I Hate Dialysis Message Board
Introduction => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: pam49 on January 27, 2009, 06:08:48 AM
:cheer: Hi my name is Pam.I am new to this web sight.I am 49 and have been doing dialysis since August 7 2008.I hate it.I am trying to get a transplant but my body has built up so many anti bodies.My blood is fighting everyones blood so far.2 of my sisters and 2 of my children have been tested.I have an adopted sister who is my match and she is going through testing now.Pray that it goes okay!
Dialysis wears me out.I am so tired on the days I have it.My doctor says that my body will get used to it.If the transplant doesn't work then I am going to do peritoneal.
Edited: thread moved to proper section: "Introduce yourself" paris, Moderator
Welcome. Check out the posts on IVIG treatments....a possibility to deal with those pesky anitbodies!
:welcomesign; Pam. Lots of info and support here. Nice that you joined us.
Welcome aboard, Pam. Tons of good information and shoulders to cry on. Keep us posted on how you're doing.
:welcomesign; Pam. You found your perfect web site for information and support. Hope to hear more from you. :cuddle;
:welcomesign; Hi Pam, We are so glad you found this great site. There are several of us with the antibody problem. Things they never tell you at the beginnng of this journey!! I hope your sisters testing turns out to be a good match for you. Are you going through the OSU transplant center? Keep posting, ask lots of questions and enjoy being with people who really know what you are going through. :grouphug;
paris, Moderator
Welcome Pam, good to have you aboard.
Hi Pam and :welcomesign;
Glad you joined us. Hope one of those tested will be the match you need.
Good luck,
Welcome to our community, Pam! You have done the right things by joining this wonderful group of caring and sharing people. this is the place for information, for support, and even for fun! More than just a web site, we are a real family :grouphug; so please take advantage of all this site has to offer. Keep reading and keep posting
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Bajanne, Moderator
G'day and :welcomesign;
Welcome to our community!
i Hi Pam
I started dialysis the same day you did. I didn't want but was talked in to a 6 months trial. While I still dont relish the 3 hrs MWF but it has gotten a bt more easier to do. My family is fully supprtive of me shoul I amke decisio to quit now that the 6 months are up
I have cathetor on the left shoulder for the 2nd time. !st one was pulled out on my 1st dialysis not a nice event They immeadiatly placed another which is working well.
As of this date I still will continue due to the extreme support family has shown afetr I broke ahip in January That did not help my thoguths until after I arrived home leaving rehab against drs wishes. Expect to be able drive again by Easter
Best of luck to you
:welcomesign; Pam!
My daughter is on dialysis, waiting for transplant. The first time they tested her dad's blood with her blood.....REJECTION. It took me 3 months to get the insurance companies and labs to test again and what do know..............PERFECTION!!! Ummmm...No rejection second time around. Unfortunately, he has other health issues ???. Request another test!!! It is always worth a try. You are very lucky to have so many people wanting to donate a kidney to you. I am sure that you will get one soon. :flower;