I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Introduction => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: DenverLaura on February 27, 2009, 09:00:57 PM

Title: Introduction
Post by: DenverLaura on February 27, 2009, 09:00:57 PM
Hello IHD World!

So before I introduce myself, I must admit that this is my first message board posting ever (not just IHD).  But the lure of a world where you can confess your dialysis heartaches and breakthroughs and learn tips from those who have been there before was all too tempting.

As my user name implies, I'm Laura from Denver.  I was diagnosed with Alport's when I was 10.  Surprisingly enough, my doctor at the time said that since I was female, I would very likely never see symptoms or negative effects from the disease...it would just hang out dormant.  My brother was also diagnosed, but since he is male, he was more likely to feel the effects of the disease.

About 8 months ago at a routine physical, my doctor noticed high blood pressure - a first for me.  I returned 2 months later for further testing, and despite a more rigid diet, it hadn't decreased.  She tested some blood (knowing about my disease from my medical records) and then called me with the news - renal failure.  I tracked down a nephrologist and began my pursuit of treatment.

Since I'd never displayed symptoms, I essentially (at least for myself) jumped from health to end stage...no 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.  In some ways it made it better - no slow progress wondering when you'll be getting worse.  And since I was diagnosed so young (I'm in my 20's now), it really wasn't too hard to swallow (my brother's kidneys began failing 2 years ago, so I knew it was a strong possibility for me).  I kept shocking physicians with my calm demeanor...I mean, sure, no one wants kidney failure, but at least it was me and not a friend or another family member.  And of all the organs to fail, kidneys have a lot of treatment options.  I try to stay optimistic.  Plus I have been blessed with very few symptoms...just fatigue hits me hard (I can honestly sleep 12 hours in the night, wake up for breakfast, and then take an all-day nap, wake for dinner, and go right back to bed).

So now I'm on PD.  I did my cycler training today, so I should be starting that soon - can't wait!  4 exchanges a day has really made an impact on my day-to-day schedule.  I have a couple of family members being tested to be a donor, so I'm optimistic that I will have a match soon.  My brother has been on the transplant list for a couple of years, but we haven't found a living donor match for him yet.  Most days I worry more about him than myself.

So that's a little bit about my kidneys.  As for the rest of me, I love sports and physical activity, so I try to stay active (just no crunches!).  I still work and go out with friends and enjoy all of the wonderful things Colorado has to offer.  Kidney disease isn't convenient, but I try to maintain a sense of normalcy despite it.

Well, that's my novel!  Looking forward to learning more from the other posts.

~DenverLaura :) :welcomesign;
Title: Re: Introduction
Post by: Wenchie58 on February 27, 2009, 09:19:44 PM
 :welcomesign; Laura!

I love your attitude!  You'll find tons of info and support here!
Title: Re: Introduction
Post by: Joe Paul on February 27, 2009, 09:47:55 PM
Welcome  Laura, good to have you aboard.
Title: Re: Introduction
Post by: G-Ma on February 27, 2009, 10:11:04 PM
Title: Re: Introduction
Post by: peleroja on February 28, 2009, 08:55:20 AM
Welcome aboard, Laura.  I had to laugh about 4 exchanges interfering with your life.  I started on 4 a day, then 2 years later went to 5 a day, then 2 years later went to 6 a day before finally being "forced" to use the cycler.  You just learn to work around your dialysis schedule.  Best of luck on the cycler.  Come on back and post often!
Title: Re: Introduction
Post by: DenverLaura on February 28, 2009, 12:47:19 PM
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!  And peleroja, wow - 6 a day!  Maybe I just lack the patience for 4. :)
Title: Re: Introduction
Post by: willieandwinnie on February 28, 2009, 02:49:04 PM
:welcomesign; Laura. Great introduction and what a wonderful attitude you have. We are a great source of information and support and we hope to hear more from you. Have your brother join us also, the more the merrier.  :cuddle;
Title: Re: Introduction
Post by: RichardMEL on February 28, 2009, 08:52:54 PM
Welcome Laura and you made a great first forum post anywhere. Now you've lost your virginity jump right in and join in the fun! It's great to have you here. I think you have a great attitude for someone so young dealing with such a situation and positive attitudes DEFINITELY help longer term dealing with dialysis and hopefully a transplant. You certainly will apprieciate that I am sure. I am just sorry to hear your brother is suffering too - that's even harder. You sound like a caring sister as well... so keep up the good stuff and glad to have you with us!

 :welcomesign; :grouphug;
Title: Re: Introduction
Post by: Rerun on February 28, 2009, 08:58:00 PM
Welcome to IHD Laura.  Glad you found us.  I think you will find this site interesting and louring with all the different topics.

Title: Re: Introduction
Post by: Bajanne on March 01, 2009, 01:41:22 AM
Welcome to our community, Laura!  I am so glad that you found us.  And thanks for that lovely intro - it was just the kind that our founder Epoman loved to have.  So you are off to a good start!!  You will find that this is an excellent place for information, support and , yes, even fun!!!  You will also find that this is not just a website - it is a genuine caring and sharing family  :grouphug;   The thing to do is to keep reading and keep posting.  Let us know how  you are doing.  Is your brother a computer person?  Would he like to join us as well.
Looking forward to hearing from you.

Bajanne, Moderator
Title: Re: Introduction
Post by: boxman55 on March 01, 2009, 08:41:40 AM
Hi Laura, welcome to IHD. Your upbeat attitude is great. Look forward to your posts and let your brother know about this site also.

Title: Re: Introduction
Post by: pelagia on March 01, 2009, 10:04:54 AM
Hi Laura,  Great to read you post.   :welcomesign; to IHD.
Title: Re: Introduction
Post by: thegrammalady on March 01, 2009, 10:29:28 AM
:yahoo; :yahoo; :yahoo; someone else in colorado, i'm getting kind of tired of hanging out here all alone  :welcomesign; aboard. let's meet sometime for lunch, i'm in castle rock. one of the greatest benefits of ihd is that some of us have had the opportunity to meet. a get together the last two years in las vegas and one in chicago last year. (epoman would be so proud) and (isn't it time to decide on this years meet up , sluff ? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?) any way i digress, you'll find lots of information here and friends too.  :welcomesign; :welcomesign; :welcomesign;
Title: Re: Introduction
Post by: cat on March 01, 2009, 11:33:52 AM
 :welcomesign;  Glad you are here!
Title: Re: Introduction
Post by: TeenHatesDialysis on March 02, 2009, 04:26:24 PM
 :welcomesign; Laura,

We are in Littleton, Colorado.  I am currently in Hemo at Childrens Hospital in Aurora, CO with my 14 year old daughter.  I love your attitude.  You are so positive.  I would love to give both my kidneys, one to each daughter.  Unfortunately, my daughter that is currently on dialysis is blood type B and I am an A.  She has a couple of relatives being evaluated, but she has been on dialysis for 14 months and we seem to be getting nowhere.  I hope that you find a living donor soon.   :flower;
Title: Re: Introduction
Post by: paul.karen on March 03, 2009, 08:30:19 AM
 :waving; Laura

I missed your great intro,,
But better late then never.  I am glad you found IHD.
Hope to see you on many of the threads.
Keep up the great attitude :thumbup;
Title: Re: Introduction
Post by: drinkboy on March 03, 2009, 09:33:05 AM
Welcome aboard Laura.  This is the first and only place I have ever posted on a message board too.  Your first one was great, so you didn't take long to get the hang of it.  Hope to see more posts in the future.
Title: Re: Introduction
Post by: David13 on March 03, 2009, 09:58:52 AM
Welcome DenverLaura!   :welcomesign;

I am sure you will find a great deal of helpful information here as well as support when you need it!

I hope to be seeing you posting often!
Title: Re: Introduction
Post by: Dan.Larrabee on March 10, 2009, 02:01:46 AM
I Laura, I have always liked that name.