I Hate Dialysis Message Board
Introduction => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: PDJbrown on March 20, 2009, 08:17:18 AM
I am a new member to this forum. I was diagnosed with a Glomerulonephritis in 2006. I underwent treatment with chemotherapy and steroids for 18 months. In May of 2008, my kidney function deteriorated further and I was told I would have start dialysis. That was a bitter pill to swallow, as I was in denial thinking if I stuck to my diet, all would be well. However, that was not the reality and I did not want to hand in the towel so I went along with my nephrologist's orders. I had the catheter put in and started dialysis in June.
It has a been a big change, with challenges. Being young I feel at times that my life is a mess, at other times I want to live each day to the fullest by laughing more and taking time to "smell the roses" more often. I am completing my doctorate this year while working full time, so I tell myself that I will press on and not dwell on the glass being half empty.
Thanks for having me on this forum. I look forward to the discussions and sharing.
Best Regards,
:welcomesign; to a place where others know exactly what you're having to deal with. My doctorate was interrupted by ESRD when I was 26 but life has been good for me and I hope you will find that for yourself also. :cuddle;
:welcomesign; JB. You have found the perfect place and we hope to hear more from you. Lots of great information and even more support here. You are not alone. :cuddle;
Welcome! :welcomesign;
You will be glad that you found this site. You will find a great deal of both useful information as well as some fun, too!
We hope to see you posting often!
:welcomesign; JB. We are glad you found this great site. I think you will enjoy all the information and support the forum offers. There are many here who can relate to your story. I hope you post often and share more of your journey with us. Welcome to the family!
paris, Moderator
Welcome to our community, JB!
Welcome JB, good to have you aboard.
Welcome JB. Life is not over. You will find many options on this site that you can think about for your treatments. Hang in there.
Why hello JB, welcome. We are happy to have you. I know what its like to be young and facing all of this. But yoru right life isn't over, and the glass isn't half empty. We have our whole life ahead of us and we need to make the best of it. And I know that we all on this site will be there for you when ever you need it. So stick around it helps a lot. Take care
:welcomesign; This site will calm your nerves and your heart. You've landed in a safe place with tons of support and knowledge! So glad you found us!
Hi JB, Welcome to the site. Please take some time to review some posts and have a little fun
:waving; Hi there! Hope you find this site as useful as I do!
Wow! Working full-time and completing your doctorate while on dialysis. :2thumbsup;
Please share your energy secret :secret;
G'day JB and welcome!! I feel your frustration and mixed emotions about being young(er) and facing life with such an illness and mode of treatment - it sure puts a kinky in life plans and ambitions and stuff. What I do is, like you, try and be as positive as possible. I figure if you can't find humour and laughter or even focus on the "small" pleasures then what's the point? Besides I'd rather aim to be positive about things than curl up in a ball (that's my cat's job!) and be depressed about it - being upset, morose and focusing on "why me?" sort of questions won't make me get better and they sure as hell won't help me FEEL better - and I do believe there is something to the talk about having a (generally) positive attitude can aid your wellbeing and how your body deals with what it is going through.
Of course it's no picnic and there are times when I wonder what the point is and why keep struggling? I'm not going to sit here and write that it's just as easy as clicking your fingers and "don't worry be happy" - that's unrealistic... but one thing I am sure about and confident to share is that IHD is a place that CAN help with a great bunch of people who are supportive, caring and have some idea of the sorts of things YOU are dealing with. So, when you need to.. drop on in. vent... share experiences/wisdom... chat in the room.. heck even flirt with me (Well maybe that goes against the whole "stay positive" thing?!?! :rofl;).... either way we're here for you and look forward to your contributions!!!
:cuddle; :cuddle; :cuddle;
Welcome JB to what I feel is the greatest site for information and support regarding your new "life". You'll find as you spend more time here that you're making friends for life with people who really understand your situation.
You mentioned having a catheter so I was wondering if you have chosen peritoneal dialysis as your method of treatment. If so, there's a special section for those on home dialysis. Be sure to check it out as it's got some great information from other home patients like myself.
Best of luck to you and I hope you return to share more information with us. :waving;
Hallo, PDJbrown,
thanks for your Introduction. Please tell me: why were you treated with chemo and steroids after being diagnosed with glomerulonephritis? To stop the kidney deterioration? Did you receive 2 Retuximab-Infusions and during two weeks and 3 Methylprednisolone-Infusions or was it something else? I was diangosed with chronic proliferative glomerulonephritis and had the above mentioned treatment, it did not help but induced a flare-up of SLE/MCTD. Kind regards from Kristina
Welcome to our community, JB! So glad that you found us! So sorry that you have had to face these challenges in your life! What area of study are you into?
This is an excellent place for information and support, as you will discover. It is much more than just a website - it is a genuine family. :grouphug;, with lots of caring and sharing people. So take advantage of all this site has to offer. Keep reading and keep posting.
Bajanne, Moderator
Welcome to ihatedialysis.com,
It's normal to feel really down when you're facing a big change in your life. Don't be too hard on yourself for being upset, just help it fade away by learning all you can (this site is a goldmine), and I'm sure you'll find things will be more manageable as time goes on. Knowledge will help you feel more in control, it'll help take the power out of the "unknown" aspects of what you're dealing with, and you'll be amazed at the strength you'll find in yourself!