I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: Neo on March 02, 2009, 08:36:39 AM

Title: Just needed to rant to you all a bit.. Thanks for listening
Post by: Neo on March 02, 2009, 08:36:39 AM
Hi its Neo(Matt) i just wanted to get an update on how all my dialysis friends are doing. Ive been alright energy has gone down lately and i think I may need to try some physical therapy. My blood count dropped for a little while so i was inactive and now that it is back to normal i thought I would be fine now but im still low on energy. So im gonna try some Physical therapy hope that works. Maybe its cuz im getting old I just turned 30 in September. I am in the process of getting on a second transplant list as well. I live in florida but my mother actually ran into someone who is the transplant coordinator  at the University of Wisconsin transplant center. So that's what ive been up to lately. Im very disappointed though because ive been in college and have been really frustrated by my lack of energy lately because I had to drop my classes for the last TWO semesters, so I feel very unproductive at the moment. Im very close to finishing my Associate Degree, than i can start the bachelors in nursing program, which is the second step for me to becoming a physician assistant, and i feel stalled right now, and i guess i just needed to type this up for people that know what im going through because its hard to find people close to me that really get it. I have a great girlfriend who is very supportive and we are moving into a nice apartment together next week so im excited about that, but overall im feeling like im wasting time because im just kinda stuck at home at the moment, and I hate not being productive, it drives me nuts. So hopefully my energy level will improve soon. Thanks for listening to my little rant, im sure there are a lot of people with a lot more problems than me and my problems probably may seem a bit small compared to theirs, but you all seem to understand my situation better than even my closest friends.. Hope you all are doing well. Keep in Touch...
Title: Re: Just needed to rant to you all a bit.. Thanks for listening
Post by: Neo on March 02, 2009, 08:47:17 AM
Oh by the way my MySpace is:    www.myspace.com/neo78       I'd love to get to know everyone better so add me if your on myspace.. :waving;
Title: Re: Just needed to rant to you all a bit.. Thanks for listening
Post by: rose1999 on March 02, 2009, 10:47:00 AM
Matt there's no need to thank us for 'listening',  that's what we're here for - to support one another. I never think anyone's probems are small, it's  no good saying "there's always someone worse off" because I don't think that makes your problem one tiny bit better in reality.  I hope your energy levels pick up.  I assume you've had your bloods checked etc and it's not lack of iron or anything? - it may just be the time of year, many people suffer from lack of energy in the winter.....spring is on it's way now and I hope that helps.  Come here and rant or chat when ever you feel the need.

I hope the move goes well, don't forget to post  :pics; here for us all (we're a nosey lot  :rofl;), it sounds very exciting  :) 
Title: Re: Just needed to rant to you all a bit.. Thanks for listening
Post by: breezysummerday on March 02, 2009, 10:51:10 AM
Getting an associates in Nursing is quite an accomplishment!!
Does the college have some type of 'set aside' for severe medical
challenges?  Do they offer on-line courses?  

Keep up the good work      :boxing;    
Title: Re: Just needed to rant to you all a bit.. Thanks for listening
Post by: peleroja on March 02, 2009, 11:44:31 AM
Maybe its cuz im getting old I just turned 30 in September.

Hey, Matt, thanks for the chuckle from a 65-1/2 year old!!!!!  Sorry to hear about your problems.  Kidney failure is, unfortunately, like a roller coaster ride.  Never the same day twice, with all its ups and downs.  Hang in there and know that we're always here for you.  Take care.
Title: Re: Just needed to rant to you all a bit.. Thanks for listening
Post by: Lucinda on March 02, 2009, 12:23:50 PM
Hey Matt

I am starting dialysis on Thursday.  I am doing home nocturnal.  I know it is harder for you guys over there to do home nocturnal because you need to have a partner - don't need one in Australia - but now you are moving in with your girlfriend would that be an option?  I have started a new business so I need all the energy I can get and I have been told longer, more dialysis is probably the answer.  I won't really know until I start but I will let you know.  I hope you start to feel better soon.  Nothing worse than that feeling of dragging yourself around.  I hope you feel better soon and I wish I was around to help you move on the weekend.  Don't overdo it.  Looking forward to your next update. xx
Title: Re: Just needed to rant to you all a bit.. Thanks for listening
Post by: Romona on March 02, 2009, 01:22:42 PM
 :grouphug; Hey Neo! It is nice to hear from you. I hope you feel stronger soon.
Title: Re: Just needed to rant to you all a bit.. Thanks for listening
Post by: Stacy Without An E on March 02, 2009, 02:16:51 PM
I agree with you Matt.  My biggest disappointment about my condition is not being as productive as I desire to be.  Its a continual fight to muster up enough energy simply to make it through the workday and by the time that's over, its time for treatment.

Sometimes you have to be proud of what you actually do accomplish.  I never take a sick day.  I workout four days a week.  I've managed to survive the bad economy.

Every once in a while take a moment and be thankful for what you've actually managed to accomplish despite the cards being stacked against you.
Title: Re: Just needed to rant to you all a bit.. Thanks for listening
Post by: kitkatz on March 02, 2009, 03:16:53 PM
If there is a nocturnal center near you, give it a try. I feel so much better now on nocturnal.
Title: Re: Just needed to rant to you all a bit.. Thanks for listening
Post by: breezysummerday on March 02, 2009, 03:31:17 PM

Let's meet up at Sluff's (his Vitural Bar)
Knock back a few and then we'll discuss
just how old you really are...   :o

Title: Re: Just needed to rant to you all a bit.. Thanks for listening
Post by: jbeany on March 02, 2009, 03:48:18 PM
Oh, hell no, 30 better not be old! 

The physical therapy sounds like a good idea.  If you can force yourself to move a bit more, it might help you feel better.  Make sure they check your iron levels, too.  Even when my hemoglobin levels are good, if my iron count is down, all I want to do is sleep!

It's never a small problem if it's your problem - I agree with Rose. Go ahead and vent - we're here to listen!
Title: Re: Just needed to rant to you all a bit.. Thanks for listening
Post by: paddbear0000 on March 02, 2009, 05:56:07 PM
I agree with jbeany! 30 isn't old. I'm only 31 and feel young! I hope you get things straightened out sson. I know all about the lack of energy. I just started dialysis 3 weeks ago, and before starting, I could barely get off the couch. Still can't for the rest of the day after dialysis, but oh well!
Title: Re: Just needed to rant to you all a bit.. Thanks for listening
Post by: Joe Paul on March 02, 2009, 10:01:31 PM
Good to hear from you Neo. I hope you soon get your strength back, and are able to do the things you want to do. I hope you get listed again soon, and get another chance at life. Keep faith close at hand, its what helps me to cope on the down days  :thumbup;
Title: Re: Just needed to rant to you all a bit.. Thanks for listening
Post by: Neo on March 02, 2009, 11:47:41 PM
If there is a nocturnal center near you, give it a try. I feel so much better now on nocturnal.

I do nocturnal dialysis for 6 hours 3 nights a wek in center . Been doing it about 2 years that way. So im also thinking about the Nxstage machine
Title: Re: Just needed to rant to you all a bit.. Thanks for listening
Post by: Neo on March 02, 2009, 11:48:56 PM

Let's meet up at Sluff's (his Vitural Bar)
Knock back a few and then we'll discuss
just how old you really are...   :o


LOL you got it! :beer1;
Title: Re: Just needed to rant to you all a bit.. Thanks for listening
Post by: cat on March 03, 2009, 05:16:48 AM
Sometimes it helps just to get it out.  I know exactly what you are saying - except the age thing!   :grouphug; 
Title: Re: Just needed to rant to you all a bit.. Thanks for listening
Post by: thegrammalady on March 03, 2009, 05:27:23 AM
30 is so far in the past, i've forgotten what it looks like, and i'm sure as hell not old!!!!!!!!!!!!!! try again....... :rofl; :rofl;
Title: Re: Just needed to rant to you all a bit.. Thanks for listening
Post by: Slywalker on March 03, 2009, 07:25:57 AM
Neo - I hope your energy levels pick up but I agree with Cat - sometimes you just need to get out there and slowly start doing some exercise.  I found I had to really push myself to stay active.  There were so many days all I wanted to do was sleep.  Good luck with getting the Nxstage.


Title: Re: Just needed to rant to you all a bit.. Thanks for listening
Post by: drinkboy on March 03, 2009, 09:18:19 AM
Good luck with the new apartment...that's always exciting moving into a new place.  I do hope your energy level picks up and you can get back to taking your classes at school. 

 I admire everyone who works, goes to school, or has a busy schedule and has to deal with being on dialysis because it is such a draining process mentally and physically. 

Title: Re: Just needed to rant to you all a bit.. Thanks for listening
Post by: LightLizard on March 03, 2009, 06:26:34 PM
bro, try these exercises if you can. the breath is powerful when we focus on it. if you have trouble touching your toes, or bending over (watch that blood pressure!) just touch your shins, or even just your knees. these three exercises are ancient and will give you a boost of energy, loosen your back nicely, and improve your breathing capacity.

Title: Re: Just needed to rant to you all a bit.. Thanks for listening
Post by: Neo on March 04, 2009, 08:24:16 AM
Thanks everyone, I appreciate all your kind words and recommendations. Im sure glad that you all are around to listen. I hope I can be as helpful as you have been towards me. You guys are life savers. Please dont hesitate to ask me any questions either I'd love to be around to give my 2 cents to you as well..
Title: Re: Just needed to rant to you all a bit.. Thanks for listening
Post by: Sluff on March 04, 2009, 08:40:34 AM
I hope you succeed in your dreams Neo, and I'm sure that you will. Just hang in there, I think the therapy may help but most of all take care of yourself both physically and mentally. Don't be a stranger here either because we are here for you, that is why we exist.