Patty here (Spinner's wife) Spinner went to regular dialysis last night between 5pm and 9pm he was dialyzed approx 3 1/2 hours. Going in his stomach was bloated, his feet were swollen, blood pressure was running a little high and his breathing was labored. Ok, we thought he would go to dialysis he would tell the technician and if there was any kind of real problem the tech could advise us what to do.
Hawkeye, let me know when you open your center Spinner will come. Like I explained the body weight loss and fluid weight gain were cancelling each other out. I wish the tech would have consulted the Dr. when there was no improvement with dialysis.
And don't forget to rest yourself. This is impacting on you too.
Patty here (Spinner's wife) Spinner went to regular dialysis last night between 5pm and 9pm he was dialized approx 3 1/2 hours. Going in his stomach was bloated, his feet were swollen, blood pressure was running a little high and his breathing was labored. Ok, we thought he would go to dialysis he would tell the technician and if there was any kind of real problem the tech could advise us what to do. Spinner told him all that was going on the tech didn't respond at all. By the end of dialysis Spinner's B/P is spiking 210/100, the tech gives him a pill for high blood pressure and sends him home. Spinner now thinks that maybe we are be'ing too cautiose and worry too much, because the tech wasn't concerned at all. About 30 minutes after we get home his breathing is getting real bad. I called the Dr. and they said bring him into the hospital. (it is 60 miles away). We barely get on the highway and Spinner tells me he can't breath. I called for an ambulance and they met us on the highway and took him in code 3. It took them over an hour to get him stablized before I could go to him. They did another dialysis and took off 7 pounds more fluid. There is talk about a possible heart attack (Dr. waiting for test results) he's now in ICU. I can see him again at 3 pm.I was led to believe that the renal care center would contact the Dr's if a problem developed, am I totally wrong. We were told we couuld contact the renal care center if a problem developed. Even the Dr. wondered why she had not been called. Spinner almost died last night and I don't know what to do. Did I do something wrong, should I have called the Dr. sooner? Should the renal center have made sure the blood pressure was stable before they sent him home or at least wait to see if the meds would help?