I Hate Dialysis Message Board
Introduction => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: dbromley on December 08, 2008, 07:56:45 AM
There, I feel so much better...I finally admitted that I am a user!
Having a transplant on january 7th of 2009, was admitted to the hospital last week , put me on dialysis, this will be my 4th session tonight. And its not so bad. I've known for 3 years that my kidneys were failing, but just recently went downhill. Looking forward to my new kidney!
Welcome to our community, David! Glad you got that off your chest!! ;D You will find that this is a great place to be. There is lots of information here, loads of support and tons of fun. This website is more than a forum - it is a genuine family! :grouphug; I am glad to hear that your sessions haven't been that bad. I am also looking forward to your new kidney and to your joining our list of successful transplants! please keep reading and keep posting!
Hi David.......
Good to have you here!
Just remember, a transplant is not a cure.
G'day and :welcomesign;
Welcome David, good to have you aboard.
Thanks all.
Welcome to IHD. keep us posted on your upcoming transplant. We have lots of info for you in our transplant forum. Hope some of it helps you
:welcomesign;. Great about your upcoming transplant. Keep us updated about how it goes.
Where are you getting the kidney from, someone you know?
Where are you getting the kidney from, someone you know?
Yes, from a friend at our church. He matches 3 of the 6
and my wife was a match also, but she just had our little girl in august and i didn't want her to have to do this.
:welcomesign; David. Please post often and let us know about your transplant. :cuddle;
:welcomesign; David
Hi David!!
What a wonderful way to start the new year! A new baby girl and a new kidney. Good luck to you and all of your family.
Congrats and best of luck on your transplant.
Good luck David, I seem to be in the same boat as you, I haven't started dialysis yet, i am soon, waiting for the final tests. What are your numbers before you started dialysis?, Creatin?, Bun?, etc, Irv
I'm not really sure about BUN, but my creatnine was at a 7.
How did the transplant go David?
I found out christmas eve that i wasn't gonna get the kidney, the donors glucose levels were high, which made him borderline diabetic. But my new surgery date is Feb 25th!!! They found another donor, friend of the family. Amazing, simply amazing
I'm looking forward to my new kidney!
Good luck! Here's hoping all goes well!
:welcomesign; and :bestwishes;
:welcomesign; david
EDITED: Fixed Icon Error - Bajanne, Moderator
Just 6 days away!!! :yahoo;
We are looking forward to your transplant. Please keep us posted!!!
hope all goes well mate
:waving; Hi David