I think there was someone here on IHD who mentioned having a biopsy done at his/her local hospital instead of at his/her tx center because of insurance issues; that made me wonder.
Almost exactly a year ago, I had to travel up to UW Madison for a biopsy. That's where my tx center is; it is out of network for me, so I needed a referral.
They ran labs when I arrived, and once they got my results back, we decided that a biopsy wasn't required, after all.
One year later, I am still wrangling with whoever it is that issues referrals and manages out-of-network charges to get them to pay the claim. My ins co is fine with paying it, but for whatever reason, these middlemen are doing everything they can to delay paying, even resorting to claiming that what they sent to me wasn't a "referral", rather, it was an "in office memo" despite the fact that the document in question has the words "referral" and "authorization number" on it.

Anyway, it has all been such a kerfuffle that it made me wonder if anyone here has had a biopsy done at a local hospital instead of fighting the bureaucracy to have it done at an out of network center. I mean, is it even possible, or did I just imagine that someone here indeed did this? No one is chasing me to have one done now, but in case my tx team wants me, in the future, to have a biopsy, I would just like to know if it HAS to be done up there. I mean, can you trust someone at a local hospital to do a biopsy on a transplanted organ?