Now I just wish someone take it a little further. How about a law about women not exposing their bras too. The whole bra strap showing look is so tacky!
Perhaps they could do the same here with british builders
Anyone who knows me knows I'm for personal freedoms but geez these droopy pant wearers need to uderstand the damaging effects that crack has on others.
Will they outlaw mooney gowns, too?
I agree Beth. Fads come and go. Legislating against what we call "diaper pants" when guys wear their pants so low, seems like a waste of energy. Are the fashion police going to issue citations?When I was a teenager we wore low jeans with patches and embroidery, and I know parents were worried that we were going to run off to Haight-Ashbury, live on the streets and smoke pot all day. But it was a generational fad, replaced by yet another fad.
While we are at it.. can we get rid of the T-backs on low riding jeans on females..