I Hate Dialysis Message Board
Introduction => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: girliekick on March 16, 2009, 05:13:07 PM
Babygirlsmom's Daughter....
Im 26 and have been on dialysis for 9 mo. I found out I had kidney failure at the age of 21. I refused a biopsy bc I was told they would have to do it on my larger kidney (appx8cm other 5cm) I couldn't bear the thought of being 21 and being on dialysis. I wonder about this alot. I started school and officially started working on my depression/anxiety issues.
I have a clotting disorder, and markers for an autoimmune disorder. My body hates every thing I put in it. (giving me obvious concerns about transplant) I have had 16 surgeries in since June 28. I keep hoping that I will only have one more.
I did hemo until dec. and since then cycled through capd, the cycler and hemo. I still have a perma cath in that we know is clotted but we leave it in just in case it has to be replaced (less damage in my increasingly damaged veins) It annoys me :stressed; !!! I have many scars, and tubes hanging out my body, tape everywhere (it seems) I've gained enough weight that I think there is a baby inside of me and no one is telling me. JK
My main problem right now is I have deep pelvic pain or lower abdomen pain when I drain and sometimes when I fill. My doctors are out of answers and questions it seem. So I am just dealing the best I can. My pcp put me on diludan......I had withdraws horrible withdraws after the first pill. Im looking for pain mgm techniques. Im tired of spending my time at the docs office, clinic, and hospital.
The psychological and physical pains are both hard to rate on a scale of 1-10. I find my self stressing the number ten and saying the world help alot more than I ever imagined.
I try and tell myself this is a break from my old life and it will return. Some days I believe myself and some I dont.
This is what I call my renal sabbatical. soon I hope to get back in school, where I was studding photography, and eventually will persue a degree in art therapy..... maybe Ill even study pain :rofl;
My family is great, a Lil crazy. But I am so glad to have them to lean on.
Pray for my Lil (19) brother. Something is abnormal in his blood. Pray its nothing major..... He is terribly scared of needles.
Thanks for listening
Wow, that is really a lot to deal with. Much more than anyone your age should even contemplate. I am sorry that you are in pain. I hope that the docs can figure it out and get your condition stabilized. No one should have to be in pain. Hopefully the IHD PD experts will weigh in on the issues you are having with pain on draining. Others here have had the same and there have been some suggestions which I am not remembering right now. Through all of this, your spirit shines through. :cuddle;
:welcomesign; I just want to hug you :cuddle; You have been dealt so much and it isn't fair for a 21 yr old. There are several members who have kidney problems since childhood and hopefully they can give you strength with their stories. This is a great place for support. We really do care about each other. Looking forward to hearing more from you. Glad you joined us!
paris, Moderator
I think you would like the T-Shirts on this site:
It has one that says: Detour.... Life.... Dialysis
:waving; Hi.
:welcomesign;! I hope this site helps you. It does me.
I'm so very sorry that you must deal with so much and so young. Not fair in the slightest. Now you have TWO slightly crazy families...yours and this one. :welcomesign;
:waving; Girl
Welcome to IHD.
What a story.
Hope to see you on many of the threads.
Welcome Girl, good to have you aboard.
:welcomesign; girliekick. Great introduction and I'm really sorry you have gone through so much in your short life. That really sucks. We are so glad you joined us and we can add to the crazy family you already have. We offer great support and loads of information. Please post often. :cuddle;
Welcome girl!! Lots of hugs :cuddle; to you!! So much to go through yet you still find time to worry about others (your brother) and being realistic about your own traumas and battles. I think you will fit in OK here.. hopefully we can help you during the harder times with support and of course pray for the day things improve.. or at least settle down!!
:welcomesign; GirlieKick,
Sorry that you have to go through all of this crap. ??? I am glad that you have the support of your family and lots of friends here. This group is the greatest for support. Great information here.
I am sending positive vibes your way. :flower;
:welcomesign; Glad you found this site. It sucks to be so young and have to go through this. I was 21 when I started. Hang in there, it will get better.
Welcome to our community! You have really been handed some challenges! You have made a good decision to join us. This is just the place for information and support; also caring and understanding ears when you need to rant, vent, rage or rave! In fact, please consider this your online family :grouphug; Just keep reading and keep posting.
Bajanne, Moderator
Thank you all, I am glad to have found you :flower;
I feel you, I am glad you found this site. I am 22 and I found out I had kidney problems 8 years ago. I have so had good times and really bad. And it is reall hard to deal with sometimes. If you never want to talk to someone your age, hit me up. I am always around. Hope to see you around more too.
Thanks, I often find myself wondering what it feels like to be young.
Talk to you soon manda :cuddle;
haha me too. And sounds good
Welcome to Ihatedialysis.com
Take advantage of all this site has to offer. We have become a real family, caring and sharing. You will definitely enjoy it here. Keep posting and let us know what is happening in your life. If it is nothing to do with kidneys, check out our Off-Topic section. But keep posting. You have been through alot, maybe some of our members will learn from your experiences.