, you should be taken care of on an emergent basis only and deported.  We, as tax payers. should not be footing the bill for people that do not pay taxes. 
It goes beyond medical issues.  It is criminal as well.  Illegal immigrant offenders are deported only after they are represented by a Public Defender (on our dime), sometimes given an expensive jury trial (on our dime),  and do their time (on our dime.)  They then return to the country illegally where they either violate probation or commit another crime.
That big concrete wall is looking better and better.

That is the problem.  They should be deported ASAP.  No need for any public defender. 

A bigger problem is some of the cities and states that are safe havens to illegals.  This crap about where police officers or other officials cannot ask immigration status is bull and so is the policy of them not arresting illegals on immigration charges. 

A few weeks ago several construction sites in two different cities reported thefts of thousands of dollars in supplies and tools.  Well they caught the 4 guys here and they were all illegals from Mexico.l :banghead;

It is funny up here because it is not hard to spot the illegals and yet they keep coming here and getting caught.
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: Wizard on October 04, 2006, 08:44:12 AM
Trust me I can count about two dozen on any given morning at a gas station standing around waiting for day work.  And the local INS or police do nothing about it.
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: Sluff on October 04, 2006, 08:49:48 AM
SEND THEM BACK!!! Spend as much money sending them back as they spent getting here. $ 0000000.00

As for the Muslim wearing sandals.. who cares as long as he is here legally. He probably doesn't like your wardrobe either.

I'm all for getting rid of illegals but those who came to the land of the free legally, have a right to practice there own religion and dress the way they want.
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: vandie on October 04, 2006, 09:57:11 AM
SEND THEM BACK!!! Spend as much money sending them back as they spent getting here. $ 0000000.00

As for the Muslim wearing sandals.. who cares as long as he is here legally. He probably doesn't like your wardrobe either.

I'm all for getting rid of illegals but those who came to the land of the free legally, have a right to practice there own religion and dress the way they want.
Amen, brother!!   :clap;
Well put.
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: Wizard on October 04, 2006, 12:13:30 PM
Your entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine!! :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: Sluff on October 04, 2006, 12:41:51 PM
Thats right we can agree on not agreeing. :)
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: Sara on October 04, 2006, 05:24:17 PM
As for the Muslim wearing sandals.. who cares as long as he is here legally. He probably doesn't like your wardrobe either.

I'm all for getting rid of illegals but those who came to the land of the free legally, have a right to practice there own religion and dress the way they want.

Thank you!  I am 100% in agreement!
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: BigSky on October 04, 2006, 05:45:21 PM
I'm all for getting rid of illegals but those who came to the land of the free legally, have a right to practice there own religion and dress the way they want.


However lets not forget that the burka is nothing more than a symbol of oppression of females in the muslim culture.  The one thing about America is that while one can celebrate their own religion it is only if they do not oppress or infringe on others Constitutional rights while doing it.
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: nycrtst85 on March 21, 2011, 07:08:15 PM
How can you be in a life threatening situation and still have hate in you.incredible.disgusting we humans are even after we suffer which should bring understanding.Send them back did the native americans say that when the first eauropeans killed them???
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: billybags on March 22, 2011, 06:41:18 AM
Wow, I am not getting into this. We have more than our share in the UK, but we house them, feed them, give them free medical care, school their children. It is a life of luxury that they have here.
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: Hazmat35 on March 22, 2011, 07:56:48 AM
 :rant;  ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!!   :rant;  I've been working my ass off all my life.  I'm sick with this god awful disease, having to do dialysis and still work my ass off, just to take care of my family. 

I know, that's my job, that is what I am supposed to do.

But please, when I needed some help and support from OUR govt., they turned a blind eye!!!!  But if I were an illegal alien and not supposed to be in this country, they be throwing money and services at me! 

If I went on disability, there is no way that we could sustain the current life style we lead.  And by all means, it isn't that we lead an extravagant life style either.  Things are expensive!!!!!!!  But, come across the border, and we'll give you everything you ever dreamed of!!!!!  AND MORE!!!
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: KICKSTART on March 22, 2011, 12:01:31 PM
Wow who dug this thread up ? Put it back to bed where it belongs !!!!
Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: cariad on March 22, 2011, 12:26:24 PM
Wow who dug this thread up ? Put it back to bed where it belongs !!!!

Title: Re: Illegal Aliens Dialysis Transplant Poll
Post by: Stoday on March 22, 2011, 01:13:25 PM
Bed? no —

Garbage bin.