I Hate Dialysis Message Board
Introduction => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: Darthvadar on March 09, 2009, 06:43:17 PM
Hello everybody...
My name is Carolyn... I'm forty-four years old, wheelchair user, single but open to offers, (Gentlemen, shall I take your running to the hills screaming. as a 'No' then???) and I'm caring for my mum who is in ESRF since May '07...
My mum is Elsie... Seventy-one years old, wheelchair user...
Mum was on Haemo for about thirteen months, but it became VERY stressful... Now on CAPD... Doing MUCH better on this... Despite two bouts of Peretonitis...
I'm very much looking forward to geting to know everyone, and thank you for accepting me into your community...
God bless you all...
:welcomesign; Carolyn! Enjoy the site, glad to have you here!
Welcome. Shall we take Dublin as Ireland, rather than Ohio?
Welcome Carolyne. I think I need to go put drops in my eyes.... I thought you wrote "open to affairs" and then it said "offers" and I started laughing. I suppose Affairs wouldn't be bad either. Especially virtual ones! I'm glad you found this site. You and your mother will learn a lot and as a caregiver you can vent. Although, I can't read those because I get mad.
Looking forward to more of your posts. :welcomesign;
Hello everyone.... Thanks for the welcome...
Yes, sorry, I should have made it clearer... I am in Dublin, Ireland...
Ha Ha!!!... :clap; :clap; :clap;, I LOVE it, Rerun.... Open to affairs... Hee Hee!!!!!... That's FANTASTIC!!!... Best laugh I've had in ages... Well, at my age, I'll take my thrills wherever I can get them!!!....
Love to all...
Welcome to IHD! :flower;
Welcome! It's always great to receive new family members! You sound like a hoot! I look forward to learning more about you and Mom. :waving;
Welcome Darth, we have been waiting for someone from the dark side to join up. ;D Glad you are here.
Hi Kelly.... Thanks for the welcome.... Nice Pawed Person in the picture... Now THAT'S what I call a proper cat!....
Thanks Boxman... In need of some company of your own kind, were you???... ;D ;D ;D... Believe me, they don't come much darker than me!...
Sorry Folks... As my mother says, you can't take me anywhere... Well no, that's not quite right... You can usually take me twice... Second time to apologise!... :rofl;
God bless everyone...
Welcome Carolyn, good to have you aboard.
Welcome! Great positive attitude! :)
:ukflag; :welcomesign; from Yvonne just across the sea and carer for husband John.
Anakin, welcome and may the
force forms make you strong.
Hi Everyone....
Thanks for the welcome....
Dan, I LOVE the 'Anakin' comment... If only... I love old Vadar... His mother would say it's not his fault... He just got into bad company!... Anyway, the only reason I have the Nickname Darthvadar is I've got asthma, and my so-called friends thought it would be appropriate!...
Yvonne, I read your thread about John being in hospital... Was going through something similar with Mum... Two bouts of VERY bad peretonitis... She was in from 19th Dec to Dec 31st, then got another on Jan 31st, and was in until Feb 19th... The joys of it, eh???.... ;D
:welcomesign; Darthlyn/Carovader. I look forward to your posts and to knowing more about you and your Mum. I'm from Canada and hitchhiked all around (southern) Ireland in 1972 while on holidays from my studies in France. I'm now on my second transplant after a fair bit of experience with haemo.
I see we got us a live one ;)....
Glad that you and your great sense of humor found us.
Hope to see you on many of the boards.
And i hope your Mum is done with those bouts of peretonitis :boxing;..
A live one????.... Who???... ME???? Surely you can't mean me?????....
I'm very quiet..... When I'm asleep, that is!!!!!... ;D
Mum is in good form at the moment... Praying for it to continue... We're very worried about another peretonitis... Fingers crossed it doesn't happen!...
God bless you all...
Love... Darth...
:welcomesign; Carolyn. So glad you found us and please post often, we are a wonderful group. :cuddle;
I love the name. Must be a Star Wars fan. Welcome to the boards. There is a lot of information here. Take your time and look through everything.
Welcome. Shall we take Dublin as Ireland, rather than Ohio?
Or Georgia. We have an Athens, Paris and Vienna as well. ;D
Welcome, I am a newbie as well. My son Anthony is 9 and is on hemodialysis for the last 9 months for the second time around and It has been"fun". The nicest possible thing I could think to say, I guess. As you sense a little sarcasm. I have enjoyed you funny threads already. Its nice to have you.
Welcome to our community, Carolyn. So you are from "Dublin's fair city, where girls are so pretty"!!! Your intro and subsequent comments show me that you are already an IHD person!!! "You don't have to be crazy to join IHD, but it certainly helps!" This is a pretty awesome family that we have here :grouphug; There is lots of information, loads of support and barrels of fun. I can already see that you will be a definite contributor to the last item! Just keep reading and keep posting.
Looking forward to hearing lots more from you.
Bajanne, Moderator
:welcomesign; I must say that I have not laughed so much reading anyone's intros like I have this thread! You were born to be a part of IHD! Love you humor. This is a great group and we really do care about each other. I am sure you can tell that from reading everyone's posts. We cry, rant, scream and laugh together. Like a real family. And we disagree sometimes and our "parents" Sluff and Okarol, put us in time out and make us behave! I am looking forward to ready more from you. Hope your Mom is doing well. Tell her she has many new friends from around the world now, who care about her. :grouphug;
paris, Moderator
Good to have you here!
Thanks everyone for the welcome!...
This seems to be a nice place to be... I think I'll feel at home here... I've seen some people who have a strange sense of humour... Just as I do when I look in the mirror!... You know how it is... You look in the mirror, and what you see is NOT what you expect to.... Does anybody else's mirror play nasty tricks on them???....
Oh thanks Paris for asking about Mum... She's in VERY good form, thank God... Eating everything I put in front of her... This is amazing... Haven't seen her enjoy food in years... Sometimes I look at her tucking into a chicken curry, and I say "Who are you, and what have you done with my mum?????".... She has been through the mill in the last few years... I won't post it here, you'd only get bored!... I'll tell if people really want to hear it... It'll be long, and I'll need advice as to where the most appropriate spot to post it!
Love to all...
Greetings from Earth, Darthvader and welcome :waving;
I too am a caregiver (to my "brother" Rolando, he's part of the IHD community too). You and your mom are both wheelchair users and handle PD supplies? Sounds difficult! Sure we want to hear your mom's story - here in the intro (it's certainly part of your story) and there's a caregiver's section.
So, March 17th is coming up. We'll be drinking green beer (some more, some less) and eating corned beef and cabbage. How about there in Dublin?
Good on you, Carolyn! I like your sense of humour! :) Welcome!! As for offers.. hmm I'll keep that in mind if I ever get myself a transplant. Always wanted to visit the Emerald Isle!! :)
I think you'll fit in fine here! :)
I don't think I properly welcomed you, darth, so here goes: WELCOME! :welcomesign;
I am sure you will be great deal of fun as well as a great source of information.
I hope to see you posting often.
Hi A, and Richard...
Thanks for your posts....
Regarding the offer, Richard... Promises, promises!!!... Hee Hee!!!... I hope to God you get that transplant, and soon!...
A... I put a message about the Gestapo (AKA Mum) on the Home Dialysis section under the heading 'Recurring Peritonitis'... Self explanatory, really!!!... The old corned beef and cabbage is something Mum misses terribly... Used to love her salty foods... She will have a glass of her favourite tipple, Bailey's Irish Cream... LOVES that!... Me, I'm a boring old goat... Don't drink... Will probably celebrate with a second glass of grapefruit juice!... On the plus side, I never have a hangover!!!... I'm afraid I'm the one who phones the drinkers the next day at 7am to say"Good morning, it's the early bird.... Just wanted to say Tweet Tweet!"... I won't repeat their replies... Not repeatable in polite company, or even in impolite company... I won't even ask you to guess where they threaten to shove the feathers!!!...
Thanks David.... Really enjoying myself here... LOVE that moggie!...
Lovely to meet, and thank you both for the welcome...
May God bless and protect you all...
mmmm bailey's....
yeah always wanted to visit Ireland and check it out... oh and the bonnie lasses... oh hold on that's Scotland... mm those firey redheads??? hmm... oh eire to be sure..
although I can't quite get my tastebuds around Guiness I don't mind an Irish pub.
please don't phone me at 7am... even if I haven't had anything to drink - I just don't operate in those hours!! Although 7am for you is in the afternoon here so that works :)
Very true, Richard...
By 7am, I've the doggie fed, watered, and walked, and I'm getting my own brekkie!... :urcrazy;... Yep, I admit it... I HAVE lost the plot!...
I'm not surprised that you struggle with Guinness... I'm told you either love or hate it... There's no middle ground... Bit like Aussies and Vegemite (I love that stuff!)... An Aussie friend who hates it gives it to me when her aunt insists on sending it to her!...
Guinness is fairly popular with those on PD, I'm told.... It ahem, erm, oh dear, how do I put this delicately.... Erm, it keeps you 'regular'.... :shy;
mmmm bailey's....
yeah always wanted to visit Ireland and check it out... oh and the bonnie lasses... oh hold on that's Scotland... mm those firey redheads??? hmm... oh eire to be sure..
although I can't quite get my tastebuds around Guiness I don't mind an Irish pub.
please don't phone me at 7am... even if I haven't had anything to drink - I just don't operate in those hours!! Although 7am for you is in the afternoon here so that works :)
Okay... I won't phone you at 7am.... I promise.... Would you prefer 4am? :rofl;... That can be arranged, you know!!!... I've often walked the mutt at that time!... ;D
hmmm darth likes vegemite.... this has possibilities.... definitely!!!
:rofl; :rofl; :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;
:beer1; :bow;
Oh Darth---you have the same wit and humor as our lovely RichardMel. :2thumbsup; You two will get along great! By the way, some call him RichardMelt my heart! We all adore him!!!
Paris the bonus here is that Dublin isn't too far from Paris, so I could keep an eye on AB as well!!! :rofl; :rofl; :rofl; :rofl; :rofl; :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;
hmmm darth likes vegemite.... this has possibilities.... definitelly
Whaddya mean LIKES Vegemite..... I love the stuff!!!... And of course with Mum not being able to have salt, I get to have it all...!!!...
Oh Darth---you have the same wit and humor as our lovely RichardMel. :2thumbsup; You two will get along great! By the way, some call him RichardMelt my heart! We all adore him!!!
Same sense of humour, eh???... Oh Gawd... Paris... Two people with a sense of humour like mine???... Have you seen the few 'slightly off colour' jokes I've put into the joke thread... Oh dear... The site's doomed... Doomed, I tells ya!!!...
Paris the bonus here is that Dublin isn't too far from Paris, so I could keep an eye on AB as well!!! :rofl; :rofl; :rofl; :rofl; :rofl; :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;
I WILL pass Richard on to you after he's been to meet me, Paris... Not promising that he'll be any use to man nor beast, but I promise to pass him on!!!... :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;
With mischeif...
I have been trying to match him up with my daughter for two years! I am getting nowhere with that---so we'll have to see about the two of you! Richard, AlohaBeth is back in the states and she didn't leave her heart in Paris. :2thumbsup;
Darth we are really glad you are part of the IHD family. :grouphug;
I think I would be no use to anyone after a night with Darth!!! However at least I'd get vegemite on toast in the morning... maybe????? :rofl; :rofl; :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;
Yes I know salty is bad but... it's just so... so... YUMMY!!!!
I have been trying to match him up with my daughter for two years! I am getting nowhere with that---so we'll have to see about the two of you! Richard, AlohaBeth is back in the states and she didn't leave her heart in Paris. :2thumbsup;
Darth we are really glad you are part of the IHD family. :grouphug;
Thank you very much for the warm welcome.... For God's sake Richard... Two years... What's taking you so long???... Do we have to draw you a picture????..... :rofl;
I think I would be no use to anyone after a night with Darth!!! However at least I'd get vegemite on toast in the morning... maybe????? :rofl; :rofl; :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;
Yes I know salty is bad but... it's just so... so... YUMMY!!!!
You wouldn't be of much use to anyone after an hour with me!!!!!.... And touch my Vegemite, LOSE YOUR ARM... (and other things!) :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;
Love to all...
Can't we share the vegemite???? I will need the vitamin B after that hour with you!!!!! :rofl; :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;
hmm I think this thread could get out of control(even more so!) very soon!!! hahaha
Darth, I should also warn you that all threads end up talking about Richard! Not that he hi-jacks the threads, but we all love him so much we just turn every conversation back to him! It seems like you can hold your own with him, but I'll have your back, just in case you need me :rofl;
Can't we share the vegemite???? I will need the vitamin B after that hour with you!!!!! :rofl; :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;
hmm I think this thread could get out of control(even more so!) very soon!!! hahaha
Not a snowball's chance in Hell, Richard..... MINE!!!!!!!..... I'll buy you some Vitamin B pills... That's as near to sharing as I'm prepared to go!!!... If you touch my Vegemite, you're kidney failure will be the least of your worries :boxing; :boxing; :boxing;... Besides, the dog has to get his share, too!!!...
Darth, I should also warn you that all threads end up talking about Richard! Not that he hi-jacks the threads, but we all love him so much we just turn every conversation back to him! It seems like you can hold your own with him, but I'll have your back, just in case you need me :rofl;
Much appreciate that Paris... Oh I think I can hold my own..... But there's always the opportunity for us to join forces and gang up on him, so to speak!!!.... Could be fun... :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;...
Awwww, don't look so worried Richard... We'll be gentle with you.... Eventually!!!!!... :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;...
EDITED: Fixed quote tag error - Sluff/Admin
Welcome happy to have you!
Thank you, Manda...
Your welcome is very much appreciated!...
God bless...
Welcome, you're a breath of fresh air. I love your sense of humour and your attitude to your wheelchair. It's made me see life in a different light, my Dad is starting to have to use a wheelchair and I viewed it with dread, but I can see the positives how, thank you :2thumbsup;
Hi Rose....
Thank you very much for the welcome...
Re my chair, Flattery (so-called because it gets me EVERYWHERE!)... Like you with your dad... My mum had a dread of me 2ending up in a wheelchair"... As far as she was concerned... it would have been the very worse thing that could happen.... Now, guess who also uses a wheelchair???... Yep, Mum does... and she LOVES it!!!... Bit of a turn around!!!...
Look at your dad using a chair as a positive... It will be easier for him and you... You won't have to assist him so much, you won't be worrying about him falling, he'll be able to do so much more because he won't be wearing himself out struggling to get from A to B... It woill make a huge difference to you both!... By the way, if you can arrange a powered chair for him, even better... Give him greater independence, and it'll save your energy, too!!!... Check that the chair has a pressure support cushion... Older people have a greater tendency to skin damage...
Please let me know how your dad using a chair goes... I'd love to hear his experiences!...
May God bless and protect you both...
Vitamin B pills?? YUCK!!! I'd rather a shot of epo!
I am not sure vegemite is the healthiest thing for a dog you know. Heck, not sure it's so good for we humans!!! LOL....
I'm still trying to get over an Irish lass loving the stuff. That's just too much!! Unfortunately it seems I won't "get over" this particular Irish lass anytime soon!!! oh dear..
I am in SO MUCH trouble!!! :shy;
rm, perhaps you'll have to develop a taste for Guiness since you're clearly not getting any...
fluid stuff aside I never really could get into Guiness myself. Oh, I can drink it (or did in the good ol' days) but I find it way too thick & heavy for me. I guess it's like vegemite though - a bit of an aquired taste :)
rm, perhaps you'll have to develop a taste for Guiness since you're clearly not getting any...
Ha Ha,,, Well said A..... He's certainly not getting MY Vegemite!!!!!....
Vitamin B pills?? YUCK!!! I'd rather a shot of epo!
I am not sure vegemite is the healthiest thing for a dog you know. Heck, not sure it's so good for we humans!!! LOL....
I'm still trying to get over an Irish lass loving the stuff. That's just too much!! Unfortunately it seems I won't "get over" this particular Irish lass anytime soon!!! oh dear..
I am in SO MUCH trouble!!! :shy;
Aaaaaaawwwwww..... How sad for you, Richard.... We have a saying in Ireland... 'The only way to get over an Irish girl is to get under another' :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;...
And about preferring a shot of Epo... That can be arranged... I do Mum's Aranesp injections... I'll happily do your Epo jabs.... Just let me get a file... Need to properly blunt that needle :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;...
fluid stuff aside I never really could get into Guiness myself. Oh, I can drink it (or did in the good ol' days) but I find it way too thick & heavy for me. I guess it's like vegemite though - a bit of an aquired taste :)
I like Guiness, but I've been known to do criminal things to it - like drink it ice cold or, worse yet, put Ice cubes in it (gets hot here in FL)
Forgive me Ireland :bow;
fluid stuff aside I never really could get into Guiness myself. Oh, I can drink it (or did in the good ol' days) but I find it way too thick & heavy for me. I guess it's like vegemite though - a bit of an aquired taste :)
I like Guiness, but I've been known to do criminal things to it - like drink it ice cold or, worse yet, put Ice cubes in it (gets hot here in FL)
Forgive me Ireland :bow;
Ohhhhhhhhh. . .
Alene, you are in so much trouble. . . ;)
Alene... Don't worry about adulterating Guinness... I've heard of other things being done with it...
We make Guinness Stew (Purely to help Mum's iron levels!... :rofl;)... If making Cottage pie, a drop of Guinness adds flavour, but the thing I've heard is VERY good is to add Blackcurrent Cordial to it... VERY popular... Sounds AWFUL, but hey, what do I know???... I don't drink anyway!...
Erm, Richard... Would you like me to do that Epo jab for you???.... :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;!!!...
Well I'm on Aranesp like your mum so that's easy... though I am so glad they do that through the machine now. I used to get my sister to do it prior to D... I think I'd much rather you Darth!!!! Do you do the heavy breathing as well???? :rofl;
Now about that irish saying about getting under irish girls.... I am intruiged by your proposal and would like to know more.....
richard, does celeste know you're flirting again?
richard, does celeste know you're flirting again?
Celeste is fine with me flirting as long as she gets fed !!! :rofl;
Although truth be told she DOES get weird and jealous on the (rare) occasion I have female company at home!!! It's quite bizarre really the way she treats female visitors and often takes quite some time for her to warm to them. Only once do I recall that she took to a girl I was interested in and jumped right up on her lap straight away. I was gobsmacked!!!! Unfortunately that particular young lady resisted my efforts !!! LOL. It took Celeste months to accept my last girlfriend but once it happened she would be quite content to curl up between us (hmm seperate those darn humans?!?!) or snuggle with my ex.. lol
Funny creatures, cats!! :) I guess she is just super posessive of me....
Well I'm on Aranesp like your mum so that's easy... though I am so glad they do that through the machine now. I used to get my sister to do it prior to D... I think I'd much rather you Darth!!!! Do you do the heavy breathing as well???? :rofl;
Now about that irish saying about getting under irish girls.... I am intruiged by your proposal and would like to know more.....
Oh yes... I certainly do the heavy breathing... I've got Asthma... Hence the nickname!!!...
Love the idea of Celeste... She sounds like quite a gal... You never own a cat, it owns you!... I love cats, but I'm allergic, so I have to top up on the old antihistamines before visiting my moggie loving pals... My little horror is enough to be going on with....
Just keeping an eye on Mum... She says she has slight abdominal pain... I don't think it's the dreaded peretonitis... The weather was nice, and she pottered around the garden yesterday... She did a bit of sweeping, and I think she's just pulled a few muscles... Fingers crossed!...
God bles you all...
Love to all...