I have just had my first orientation to decide on what type of dialysis to do. My neph and nurses think PD is perfect for me, so I am learning all I can. (Thank you Goofynina and Rerun!) My center trains on manual and cycler both during the training period. Manual for when power goes out or traveling, etc. With hurricanes (the natural ones, not hockeye) we can lose power for a week. Thanks to all of you that are already on PD and are helping those of us be less afraid of the future
Hi All. I was really excited to come across this website. I've been reading everyone's messages and I've learned so much. THANK YOU. I had my PD catheter placed on 10/05/07 and I start my PD training on 10/22/07. I have been feeling really depress. I can't seem to get use to the idea of this foreign object connected to me. On top of it all, my belly is all swollen and it is very comfortable to situp.