* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands? i cant even write with one, i email everyone and everything (lazy)
Whistle? yep, out of both ends
Blow a bubble? yep, out of both ends
Roll your tongue in a circle? circle, square, triangle, octagon, my tongue is talented
Cross your eyes? yes, and my legs
Touch your tongue to your nose? i bet it can touch your nose
Wiggle your ears? i think that is the only part of this body that doesnt wiggle (or jiggle)
Not laugh when tickled? i cant even not fart if i am tickled (so dont even think about it)
sheeeit, what'chu think? Gots'ta get my freak on baby
Sing? i heard my singing can drive a person to drink, lol, so i guess thats a NO
Stay up a whole night without sleep? been there done that plenty of times (damn Nintendo games)
Speak a different language? Spanglish = Spanish/English
Draw? i cant draw but i play a mean game of pictionary baby
Tread water for 5 minutes? with no problem, matter of fact, i am going to go tread water at my sisters now
Make up stories? only if it is to get me OUT of a lie
Impersonate someone? i have a hard time acting like myself, much less impersonate someone else
Make a card pyramid? only 2 levels
Cook anything? if i have the ingredients sure,
Keep a secret? eh? um? well? hmmm? i plead the fizzith on this one your honor