I have no sympathy for this family at all, since it should be regarded by society as a criminal act to have children if you know you are carrrying a gene for a serious hereditary illness. Just for your own pleasure at having children of your own, you should not be able to bring other people into a life of horror.
That's a bit harsh! Perhaps they didn't know they carried the gene when they had children, from what they say they didn't know it was hereditary.. My husband died from prostate cancer and it is likely to be hereditary, but until he was diagnosed (our boys were 11 and 13 then) we had no idea that he had it. Unless there is genetic testing available to all prospective parents you can't blame people for having children when they don't know they carry a disease, and even then surely you have to have some sympathy for the children.
stauffenberg, you've been chewing in too many bitterness pills. I for one am glad that I was born. Was it genetically irresponsible for my mother to have me. Yes. But I think that my being in this world had been a positive for society - my genetic disease and all.So, I understand that you are having a miserable time with kidney disease and all of the co-morbidities that come with it, but that is just your experience. Proposing legislation on reproduction based on genetic makeup is not protecting society, it is just bitterness/misery lashing out.This is life. Health and sickness will always exist - deal with it. The diversity of the gene pool is an amazing thing. Darwin was really on to something, nature will always adapt and we are living/surviving testaments to that.
Stauffenbergs post does seem a little harsh but I always like to read his viewpoints.
What greater form of child abuse can there be?