This show should be airing in the US this weekend Saturday and Sunday 8pm and 11pm ET
I just watched it here and it was quite a shock.
The show talks about live donor transplants, some being inside the family circle, others being from perfect strangers.
While I didn't appreciate the fact most of it dealt with the negative and endangering aspects for the donors ( not receiving any follow up from the hospitals after being donors or sometimes even dying or catching very serious diseases ) it also brought to mind that it is very scary the way things are done State side.
Could this explain why some of you don't want to go the transplant route over there?
At the same time it also brought to light that really we have no idea how much the live donors are being put at risk, there are no real studies or means of tracking these people, it's all up in the air what happens to them and their health over the years.
Anyhow I recommend you watch it.
If you are interested in seeing clips from the show go here: clips are on the right side