I Hate Dialysis Message Board
Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: Centers => Topic started by: TwistedKitten on March 31, 2009, 02:15:29 AM
OK So I have my treatments at St. B. and I actually like our unit there. Most of the nurses are pretty good. First I was wondering about any other WPG ppls on here lol. and second. I'd like to know what the other centers are like. and homw they compare to my unit. I know once I had to go to HSC because we had something spill in our water and we weren't allowed any ice or anything because they didn't want to 'enable us'. which I found kinda stupid cuz all you have to do is add it into the total to come off. in any case I would like to here about other units or even what others think of the unit i'm in. So please share.
I live in Toronto, not Winnipeg but I really liked the self-care centre I used to go to. Much more control, smaller unit, and you don't have to do your own needles although I did and so did a few others.