I Hate Dialysis Message Board
Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions) => Topic started by: christine029 on December 21, 2008, 12:41:30 PM
What happens if your too sick or not feeling well to go to dialysis....can you get in trouble for it or is it ok? I have a cold and the last thing I feel like doing is sitting in a chair for three hours... :rant;
I go cold or no cold. Those little bugger Toxins in the blood aggravate a cold more than anything. I usually ask for a mask and warn nurses and techs I am sick.
Christine, at the moment I have the most awful cold and they always hit me hard. But dialysis is necessary for us and missing can cause other problems for you, as Kitkatz said. I really suffered yesterday at D because I was coughing like a crazy person but today I feel 80% better. Better to go and if it gets truly unbearable, come off a half hour early or something. I only wish I'd remembered my cough drops yesterday.
Hope you feel better soon. :cuddle;
You need to go even if you have a cold. There are a lot worse that would make me skip dialysis. Diarrhea is one!
thanks everyone...yeah i was wondering about what happens if you have diarrhea or are throwing up......but i guess ill just go cold or no cold....
Throwing up requires Gravol, by suppository if necessary. I don't have any experience with the other end, thankfully.
I've found that even when I get a cold, Dialysis seems to help me clean it out of my system faster than if I didn't have to go to treatment. So I would make sure you missed as few treatments as possible.
I've also never had the flu since starting treatment.
One thing Dialysis can't seem to filter out though is my cooties.
Sweet Christine - you do need to show up even if you don't feel like it. As others have said, the buildup of toxins doesn't stop just because you feel like &#@#&*)@ - and in fact getting those out can help you get over a cold (or worse things) better because your body won't be fighting so much crap in it.
Also if you don't show up you can be marked as non compliant (with dialysis) in your file and that is NOT good - specially if you're looking towards a transplant at some point as it WILL factor against you (perhaps not fair, but them's the rules).
Anyway I'd show up anyway - it is in your own best interests to have dialysis even if you don't feel like it.
And look at it this way - you may have to sit for 3 hours and hate it... some of us have to sit longer (I do 5).. so think of us even when you feel miserable - it might make you feel a tad better!!! :D
:cuddle; :cuddle; :cuddle;
Yes you still should go...I went once when I had a believed sinus infection...towards the end of my treatment I got a fever and they gave me antibiotics..the next day I was so much better!
I agree try not to miss. and the good news is just tell your nurse at the clinic what you are dealing with that day and they can help with medication. Diarrhea included...Boxman
thanks guys...you guys are more helpful then the people at the dialysis center.....lots of love
I go everytime I must or if I am just plain too sick to go, I reschedule, and by too sick I do not mean a cold or the flu, I mean diarrhea or vomiting or whatnot. But then again, I am only Tuesday and Saturday so my situation may not apply to you. But if you don't go at all, you will be labeled non-compliant and therefore you may lose out on a kidney.
Go, and even though you feel like slime it will help you in the long run, and this is coming from the biggest dialysis hater in the world. One day this will all seem lke a bad dream.
the only times I missed I have vomitting and diarrhea
and I could not be in a chair for any amount of time
then I rescheduled but I found out my doctor does not like for us to have treatment two days in order
If I have to miss on Friday, I always go in on Saturday