I Hate Dialysis Message Board
Introduction => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: dwcrawford on March 06, 2009, 09:19:32 AM
I've been looking for such a website since November, 2008 when I was told I had to have dialysis or die within a year. I'm still trying to decide (not to be a downer but...). I am 68 (so close to 69) years old. I have no family, etc. so it is going to be really difficult for me. I hope to read your posts and try to get my head around this. Mostly, I suppose, I will be reading rather than posting as I'm still trying to learn the ramification, the terminology, etc.
I am retired and I am NOT sick (well, other than this). I feel fine but lately a little lethargic. I have never been sick in my 68 years (other than the minor usual things) so I am not handling this thing too well on any level.
I've read some of your posts already and I'm impressed with all the positive thoughts. I hope some of it rubs off on me.
Thanks for ready this,
Dan (dwcrawford)
Hey Dan welcome to IHD.
Yup if you have ESRD you are sick all right. Dont look or feel sick but sick none the less.
But we still have it better of then many other people IMO. Could be worse, could also be better.
In either case i hope you find in your heart to do what you feel is best for you.
One of our members mothers just recently decided to stop Dialysis herself. No one can make you do dialysis as well noone can make you stop.
But this site will give you support needles of what option you choose for yourself.
Nice to meet you, hope to see you on some of the threads.
It's really good to have you here, Dan!
Welcome I think that we all feel like we don't want to do this. but, for me reading the post from people on this sight changed my mind. I realized I had to learn to live for ME and not for anyone or anything else. We are all dealing with the big "D" (Dialysis) But like I read on a post I am not ready for the other option.... If you read most of these post then you will see IHD members take trips, they go gambling, they talk to eachother when they are down and most of all You can rant and everyone will know what your going through and not get upset with you for doing so... Maybe you found this sight JUST IN TIME! I know I did. Good Luck and :welcomesign; .
I'm glad you found us Dan and I do hope that we can help you with the adjustments to dialysis and all that entails. I also trust that you can and will find the strength you need to not only cope but also enjoy some quality of life.
:welcomesign; Dan!
You are a young 68!! Dialysis is not the end, just an adjustment. I was a major wreck when I found out my 2 youngest daughters had CKD several years ago. My youngest daughter, 14 years old, has been on dialysis for 14 months. She went to high school this morning at 9am (late start), went to dialysis at 1:30pm until 6:30pm (45min to an 1 hr drive to only hospital that provides dialysis to kids) and after dialysis she went to a dinner/movie with some friends. She will probably be wiped out when she gets home at 11pm or so, but THERE IS LIFE AFTER DIALYSIS!! :flower; Hang in there, be positive, get on the list or get on lots of lists for a transplant. There is great support and information on this forum. :grouphug;
:welcomesign; Dan. Glad you joined us. This is a very informative site and we learn from each other everyday. If you have questions, please ask them. Someone will have an answer for you. We are here for each other and give great support. We make each other laugh, too. Post often and tell us more about you. :grouphug;
paris, Moderator
Welcome Dan, good to have you aboard.
Hey Dan. I'm new to the site too. Please read my introductory blog (BobN) if you have time.
Keep your chin up man. You will still be able to do most of the things that keep you busy now.
It's not the end of your life. Just a new stage in your life.
Take care.
:welcomesign; Dan. Glad you joined us. :cuddle;
:welcomesign; Dan! Glad you joined us. Hopefully the info on IHD will aid in you making your decision!
Welcome Dan,
I am also new to the site. Everyone is very nice and helpful here. I have learned so much already.
Welcome, Dan! We're always happy to have another member join our "family."
Whatever you decide to do with your life (dialysis or no dialysis) is a very personal choice. I can't tell you what to do, but I can tell you this -- dialysis isn't the end of life. A bump in the road, perhaps. A hurdle, yes. A steep hill to climb, oh yeah! My husband has been on dialysis for the better part of 14 years (he had a transplant in the middle that lasted for three years). He's been back on dialysis now for 5 years and six months (he was on it the first time for 5.5 years, too). Marvin's 53 years old and a busy, active, productive, happy, optimistic, and, as he says, "LUCKY" man. It's a big adjustment, and some days it's a real pain in the ass. But, if you watch your body and your health closely, listen to your doctors about fluid and diet restrictions, take your meds, and are vigilant and as much in control of your treatments as you can be, dialysis has some pretty good "pay offs." Dialysis has "bought" my Marvin 14 good years. We've had some rough times, some tough times, some pretty overwhelming times, but, all in all, the good times have far, far, far outweighed the bad.
I'm wishing you peace to make the right decision for YOU. Come back soon and let us know what's going on with you.
Welcome to the site, Dan. You will discover a great deal of useful information here.
Because you have time to prepare, this is a great place to start and to get information. Explore all of your options. Look into in-center hemodialysis, home hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, nocturnal dialysis, etc. and find the one that is right for you. If your doctors don't mention all of the above options, ask about them.
We are all here to help. I hope to see you posting often.
Hi Dan
You are alot yuounger tha me. I truned 85 last Thanksgiving after being dianosed with ESRD. They talked me into six moth of dialysis, that time is now up and I am going to continue it eventhough I feel bad about it. I n Jan I broke a hip and now have to use a walker Its hard on every one but life must go on.
Keep thinking positive
GHarold the old gut
From one Dan to another, Welcome!