Maybe you’ve developed an allergy?
Hi all, I've been a bit of a lurker because I haven't had a lot of questions that I couldn't find answers to here. Now, I am 2 yr 9 months post transplant and have a question. I find that exercise always makes me feel better, and I am part of a local cycling club. I ride maybe 50-80 mile a week, which isn't that much if one rides regularly. For about the past 6 months I have also had some kind of illness. It generally starts with stuffiness below my eye area (no runny nose) a feeling of irritation in my throat, a low grade fever/chills and fatigue and some gut issues. I can tell when I'm getting it because i am very cranky for no apparent reason when it is starting. I had some immune issues and was hospitalized the first year due to an overly suppressed immune system. I have had blood tests whenever this happens, and the neph says that everything is good and my numbers are normal for someone who is immunosuppressed. No BK, active CMV, EBV --once I was even tested for parvo! This is now happening almost every week, and I'm not even riding all that hard. Has anyone experienced this? Could it have something to do with exercise? I've read that the idea that exercise suppresses the immune system has been debunked