I Hate Dialysis Message Board
Introduction => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: lanemn9 on February 28, 2009, 09:46:11 PM
Hi my name is Gary Lane I'm a 48 year old Male and live in Forest lake MN and love being here. Back in June 2004 is when i was told I had CKD and next thing I knew I been doing dialysis for 5 years. And I hate every day of it a transplant is in the works but there no picnic either. But I'm glad to be here I have been doing some writing the past year and i will post a few
Welcome Gary, good to have you aboard.
Welcome to our community! I am glad that you have found us and like being here. This website is a real weapon in our fight against this renal challenge we face. As you might have seen, we are more than a website - we are a family :grouphug; , caring and sharing. So keep reading and keep posting, so we can know how you are doing.
Bajanne, Moderator
Good to have you here!
:welcomesign; Gary. Glad you found us and we look forward to hearing more from you. Some great information on IHD and even more support. :cuddle;
Welcome Gary, Do you fish there in Minn. I live next door in WI. Glad you are here and look forward to your posts
Welcome to the group, Gary. Lots of good information and shoulders to cry on. At least one of us has usually "been there, done that!"
Nice to have you here
HI Gary. Welcome to IHD! :flower;
:welcomesign; Gary!
Peace, Happiness and one healthy kidney for everyone! :beer1;
Edited: Fixed smiley error - paris, Moderator
Hi thank you all for welcoming to IHD Im sure I will like it here very much Im free to chat anytime
Hi Gary, glad you joined us! Looking forward to learning more about you and your journey. Check out the chat room. It is a great place to get to know members better. There is usually someone there in the late evenings. Lots of us with insomnia! :rofl; Welcome to IHD.
paris, Moderator
Welcome Gary.