« Reply #1175 on: March 20, 2008, 06:03:17 PM » |
You got it JBeany.
| Ivanova: "Old Egyptian blessing: May God stand between you and harm in all the empty places you must walk." Babylon 5 Remember your present situation is not your final destination. Take it one day, one hour, one minute, one second at a time. "If we don't find a way out of this soon, I'm gonna lose it. Lose it... It means go crazy, nuts, insane, bonzo, no longer in possession of ones faculties, three fries short of a Happy Meal, wacko!" Jack O'Neill - SG-1
« Reply #1176 on: March 20, 2008, 09:31:23 PM » |
What was Cool Hand Luke's laundry number in the movie?
"Asbestos Gelos" (As-bes-tos yay-lohs) Greek. Literally, "fireproof laughter". A term used by Homer for invincible laughter in the face of death and mortality. 
« Reply #1177 on: March 21, 2008, 12:34:19 AM » |
Luke's dependence on "nothin'" and the many parallels between Luke and Jesus Christ recall the Biblical reference in Luke 1:37: "For with God, nothing shall be impossible." Luke's prisoner number was also 37.
Fun to read this great dialog:
In the bunk house, a litany of rules are delivered by a strutting, cigar-chomping, broad-waisted, white-uniformed guard-floor walker named Carr (Clifton James). Each infraction is rewarded with "a night in the box":
Them clothes got laundry numbers on 'em. You remember your number and always wear the ones that has your number. Any man forgets his number spends the night in the box. These here spoons, you keep with ya. Any man loses his spoon spends a night in the box. There's no playin' grab-ass or fightin' in the building. You got a grudge against another man, you fight him Saturday afternoon. Any man playin' grab-ass or fightin' in the building spends a night in the box. First bell is at five minutes of eight...Last bell is at eight. Any man not in his bunk at eight spends a night in the box. There's no smokin' in the prone position in bed. If you smoke, you must have both legs over the side of your bunk. Any man caught smokin' in the prone position in bed spends the night in the box. You'll get two sheets. Every Saturday, you put the clean sheet on the top and the top sheet on the bottom. The bottom sheet you turn into the laundry boy. Any man turns in the wrong sheet spends a night in the box. No one will sit in the bunks with dirty pants on. Any man with dirty pants on sittin' on the bunks spends a night in the box. Any man don't bring back his empty pop bottle spends a night in the box. Any man loud-talkin' spends a night in the box. You got questions, you come to me... Any man don't keep order spends a night in the box.
« Reply #1178 on: March 21, 2008, 10:46:43 AM » |
You're up, karol!
"Asbestos Gelos" (As-bes-tos yay-lohs) Greek. Literally, "fireproof laughter". A term used by Homer for invincible laughter in the face of death and mortality. 
« Reply #1179 on: March 21, 2008, 10:56:07 AM » |
What common chemical added to blood greatly increases its storage time without adversely affecting the quality?
« Reply #1180 on: March 21, 2008, 06:51:05 PM » |
Ahh Vodka....Boxman
 "Be the change you wished to be" Started Hemodialysis 8/14/06 Lost lower right leg 5/16/08 due to Diabetes Sister was denied donation to me for medical reasons 1/2008
« Reply #1181 on: March 21, 2008, 09:29:36 PM » |
« Reply #1182 on: March 21, 2008, 10:57:40 PM » |
Ahh Vodka....Boxman
no Saline??
« Reply #1183 on: March 22, 2008, 11:12:03 AM » |
Sugar?  ?
"I know there's nothing to it, but I want to know what it is there's nothing to"
« Reply #1184 on: March 22, 2008, 11:17:43 AM » |
Yes! Sugar it is! You're up! 
« Reply #1185 on: March 22, 2008, 12:05:41 PM » |
I'll keep it on the blood topic for a minute.
What percentage of a person's body weight is blood?
« Last Edit: March 22, 2008, 12:10:43 PM by willieandwinnie »
"I know there's nothing to it, but I want to know what it is there's nothing to"
« Reply #1186 on: March 22, 2008, 06:16:29 PM » |
live life to the full and you won't die wondering
« Reply #1187 on: March 22, 2008, 06:20:42 PM » |
« Reply #1188 on: March 22, 2008, 06:37:41 PM » |
According to the Red Cross it is 7% unless your on dialysis and the damn machine clots  ...Boxman
 "Be the change you wished to be" Started Hemodialysis 8/14/06 Lost lower right leg 5/16/08 due to Diabetes Sister was denied donation to me for medical reasons 1/2008
« Reply #1189 on: March 23, 2008, 04:49:14 AM » |
You got it boxman 
"I know there's nothing to it, but I want to know what it is there's nothing to"
« Reply #1190 on: March 23, 2008, 04:50:55 AM » |
« Reply #1191 on: March 23, 2008, 08:53:38 AM » |
Man I am glad I shaved when that picture was taken Rerun ...Boxman
 "Be the change you wished to be" Started Hemodialysis 8/14/06 Lost lower right leg 5/16/08 due to Diabetes Sister was denied donation to me for medical reasons 1/2008
« Reply #1192 on: March 23, 2008, 08:56:12 AM » |
Okay i am up here is the question...An ounce of gold can be stretched into a wire how many miles long?? Boxman
 "Be the change you wished to be" Started Hemodialysis 8/14/06 Lost lower right leg 5/16/08 due to Diabetes Sister was denied donation to me for medical reasons 1/2008
« Reply #1193 on: March 23, 2008, 09:03:10 AM » |
One ounce of gold can be stretched into a wire more than 40 miles long.
"I know there's nothing to it, but I want to know what it is there's nothing to"
« Reply #1194 on: March 23, 2008, 09:04:32 AM » |
One ounce of gold can be stretched into a wire more than 40 miles long.
ding try again sorry...Boxman
 "Be the change you wished to be" Started Hemodialysis 8/14/06 Lost lower right leg 5/16/08 due to Diabetes Sister was denied donation to me for medical reasons 1/2008
« Reply #1195 on: March 23, 2008, 09:11:13 AM » |
OK, how about this: Gold is so soft and malleable that one-ounce can be stretched into a wire 50 miles long, or hammered into a sheet so thin it covers 100 square feet.
"I know there's nothing to it, but I want to know what it is there's nothing to"
« Reply #1196 on: March 23, 2008, 09:13:23 AM » |
Now you got it Ollie!!! go for it, Happy Easter to you...Boxman
 "Be the change you wished to be" Started Hemodialysis 8/14/06 Lost lower right leg 5/16/08 due to Diabetes Sister was denied donation to me for medical reasons 1/2008
« Reply #1197 on: March 23, 2008, 09:16:06 AM » |
Thanks boxman, and a very Happy Easter to you.  This one is probably to easy, but here it goes. Which was Hitchcock’s last picture? It was filmed in 1976.
"I know there's nothing to it, but I want to know what it is there's nothing to"
« Reply #1198 on: March 23, 2008, 09:28:44 AM » |
"Good Evening" was it Family Plot?? ...Boxman
 "Be the change you wished to be" Started Hemodialysis 8/14/06 Lost lower right leg 5/16/08 due to Diabetes Sister was denied donation to me for medical reasons 1/2008
« Reply #1199 on: March 23, 2008, 09:30:37 AM » |
Your right boxman. I knew that one was going to be too easy. Your turn.
"I know there's nothing to it, but I want to know what it is there's nothing to"