What a thoughtful gift! I have a friend who had to get rid of her automated litter box because her cat liked it a little TOO much - she had it in her bedroom, and he'd sit by it all during the night and just step in and out of it to make it run so he could watch the movement, and the noise kept her from getting any sleep! I hope you don't have that problem!
Well I spoke to my doc today and brought up the question of transplants and pets and he said he couldn't see any reason why I couldn't keep my little sweet cat as long as I was careful with things like the litter tray and not kissing her etc. YAY!!!!That took a bit of worry off me... of course the transplant team might say something else, but for now I am worrying less about that.. or rather there are other things to worry about more.. (sigh)
The thought of having to give her up, even for a few months, really upset me because I've grown so used to her.. heck even when I go away for a night I miss her not jumping up to curl up in "her" spot. (I am trained well!)..