I Hate Dialysis Message Board
Introduction => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: belita88 on February 20, 2009, 03:12:05 PM
hi my names Josie and I am aware that this is a site for dialysis patients but since the death of my older brother matt, i have been quite lost.
he passed away on the 7th of july 2007 of renal failure at the age of 23 (24 in august) he started dialysis at 20.
he had renal failure his whole life and suffered in the last 4yrs old his life, bloating, breathing problems, throwing up blood, unable to sleep or bathe due to the breathing problems.
it broke my heart to see him this way. he was such a little guy.
he had been in a few coma's and always depressed.
he wasnt a bad person, but he stuffed around with dialysis going only twice a week and eating what he liked. i think he wanted to be "normal".
i hope you can understand why i am here, and i would love to write to anyone (preferably male around my brothers age).
i guess i just cant seem to let go. i dont know really....
anyways my email is bryceisthebest@hotmail.com
hope to hear from you soon =]
:welcomesign; Josie. I am so sorry about the loss of your brother. There a some youngsters here that I am sure will post. We are a wonderful group for information and support for everyone that is touch by ESRD. I hope we can bring you some comfort and please post often. Once you become part of our family we like to hear from you so we know you are okay. :cuddle;
Josie - I am sorry that you lost your brother and that he had a difficult time during his all too short life. It must be very difficult for you.. I will echo what williandwinnie wrote below. We will be here if you need us. :grouphug;
G'day and :welcomesign;
Josie, please know that you can come here any time and talk to us about how you're feeling about missing Matt or just to tell us more about him so you can maybe start to let you a little. It must have been so difficult for you to watch him suffer and you sound like a wonderful sister. I hope you are also paying attention to your own life and having some fun in spite of these tough times.
Big hugs to you. :grouphug; :cuddle; :grouphug;
I am so sorry for the loss of your brother. I am sorry that he had to suffer so much. Dialysis is tough. I know that you miss him :(. I am a newbie to this website and they are a great group of people. I will keep you and your brother in my prayers. :grouphug;
Welcome Josie, good to have you aboard.
Dear Josie you are totally welcome here!!! This site isn't just for people on dialysis, though obviously we are the majority of the members - it's for caregivers, family, renal staff.. anyone with an interest in the area.. and sadly you qualify well and truly.
It is very distressing to hear your brother had such a horrid time of it with dialysis and passed at such a young age - that is upsetting for anyone to deal with - specially a loving sister.
I think there is a clear message in your story though that any and all of us should take note of - the VITAL importance of the renal diet, fluid restrictions and attending dialysis on a regular basis. I don't want to sound cruel or insensitive but it seems clear that he hastened his own death by wanting to be "normal" when he was suffering with a disease that made his body anything but. Every time I think to myself it sucks having to have restrictions and how much dialysis bugs me.. I think of the alternative.. and every time I think about how much I want an extra drink or something I do think of folks like your brother who did that and paid the ultimate price.
Anyway enough about that - you don't need any more on that. Please DO feel welcome here and while we can't ease your pain and feelings of loss much I am sure that our caring community might help you in some way. Just know you can come here and vent or share your feelings. You're amongst friends here.
:grouphug; :grouphug; :grouphug; :grouphug;
:grouphug; :grouphug; :grouphug; :grouphug;
Hi Josie :waving;
:grouphug; Sorry about your brother. Welcome!
Sorry to hear about your brother. I sure hope that we can all help you heal.. :grouphug;
Hi Josie, I'm sorry to hear about what happened with your brother. You said you want to write to someone like your brother... you know, I'm 23 and it hasn't been easy to deal with this, so if you need to talk with someone, you can drop me a few lines, I'll try to reply ASAP... or you can reach me at msn (asurrenderdemon@hotmail.com)